My previous dr.. "played" with meds for a year.. for my blood pressure.. which can happen..
I switched drs... and Norvasc.. is what I take.. it brought it down.. within 3 weeks.. and mine was as high as yours.. though at the time I wasn't on any psych.. meds..though.. it works fine with my psych meds... now..
thru the last 7 years... these things dramatically impact my blood pressure..
Because I have an eating disorder... it becomes apparent..more so.. than.. probably other people..
so.. when "good".. in my eating disorder... I eat no sugar, salt.. and my blood pressure drops very low.. because.. of the med.. it counters.. the "bad foods effect"..
calcium/magnes/vit D supplement... also when I am able to take it.. drops my blood pressure..
fresh fruit... apples.. bananas... peaches.. when I am able to eat these.. drops my blood pressure...
have you checked.. to see if any of your psych meds.. cause high blood pressure...
and.. did your dr.. give you a reason.. for the jump???
thinking of you....