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when i'm alone, it's at its worst. i feel this overwhelming urge to escape. i'm a poly-addict and fell off the face of these forums for some time. isolation breeds self-destruction.
even today, i found myself using again. just desperate to escape it all. the memories, the mood swings, the hallucinations and loneliness. i'm captured by these things. locked up, looking for a key. the cage in my heart expanded and took over me. i'm alone rn and feeling that desperation. i want to forget i'm in the cage, but that will only prolong my stay. for anyone who reads this, thank you for taking the time to do so.
"Give him his freedom and he'll remember his humanity." |
ArmorPlate108, buddha1too, Fuzzybear, mar dhea, mote.of.soul, MuddyBoots, volsinchy
I don’t have words right now. You’ve been missed.
LadyShadow, mar dhea, mote.of.soul, MtnTime2896
I feel for you. It's rough. I'm a poly-addict too and am struggling right alongside with you right now. We'll get through this together
[Insert thought-provoking and comedic quote here] |
buddha1too, Fuzzybear, LadyShadow, mar dhea, mote.of.soul, MtnTime2896, volsinchy
buddha1too, LadyShadow, mar dhea, MtnTime2896
LadyShadow, MtnTime2896, volsinchy
Maybe "flying" isn't exactly what we should be going for haha. Maybe more like a moose drinking some nice and clean water from a pristine lake in the mountains
How you doing these days @MtnTime2896?
[Insert thought-provoking and comedic quote here] |