Just because an online university issues a bachelor's degree in education, it doesn't mean that degree will be accredited in the state you live in. You need to contact the Board of Education in your state to see if they will accredit a teaching degree from the university. Or if that university has statistics on how many of its online students have gone on to successfully become teachers? Alongside that, for most public school teaching at least you need to have 1 year of probationary teaching as well. Whether you are paid or not for this teaching depends. When my husband went back to school to get the credits he needed to teach, the school district that hired him was paired with his courses, and they paid during the probationary year. He first checked with all the potential school districts in our area where he would apply and didn't just take the online university's word that they hired teachers with degrees from said university. The schools around here did, but H's online school had a physical campus as well (which sometimes he had to go to for classes) and the STEM teaching program was tied into the State of Texas Workforce Commission, so it's a program funded through the state government. When my brother-in-law got his degree, he had to spend an entire year as a teaching assistant first working under a veteran teacher, UNPAID during that year AND having to pay his university for the working 40 hours a week that entire year unpaidl!
And not to be too harsh, but how realistic is it to think that if your husband can't grocery shop or cook he can handle a classroom full of kids?
Bipolar 1, PTSD, anorexia, panic disorder, ADHD
Seroquel, Cymbalta, propanolol, buspirone, Trazodone, gabapentin, lamotrigine, hydroxyzine,
There's a crack in everything. That is how the light gets in.
--Leonard Cohen
Last edited by Blueberrybook; Feb 07, 2025 at 07:09 PM.