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Default Oct 17, 2008 at 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by nightbird View Post
oh Dear Muffy .... xoxoxoxoxo

I feel for you both! It's awful stuff, this bullying.
It's changing the way we live!
Now we have to take self-defense to defend ourselves against attacks from others!

I don't know what I can say on the matter ... other than it angers me so that your son, and your family, have to suffer at the hands of bullies.

It's not right!

Be well, Dear Person, and try real hard to look at today, and stay in the moment, when your heart gets heavy... I think you will resolve this thing somehow, I know you will.

Peace and Love,


(((nightbird))))))))))))))))))))) you are the kindest sweetest person..
Hes such a tall kid and really truly now defend himself. He just was not allowed as it was in school. He also has come to this real peaceful spot in his heart. I do think the girlfriend helped alot. He did as I said swear back at the kid. He has done his 2 days lunch detention. Which was the right thing to do. He is going to meet with someone at school and the other boy and try to work it out. I hope that works...
THere seems to be a underlaying tension at the school right now.
Which i think scares me more than him. ((can not go into that part thou)))
I can say with out a doubt had his girl friend been punched ,,......the out come would have been different....that scares me....

I added this it was on other page (((nightbird)))) I had to think awhile as this is a subject close to my heart. ((my kids)) as you know awwww

he plans on going into peace work other wise known as police man...or farther....
on a scale he has learned from all this. The issue this summer and the one now.
One he has learned how much bulling hurts. Two.. if he does it makes him one...
three ..that there are ways to try to correct it...which means speaking out...
With him its working threw the school
With me its making ppl aware once again....
ppl in our area,,,,ppl at they had it not correct.
Once again I will say for some unknown reason I thought my kids were safe.
no child is safe unless we as adults stand up for them.
And speak out at our schools, our representives. our ppl next door. who ever will listen.
sorry i went on so long

Last edited by muffy; Oct 17, 2008 at 05:05 PM.. Reason: added
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