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Default Aug 01, 2008 at 04:41 PM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>

Well, because it sounds like you are testing him. Are you testing to see if he will rescue you from your financial distress by perhaps seeing you at a reduced rate or telling you not to worry about it and come in anyway? I think cutting back sessions until you solve your financial situation sounds very mature and responsible. Maybe cut back to once a week or once every two weeks for a little while. We all screw up once in awhile, so try not to beat yourself up over it. Also, are there other ways to make up for the financial loss, perhaps tighten your budget in other areas so that you can keep going to all of your sessions? I know I'd cut my cable off before I'd quit therapy, so it's a matter of looking at what's most important to you.

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Honestly, if I wanted a reduced rate, I'd ask him for one. It has been done before. The reason why I left that message is because that is how hopeless I feel right now. You have no idea what it is like to working full-time as a therapist with a fairly decent salary, and have $70 for the next two weeks. I really don't have the time or energy to test him at this point. Our therapy has gone through a very positive transformation ever since he switched agencies-- but the travel time and money spent for gas will take quite a toll on me next month when I start school.

My T is flexible with finances TO A POINT. I am also VERY, VERY, VERY sensitive about making sure that I pay people that I receive services from and that I do not get behind. In all the financial distress, I have never been more than a week behind with therapy. I have ALWAYS made up the money on the following session. I am not testing or hoping that he would say, "don't worry about it," because A) he would never say it, and B) I would never agree to it.

Last time he offered a reduced fee, I refused because I knew I needed to scale back on finances.

I was very direct, even with my pdoc, about this. I have an appointment with him on Monday. I left him a message yesterday telling him that there was no way I could pay him, so I was leaving it up to him as to whether or not he would like me to come in. He called back and said not to worry about it, that he will just give me an envelope and I can pay when I have the money.

I appreciate you telling me not to beat myself up over this, but the thing is, this isn't a "once in awhile" type of screw up. I wish it was.
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