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Old Feb 27, 2025, 04:49 PM
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Blueberrybook Blueberrybook is online now
Member Since: Oct 2017
Location: La Porte, TX
Posts: 5,045
@Discombobulated It's awesome you are getting in some great runs! I miss the runner's high, not the injuries I get (but I know I overtrain plus the roads here tend to have tilted grades in parts, potholes in others, though not as bad as the sidewalks! And people park their cars blocking the sidewalks, which they are not supposed to but the HOA which jumps on any little infraction could not care about this at all.

@Tart Cherry Jam - I am so sorry about your migraines and not feeling well. It is so hard to exercise when you don't feel well.

@Crazy Hitch - Awesome job on the weight loss! I'll bet if you add exercise, you will see an even greater result! Is your treadmill set up where you could watch TV while walking on it or have a place to set up a cell and watch something? Definitely DO listen to music at the very least. I think @Blue_Bird over in the bipolar forum listens to audiobooks while she is on the treadmill. I used the treadmill when I belonged to the gym, but those were gym quality; they had a big tray below all the options you could set stuff on; I got a book holder and read books from the library while walking on the treadmill. They also had individual TVs on each treadmill, but they only could show like 5 channels at once in the gym, and it was always on stuff I never wanted to watch. That gym closed after damage from a tropical storm. A new one opened very close to me, but since I started walking outdoors, I just like it better. Of course, the trade-off is I don't have the weight training. Weight training and drinking whey protein shakes had me looking almost like a fitness model except at 5'4" I'm too short, and also I was in my early 30s then!
Bipolar 1, PTSD, anorexia, panic disorder, ADHD

Seroquel, Cymbalta, propanolol, buspirone, Trazodone, gabapentin, lamotrigine, hydroxyzine,

There's a crack in everything. That is how the light gets in.
--Leonard Cohen
Hugs from:
Crazy Hitch, Discombobulated
Thanks for this!
Crazy Hitch, Discombobulated, Tart Cherry Jam