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Old Feb 25, 2025, 09:32 PM
June08 June08 is offline
Member Since: Sep 2022
Location: USA
Posts: 427
@JaneOnceMore I'm impressed you go out to eat on your own. I've gone to movies by myself, but always bring food home if I want to pick up food but don't have anyone to go with me. If I'm going to go out a sit somewhere, I go to a coffee shop.

@LadyShadow I'm so sorry. As someone who has also struggled with feeling like I'm being punished by God because of my bipolar disorder, if you like rock music, the song Good Enough for God by Citizen Soldier might help you through this. It flat out says "I've never felt so lost trying to be good enough for God."

What a week this has been at work! We've had a safety thing come up that required serious intervention, a poor kiddo got sick in the middle of class (not mine), and we had a fire drill. And, it's only Tuesday. I got another good walk in today-at a local park-though so that was nice. I might have over did it a little-I'll probably rest tomorrow, especially since I don't want to be coming and going for a walk while my roommate is on an important video call.
Lamotrigine: 300 mg
Bupropion: 150 mg
Risperidone: 4 mg
Quetiapine: 12.5 mg
Hugs from:
bizi, Blueberrybook, Crazy Hitch, JaneOnceMore, Nammu
Thanks for this!