I have, by nature, always been cheap. In as much, I was thinking to myself, that if I wanted to get the most out of injecting my cocaine, I might be able to put it where it goes anyway, into the brain, by mixing up a small amount and hitting the internal carotid and do away with diluting the mix with my whole system and put it where it does the most good, my brain! The first time I did this I over did it. I am told that I was seizing for anywhere between fifteen and twenty minutes. Since then, I have continued to practice the same method only pushing only the smallest amount and waiting 3 to 5 seconds to see if I could do more. Then I would. This would go on until I lost the artery. Then I keep trying to find it. I have many instances of doing too much.... with bruises from seizing. I was wondering, am I alone with this type of use? A can anyone tell me why my vision shifts vertically forcing me to close one eye so that I might see clearly to continue?