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Member Since May 2008
Posts: 39
Default Jul 07, 2008 at 05:41 PM
I have an issue that just came up and if I am wrong to have gotten upset or worried I would like to know.

I am 23 weeks pregnant at the moment and I found out I am carrying a girl.

The guy I got pregnant by and I are very iffy most of the time. We both have different views on things. I am monogamous and he is poly (He wants to sleep with multiple partners). That has caused enough problems but I think we finally got past that. Sadly another issue has been brought to light when we started talking about how we wish to raise our daughter...

I know he won't be impressed with me asking for opinions on this but I honestly really feel I should just in case I am in the wrong.

Sex is extremely important to him therefore it seems important for his daughter. He said we should teach our daughter about genitalia and probably sex at age 8. He said he would do this by showing the daughter his genitals to show what "boys" have. To show her that boys and girls have different sexual organs.

I was shocked but then he said he heard that you do this on that Late Night Sex Show.

My first thoughts were shock and disgust. Then I felt worry....

I told him my father never showed me his genitals to teach me about sex and if he did I can imagine I would be semi-disturbed...

I said to him then that I felt I should teach the kid about sex and then he said that I would teach her lots of "wrong" things.

If we had a son I would probably feel more comfortable with him explaining sex issues to the son but since it is a daughter I feel I should be the one explaining.

The next thing I said to him is why couldn't I just find a picture online or show a picture in a book of a genitals to show our daughter.

He said he doesn't want our daughter learning about sex in the school system and should know all this stuff way before hand. Which is fine by me... It's just that one thing he wants to do...

I know this issue isn't going to come to light any time soon but it made me wonder if I should have warning bells go off...

He got more offended when I said things and then accused me of calling him a child molester... Now he says he will have nothing to do with the child (though he could be just overreacting) and will just send child support. I really want him in the daughter's life but I'm not sure if this is a warning sign to trouble or if this is actually an okay way to teach a child of sex. Plus he is now saying I would try to get him in jail because of all this... If he did try to show our child his genitals I would feel the need to alert someone. I personally feel it's really wrong... But maybe I'm wrong.

I'd really love opinions on this.

Thank you!

*edited to add a trigger icon by Rainbowzz
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