Thread: Dissociation
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Default Sep 21, 2003 at 03:37 PM
Thanks Dias, Peanut, Carrie, and Rapunzel for your replies. I appreciate that you would share your ideas with me. I appreciate the idea of using something to feel (like rings) to help "shift gears" out of dissociation. I guess I've sometimes done that with a necklace, or feeling a rock I like (sometimes I carry it in my pocket on bad's from a beach I like). And I've sometimes done other things to snap out of it. Somehow all the tricks I've done in the past aren't really working right at the moment. I did talk with my counselor about it this and he knows I am doing badly right now but as far as making things better.....I don't know what the answer is. siggggghhhhhhhhhhhh. Anyway, thanks for listening. I really appreciate it.

Take care,

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