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Old Aug 27, 2015, 01:26 PM
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Originally Posted by crosstobear View Post
Love how there are only like four or five threads in this forum.
Why do you care?

Old Oct 21, 2016, 11:23 AM
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Dead end thread, turn back.
Thanks for this!
Old Jan 09, 2018, 06:21 AM
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not dead i am here.
Thanks for this!
Old May 12, 2018, 05:18 AM
Sinsidious Sinsidious is offline
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I dont feel well mentally
Old Dec 22, 2018, 06:12 AM
Joker68 Joker68 is offline
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Originally Posted by GrayNess View Post
Hmm, slightly unactive area... . who here has, may have or has experience with people with APD?
I have been diagnosed with APD. It's hard for me to give honest answers when It comes to quizzes or evaluations because no matter what there is always a motive for manipulation weather it's because the therapist is attractive and you want to give the most appealing answers that u have determined she would like or if your in a mood to where you just don't give a **** and are curious as to see what answers trigger what results. So personally I think it's hard to complete these tests honestly because half the time I'm manipulating answers without being aware that I'm manipulating answers.
Old Feb 18, 2020, 04:48 PM
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Originally Posted by ResaLock View Post
I am just wondering why the word was changed to anti social.(???) I find the word to be misleading. As the word itself does not describe the list of characteristics given for anti social.
You hear the word being used all the time for people who do not conform or more isolated not mixing in with the social majority. They will say, "oh well she/he is being anti social." Which is frowned on if one is different from a group and not of the accepted group, society or culture.
I do not fall under the list given, but I could be considered anti social.
The thing is so could a lot of people from a wide range and I find no clear boundaries for the title given. Just to mark out people who is not conformed to some group. Which would even isolate them more.
...but I find that the title itself could fall on anyone who does not interact or socially conform.
This could range from personalities such as autism/aspergers, and introverted person, to opposing minds from a particular group apart from their likenesses.

I think the title of the diagnosis should include "apathy"

I find anti social to be misleading and confusing.

...by the way...I am an antisocial type, but do not fall under the lines of the list of what it is claimed to be. Anti social meaning I am not conforming to the worlds mainstream of their ideologies and their so called rules. Because there is much error in it and apathy for others.
I am not an apathetic person. ...and seriously believe the rights of peoples good conscience. I highly respect natural laws and laws of conscience.
..but sadly there have been few people in the world who has respected mine.
In clinical terminology, "antisocial" means quite literally "against society." Not somebody who avoids social contact or is introverted, but somebody that acts against society. People don't really understand that "antisocial" doesn't mean you dislike being too social, it means that you are anti-"social" or against societal norms, social mores, and proper social conduct. It's the antonym of prosocial.

I agree that changing it from "Sociopathic Personality Disturbance" to "Antisocial Personality Disorder" was a mistake. Just call it sociopathy. That's what it is, and it's what most people refer to it as in pretty much all of the circles that I've been in, anyway. It would cut down on a lot of confusion.

That said, AsPD doesn't include apathy. It includes Callous-Unemotional traits, which are technically different. Apathy is a more general state where you have trouble caring about anything. People with AsPD normally do have things they care about, even if they tend to be egocentric or hedonistic. Somebody with apathy wouldn't even care about these.

You sound deviant, not antisocial. You actually sound very prosocial, if not outright ethical or moral. You just buy into the misuse of the word "antisocial."
Old Mar 12, 2020, 05:41 PM
HereForMalek HereForMalek is offline
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Diagnosed with first ODD, then ADHD, then CD, then ASPD, then Bipolar.
Checking out around here.
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