New here not only to this group but to emailing etc. So sorry if this doesn't come out right. I took a DBT class and they taught us all these skills. Very detailed and intellectual. Good info but when I'm that close to SI I'm not logical at all. So I got like a shoebox or whatever and put stuff in it so I just have to lift the lid and look inside. I have lots of stuff in there. They are all related to things I learned in group. It is my emergency kit. I have black nail polish(my favorite), pictures of people I love, a serenity chip, smarties and sweettarts (for when I'm dissociating and not in my skin), a emory board my therapist gave me, a yoyo, a superball, a rainforest CD, Happy Feet-the movie, cucumber melon hand lotion, pictures of places I'd love to visit, a lollipop, and other stuff. It doesn't guarantee my safety but it does show a willingness to change. Hope this helps someone.