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Member Since Jan 2005
Location: UK
Posts: 124
Default Mar 13, 2005 at 08:22 AM
Hi Kelly, welcome to the forums.

Yes, all that Angie, jmo and Place said I can agree with too. It is so scary the first time.

I try to 'ride through it', get to a safe place, have someone hold your hand. I also found out what a person who is with you needs to do, cos it can be frightening for them. Forewarned is forearmed.

If there is anyone there, they need to keep calm, 'be', and encourage you to look at them and breathe - count in and out. It's about being safe, too.

I remember my first big one heralded my breakdown. Something big is going on inside for it to happen, so please take care of yourself, rest, find a peaceful place, and don't be hard on yourself. Your body takes a battering when a panic comes, like a thunderstorm, and needs space to recover.

Its only with hindsight that I say a lot of this ! I am now starting to practice what I preach ! I went into a huge state of denial that there was anything wrong with me.

I hope you can continue to post and you will find that this is a very comforting, accepting place (as i have).

Teacher says 'you are not alone'.

off for a rest now, take care Kelly.........Poppet
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