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Default Feb 15, 2009 at 09:19 PM
((nowheretorn)))))) you said ((knowing who we are are, and what we are, for and about ourselves, is the strongest place for ourselves as individuals to be coming from... allowing anothers lack of personal development to affect us in an emotionally negative way reduces our ability to help ourselves, and them... ))))))

I know this is very small. Today i went tanning. Its my way of dealing with lack of sunlight. Its also my way to relax. The ppl who run it are the kindest ppl I have dealt thats why I keep going there. They know me when I come in. No hassle ever. My bed is ready right away.
I ran a biz myself so I know how hard it can be dealing with ppl. Today the young girl was running it. She had a customer before me who was very rude. Rude to the girl , rude to me. The girl and I just looked at each other after she had gone into tan.
When I came out I asked the girl if everything was ok? my fav question. But she had that look on her face. I knew the other lady would have been out before me as I was in longer. I guess the lady had given her a hard time on the way out the door. Just as she had on the way in. Now maybe the lady was having a bad day. No need thou to take it out on the young girl.
The girl said the lady had gone on and on about 2 bulbs being out. Well if they had been you would get out and ask to go to another room.((i would think)) I asked the girl if she wanted me to check the bulbs. She looked so shocked lol . I said it was no biggy. As she was busy. The bulbs were all working. It looked like the lady had tryed for a free tan. Or she just needed to be rude. Which imo not nice.
As that young person is so kind., I have never ever gone in there when they are not smiling.
All the workers the guys and the girls.
This girl handled it so well. She never took her smile off. She made me smile how she handled this today ...
Sorry I rambled ...
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