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Old Jan 15, 2025, 09:02 PM
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nobodynoz1113 nobodynoz1113 is offline
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Member Since: Jan 2025
Location: Texas
Posts: 16
@Yaowen Your words are kind and compassionate! Hardly pathetic. Please don't beat yourself up, you took the time to reply to me and that means more to me than you might think. Sure being broke and having to go without any comforts is really awful, but one thing money can't buy is kindness from another person. It means even more when that person is seemingly a stranger who still wanted to reach out.

I like the idea of sticky notes with positive reinforcement on them, when I get back to the store or I can pilfer some from my boss's desk, I'm going to write myself several and put them around the RV. Thank you for the good idea .

I hope you have a blessed night and a great rest of your week!
Hugs from:
Discombobulated, Yaowen