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Default Oct 15, 2008 at 07:42 PM
I am sorry it took so long to come back and say what happened . It took awhile to sort it out. I had to wait for the Principal to call me back. Which she did do 3xs.
My son was not at fault for this. Why they did not call me is, it seems it went to a teacher , who took it to a consular , who then at end of the day took it the Principal.
I am still not happy with the way they handled it at all. Schools need to step up.....
He was hit in the jaw and lip. Had to wait till he got home first. As the principal thought son was just pushed into the lockers.....
Oh forgot to say hes ok,,,just a sore jaw and fat lip....
Any ways I had my son call back the school and talk right to the principal. While it was fresh in his head, I was very proud of him,He talked like a adult.
Handled himself very well. Admitted to calling the other kid a name after being hit. Told her everything. He has really come far from this summer.
I just can not believe it happened to him again. Or how the school handled it.
But if it had not been handled this way I would not have seen how far he has come ? He did tell the principal that he would have protected his girlfriend thou..if she had been hit...
I told him that would be the correct thing to do. As there were 2 boys ...
Also he told the principal about issue with me, which he did not have to do. And said he never wanted to hurt another person......
((( I love my son))))))))))))))
THe only thing that made me a little sad but I am glad hes aware. He said to me after " I can not trust everyone can I"
I had to tell him no he can not....But that there are really good ppl out there. He will learn who he can and who he can not.
On another note...He wants to go to college for Justis's ((police I think he means))
I want to thank all of you for all your support as always. I really needed to at that point vent, I was stunded. He used my same words i am *ok*
I thought But he is better than ok....alittle sore ...but very much grown up........ I can not tell you how much he means to me,
My heart sunk with that call. He was even adult about calling me. He did not want it to come otta the blue....
((((thank you everyone))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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