Originally Posted by Nammu
Muddy if the guy is giving you your dad vibes ,….run. You need less chaos not more. Less drugs not more.
All I really meant is he just has a similar sense of humor as my dad (I mean, it's kinda vulgar and cruel, but frankly it's hot, and nothing as extreme as my dad like his bestiality jokes). He hasn't drank since April, only drug he does is MJ and even that he's taking a break from right now. I'm worried
I'm the bad influence on
him! (Not really)
Trust me, this dude is wayyy better than porn-star dude
. Also better than my "Thanksgiving tour."
Except the "I want love/intimacy/affection; I'm afraid of love/intimacy/affection" is going RAMPANT all up in my carbon.
edit: totally possible I'm looking at red flags as gates on a slalom course (BANG 'EM!
). To be fair, the guy did make fun of me for falling out of a tree and breaking my leg and shoved me into a locker when we were in school. That was also 15 years ago though.