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Old Jan 19, 2025, 02:37 PM
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NovaBlaze NovaBlaze is offline
Member Since: Nov 2024
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Originally Posted by Wherehaveigone26 View Post
Just finally had it, motivating me enough to try to lose weight and lose him. I don’t want to feel like this, but I do.
Sorry to hear you are going through a tough time in your relationship, @Wherehaveigone26.

Although you quoted a fairly minor example there (not buying bread), I’m guessing it’s like the straw that broke the camel’s back. It sounds like there’s some serious issues here behind the scenes.

Have you both sat down and had a conversation about the fact that neither of you are making each other happy? It doesn’t have to be argumentative or confrontational, just an open, calm and honest conversation, which you could initiate.

I’m not sure that any relationship is easy, no matter how much love and respect couples have for each other. As much as, in an ideal world, the mundane day to day living tasks should be shared amongst each of you, I’ve found there are times when for various reasons I’ve not been able to pull my weight, and my partner has had to support me. Conversely, I’ve done the same - when my partner worked in an exceptionally stressful job, and worked very long hours (a job, which I should point out she loved and enjoyed), I took on the bulk of the work keeping everything going, and was happy to do so - I wanted my partner to be happy and successful, and I knew how much she valued me doing this and appreciated it.

I guess my point is, you seem to have lost your mutual respect for each other, and I think when that happens, you need to have a conversation.

I hope you’re able to resolve your issues, and if not, then you can find the strength to change things. Life is short.
Thanks for this!
ReptileInYourHead, volsinchy