Update : this just happened tonight…
How much more can I take? He just comes home - from work - complaining he thought Mr. B’s memorial and our dinner date with friends were the same day, when I told him yesterday they were 2 different Saturdays, the dinner first this coming Saturday then Mr. B’s memorial the next Saturday. Then He complains - and yells - that I didn’t put it in the reminders (on our iPads) . I said “why do I need to do that when I just told you yesterday that it was two different weekends?” Then he complains he doesn’t know what day it is. I’m like - “that - I can’t help with…” I cannot do his thinking for him. All I wanted to do was tell him Mrs. B called here and I talked to her. She was looking for my in-laws number - and I told her their phone number is the same. He turns what could have been a nice calm conversation into an argument. For no GD reason. I swear if it wasn’t too cold out, I would just go out for a walk at 10:30pm. If I wasn’t drinking I would get in my car and take off. It’s not me.