Yesterday at 01:15 PM
I did pilates this morning, trying to alternate it with power walking. For beginners trying pilates, I highly recomment the Youtube series "Move with Nicole" just google it and to be safe I add beginnger pilates to the search as I am a little chicken to move to intermediate level. Her Youtube feeds are free and she has a knack of making the time pass quickly. She also does not reguire equipment in most of them other than a mat, but if you don't have a mat, I do fine lying on carpet doing the exercises. I want to try walking again tomorrow, if I have enough time; I have to bring my latest rescue stray cat to the vet at 7:45 AM for his neuter & shots.
Today, I finally got a couple x-rays done on the foot I slammed into the door that I really feel things aren't exactly normal in there. It's be great if I'm just paranoid. However, I have this memory of my paternal grandmother who has since passed away. She did something to hurt one or two of her toes in her 30s, could have had it looked at and fixed then but didn't and in her 60s and 70s getting an operation on it was too risky with her other health problems (high blood pressure, heart palpitations, diabetes) that operation wasn't feasible and as she got older it bothered her more and more. She always told me if I had something like that happen to me, I needed to get it looked at when I was young enough and in good health enough to fix it if that was what was needed. A few weeks late, but better to take her advise now than risk issues from it in the future when it's too late to help.
My hope is that I'm just being paranoid about it, and nothing will show up. I should have the results in a few days.
Bipolar 1, PTSD, anorexia, panic disorder, ADHD
Seroquel, Cymbalta, propanolol, buspirone, Trazodone, gabapentin, lamotrigine, hydroxyzine,
There's a crack in everything. That is how the light gets in.
--Leonard Cohen