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Old Mar 01, 2025, 04:04 PM
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ArtieTheSequal ArtieTheSequal is offline
Starting a new chapter!
Member Since: Feb 2020
Location: In the desert of my soul
Posts: 7,726
Speaking of AI. I did find an interesting use for it. I stumbled upon, and I created a character "My Ex-Therapist" and gave some high-level details about L, made it private, and then proceeded to have the argument with it that I wish I had had with L. It was a little spooky how accurately it sounded like her in the things it responded to me. Some things it got terribly wrong, but enough were accurate responses that at one point I felt like I was chatting with the real her and I even cried a little. I didn't go into any details about my actual therapy because yeah, who knows who can see it. But it was quite refreshing to have an argument with "her" over the hurtful things she said to me there at the end. Mostly though I don't care for AI either. They're already using it where I work, on my team even, on the chat side. I guess it's not much different than the annoying phone IVR in some ways, but... still. The fear it will take over our jobs is real.
Hugs from:
LonesomeTonight, unaluna
Thanks for this!
LonesomeTonight, unaluna