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Heart Oct 19, 2008 at 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by nightbird View Post
Bless your hearts.

I have someone close to my heart who was bullied as a child and poured his heart into sports instead of retaliation, and as an adult is now a peace officer in his town. My godchild. A good person.

See, the good thing is we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Your son will be fine, it's the schools, and the disturbed kids acting out that need programs, and the rest of the population in every community prepared to stomp out the small fires before young people get hurt.

I'm so ((((relieved Muffy & Son & Family)))) that this has passed.

I'm glad your boy is 6 ft. too, ( :

May the day of aggressive behavior Never ever darken your doorway again!!! Never Ever!

Peaceful solutions can work, given time.

Much Love to you and yours, and I'm so relieved you Guys are getting thru it !
And thankful you are a voice of light in your area~



(I hope with all my heart that nobody lays a hand on your child ever again, not ever)

aww(((nightbird and god son))))))))))))))))))))
Its good to hear good storys thank you

I so agree with this (((May the day of aggressive behavior Never ever darken your doorway again!!! Never Ever!)))))

and this ((((I hope with all my heart that nobody lays a hand on your child ever again, not ever))))) No one had better touch my son again. I pray with all my heart he stays safe....
May all children be safe.......
you are so kind (((nightbird))))))))

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