I'm so sorry. Shadow was such a great dog. I know he didn't really play for the Red Sox and help them win the 2013 World Series, but there's a piece of me that sees him running for home plate in a blaze of glory.
Me - I've been in shock anger, and depression for the past few days. I'm okay, and then it hits me. Writing makes me feel better, but somehow, I end up playing solitaire and feeling horrible instead.
Teeth are better, but I still don't trust my dentist and think I made a big mistake. Other minor health issues still a problem.
I love the church I go to. I volunteered for some tasks, a couple which I love (flower arranging, a creativity group - we all need the socialization; COVID took that away from us) and some which I don't like so much, but someone has to do them - vestry, disaster planning, lead intercessors, and a couple of others. Now I've been asked to take on Senior Warden. This task involves management, meetings, and making decisions that I'm uncomfortable with. I don't want to do it. I said "No" at first, and then agreed to do it. Believe it or not, there really isn't anyone else. We're a really small group, and Sr. Warden has to be on the vestry. (It's really Bishop's Committee because we're so small, but I figured if I called it that, you wouldn't know what I was talking about.) Additionally, my friend is losing her eyesight, and needs a lot of rides. Her family is useless, and she can't use Uber or Dial-a-Ride. I'm feeling taken advantage of. I do have the time to do all these things. I just don't want to do a lot of them.
I also don't want to do a lot of the chores at home that need to get done.
I'll post happier stuff in the future.