Thread: Schizophrenia?
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Member Since Oct 2008
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 91
Question Feb 10, 2009 at 10:46 PM
So, I am 17 and for the past years I have been extremely depressed, followed by somewhat happy, then depressed, and like that until now. usually months at a time being depressed, and maybe a few days maybe a week most being somewhat happy before depression again. I know I have Schizoid, but undiagnosed. I am not diagnosed officially with anything. I am constantly paranoid. Like all the time, and have really bad anxiety. I cannot even stand in front of my class of 20 people at school and read my paper without feeling light headed, sweating, and short of breath. I hate being in groups of people and like to be alone all the time, that goes with the Schizoid. I think I may also have "Quiet Borderline", which is borderline but I don't act out, instead, I don't show anger, but let it eat away at me inside, and I eventually take it out on me. I have had a few hallucinations, and a few voices in my head, but not much, just a few times, when I am ling down and it is very quiet. And like one time I could have sworn my guitar pic fell, I swear I saw it because it was in my hand and I went to put it down, then I looked for hours for it, and found it in my pocket. I guess that could be a hallucination.

But someone told me they think instead off all that stuff, that it could all just be a part of Schizophrenia. I looked into it and did read some interesting stuff. The early signs of Schizophrenia are stuff like I listed (at least by what I read), and a few other stuff. I got a 19 on the early signs of Schizophrenia test thing. 14 and up is the showing signs. I got 19. But anyways, by what I read there are 3 parts to Schizophrenia. Is that correct? I saw a chart. Early signs, then Vulnerability, then Isolation and/or drugs and stuff like that. I have the early signs I think, and I am Isolated, and vulnerable I guess because I am so shy, I am am interpreting what vulnerability is meaning. Being vulnerable to others.

So what does everyone think? Is it possible Schizophrenia?
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