Interesting Chaotic, I think its the stimulation that affects us at that point. When I was spaced out and could barely respond, I felt like I was going to lose it, I almost wanted to say stop, I need you to stop. She did have me do a few deep breaths because I told her before that sometimes I feel like I am going to blackout. My head was really spinning and I ended up with the worst headache rather quickly.
I believe she was trying to distract me because she noticed something was up.
Come to think of it, I was out for dinner with my boyfriend a couple nights ago and he is a talker. For some reason it was way to much stimuation for me, I was staring at him and thinking in my head, please stop, just for a minute please stop talking. This stuff has not bothered me before, I don't know whats up, I am not sure if this is the PTSD coming on full force or what.