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Old Oct 07, 2008, 07:35 PM
nowheretorun nowheretorun is offline
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Member Since: Mar 2003
Location: Rocky Mtn High, love all :)
Posts: 12,724
believe you can make it @nonymous.. healing Spirit leaves none behind... when i want spirit to notice me, one thing i can do is give thanks... Spirit responds with love always... i pray you will be touched by a healing, good, kind spirit today and you may hold that spirit with you for any period of time you choose too.. Spirit leaves none in despair... be at peace that good is happening for you always though at times it is difficult to see clearly... trust in the spirit of wellness and better comfort.. Spirit denies none of us any of the good things... it is our task to learn the lessons that let us truly love and enjoy this beautiful gift of life.. the path is within reach for all.. the keys have been lain before us.. we hold the keys to this engine.. may Good Spirit fill you now and always... love to all..