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Old Yesterday, 08:17 PM
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NP_Complete NP_Complete is offline
Grand Magnate
Member Since: Feb 2017
Location: the upside down
Posts: 3,923
I feel like I've said everything I need to say to him over the course of two letters that we shared in December. What I want is to spend time with him. His presence feels comforting and familiar. I guess what I hoped for over these two months was to ease the transition to not having him to talk to and some guidance on what to do next regarding therapy. But I am very slow to get things like finding a new therapist done and two months will be gone in the blink of an eye. I have only gotten to the point of clarifying what I would say to a potential new therapist. That already took half our time.
Hugs from:
LonesomeTonight, LostOnTheTrail, unaluna