Thread: Gifted Children
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Member Since Sep 2008
Location: Ontario Canada
Posts: 26
Default Sep 18, 2008 at 09:30 AM
Well, here's hoping at least....

You are right though, being gifted, high IQ, etc, is not an easier road than those on the opposite end of the spectrum. My IQ last test was 142, if I was able to apply myself at school I got high honours, if I was not happy in a class due to whatever reason, I would almost fail. I was able to do anything I wanted, from science and music to machine shop and woodworking. Didn't matter, I was able to do it all. I was labeled by my peers as a brainer, and a loser, a geek and a weirdo... in any case I was never accepted, except by the geeks.. lol.. I hated school, I loved learning. I still love learning. I am not only teaching my girls, but learning with them at the same time, that and I am currently engaged in a correspondence course on herbology (again.. its a 20+ year study for me).

Not only do I love to learn, I love to share what I learn. I don't "teach" per say, I share knowledge I have gleened myself. I suppose you could say that is teaching, but I don't have an Official Teachers Degree that says I can teach.

pet peeve.. certificates.. why do people put so much faith and trust and power into peices of paper that state someone can do something... I think we should put grades on those,,, this way we know if our Licensed mechanic (for instance) graduated with honours or nearly failed.. hmmm would we prefer a doctor who got 51% overall or 98%? Although that too is not a trusty indicator of their ability/knowledge/etc now is it.. but it is an interesting concept..

Ok, I'm rambling on again


Originally Posted by Luce View Post
... And... the sad fact is that the educational systems we have in place are not able to deliver that, and probably never will be.
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