I like Pat's answer. Bats are cool. I forget Grey and I am too lazy to look up, do you take an ssri medication? Are you being treated for OCD? There are great meds out there to help and cognitive behavioral therapy is usually essential as well. Honey, I gotta tell you the poor bat was innocent. I used to have to go to this home where there were about a billion sick, unvaccinated pets crawling on me. I had a vet friend tell me that I could bring sickness home to my pets that way, or that if they were rabid and I had an open wound I might get it. Now THAT was freaky but I researched the rabies in my area and the shots vets get in case they are exposed to rabies and decided it's just not enough of a risk to bother. You my friend are obsessing, I once had my throat close up and it was anxiety eventhough my mind wasn't telling me I was anxious. Make sense? It relaxed and I was fine. You will be too.