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Default Dec 03, 2018 at 04:11 AM
Hey, psychiatrist prescribed me Xanax, at first 0,5mg twice a day but I couldn't do anything besides sleeping after it and had serious problems with vision etc. So now it's 3rd day of taking 0,25mg once a day, and I noticed I get panic attacks after about 20-30 min after taking it.. like right now, I don't feel calm, I feel horrible panic, my heart is racing, feeling weak and dizzy, it's scary.. did something like that happened to anyone ? Gosh I'm so scared right now ;(

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Default Dec 03, 2018 at 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by lucami View Post
Hey, psychiatrist prescribed me Xanax, at first 0,5mg twice a day but I couldn't do anything besides sleeping after it and had serious problems with vision etc. So now it's 3rd day of taking 0,25mg once a day, and I noticed I get panic attacks after about 20-30 min after taking it.. like right now, I don't feel calm, I feel horrible panic, my heart is racing, feeling weak and dizzy, it's scary.. did something like that happened to anyone ? Gosh I'm so scared right now ;(

I looked up side effects. One can be dizziness. The other things you are experiencing were not listed. Try to do some slow deep breathing. Count breaths out to 8 then repeat. Maybe you are feeling nervous about this new drug? Try to relax and put a call in to your psychiatrist in the morning.


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Default Dec 03, 2018 at 07:10 AM
Thanks, now I'm feeling a little bit better. I'm always extremely nervous when i have to take any medication, because I had horrible side effects after taking ssri before.. but I tried to calm myself down, tbh today I wasn't even anxious because I was thinking, I took this med already and probably caused all symptoms earlier because of my stupid anxiety.. but it happens even when I'm chill.. dunno, I have appointment to psychiatrist tomorrow so we'll see what doc will say about it.. sigh I'm so angry at my stupid brain, so many years of life wasted because of stupid panic attacks.. tried so many things, tried meds again, and still nothing really works..

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Default Dec 03, 2018 at 07:32 AM
I'm so sorry you're struggling, lucami Please, do speak to your Pdoc as soon as you can. Hopefully he/she will have some suggestion. Many hugs
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Default Dec 03, 2018 at 09:36 AM
I haven't felt that with benzos, but I do with most meds that are physically sedating. I have the reaction you describe with antihistamines. I would definitely ask for a different med.

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Default Dec 03, 2018 at 11:36 AM
Benzos are known to cause mood instability when you take them on a regular schedule your body gets used to the smooth feeling then they wear off and your body craves that smooth and panics when it doesn't get it that why people are always abusing benzos by taking them more often , before the scheduled time or more of them they are trying to stay in that smooth spot. Many peoples anxiety gets worse on them but they are addicted and any suggestions that they quit cause panic.

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Default Dec 03, 2018 at 11:57 AM
I took benzos for years. I never had bad side effects, and never had to increase the dosage. When I switched insurance the new doctors refused to prescribe benzos. That's why I ended up here on PC. I was trying to figure out what happened.

Some people don't do well on benzos and some people abuse them, I guess. Now the rest of us have to pay the price. This worked well for my anxiety and since then my anxiety has been an ongoing issue.

Like lucami I get severe side effects on anti-depressants. I am now on no drugs. I take the herbs passion flower and valerian...but both are sedating.

Lucami, I am glad you are feeling better. I responded because when you posted you seemed freaked out and I know how that is. I had panic attacks when I quit smoking cigarettes and it was horrible!!! I actually cured myself using guided meditation CD's I took out of the library. But I did it pretty extensively...about three hours a day. Finally the panic attacks subsided but I still battle anxiety.

Best of luck, Lucami...hang in there!


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Default Dec 03, 2018 at 01:20 PM
Nammu I'm NOT addicted benzo NOT used to benzo I DON'T abuse benzo and the most importantly it DOESN'T make me feel smooth. I'm freaking scared of being addicted to anything and losing control to the point I never even got drunk in my life. I just started to take this damn Xanax as psychiatrist told me to because my anxiety and panic is so strong the whole freaking time I'm not able to do anything. At first I was supposed to take whole pill at morning and afternoon. Tried it once only because it knocked me so strongly I couldn't function at all, slept half of a day, and on the next day I had strong problems with vision. So I called my doc and he told me to take half of a pill twice a day but still felt bad so half of a pill once a day. My problem is this **** is not working for me at all, it gives me completely opposite effect. Im supposed to be on psychotherapy session right now but I didn't go because of damn panic and I'm crying I'm scared and angry and hate my life and all of this freaking meds for just not working at ****ing all

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Default Dec 03, 2018 at 01:32 PM
DechanDawa it's good that at least it worked for you for some time.. I tried so many things like psychotherapy meds herbs mindfulness meditation yoga and gosh nothing really helps.. been to mental hospital for 6 freaking months where doctors didn't event want to give me to try any meds anymore for some reason.. I was more calm when I was there I think because I was far from my toxic family, but there was a big park, and many activities in other buildings I could attend to, but I didn't because when I was leaving the building with my ward, I had strong panic attacks.. and nothing helped me with this damn agoraphobia.. I hate myself for having this crap, I hate that ive lost so many years of life I don't ever get back.. no work no school no friends just existing for no reason..

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Default Dec 03, 2018 at 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by lucami View Post
Nammu I'm NOT addicted benzo NOT used to benzo I DON'T abuse benzo and the most importantly it DOESN'T make me feel smooth. I'm freaking scared of being addicted to anything and losing control to the point I never even got drunk in my life. I just started to take this damn Xanax as psychiatrist told me to because my anxiety and panic is so strong the whole freaking time I'm not able to do anything. At first I was supposed to take whole pill at morning and afternoon. Tried it once only because it knocked me so strongly I couldn't function at all, slept half of a day, and on the next day I had strong problems with vision. So I called my doc and he told me to take half of a pill twice a day but still felt bad so half of a pill once a day. My problem is this **** is not working for me at all, it gives me completely opposite effect. Im supposed to be on psychotherapy session right now but I didn't go because of damn panic and I'm crying I'm scared and angry and hate my life and all of this freaking meds for just not working at ****ing all

Oh gosh, sorry you missed your appointment. Call the psychiatrist so he/she is aware of what is happening. With these drugs the doctors should monitor and follow up but often they don't. I really feel for you. I get extreme side effects, too. IDK. It sounds like they might suggest something else. I ended up having to go off all medications because what they prescribed kind of made me feel insane. You aren't alone. Hang tight. It is not your fault.


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Default Dec 03, 2018 at 02:35 PM
It's 8pm here so I have to wait till tomorrow since it's public doc and I can't have his number, even if something would be happening.. I'm not surprised, when there's so many patients that my doctor stays 2-3h longer than his working hours, it must be really hard to monitor every patient for doctors like this one.. at least he's nice enough to stay and see every person that comes to his office..
I feel insane because of meds too.. I went to first psychiatrist because of panic attacks I had Everytime I was trying to go outside, but besides this I was feeling completely normal in my head. but when I tried first SSRI medication, I started to have depersonalization and derealization, feel suicidal, have intrusive thoughts, feel like possessed, ended up with depression and more.. haven't been taking any medication for a couple of years, but all of this stuff which meds caused , is still in my head..
I stopped crying , but I feel so much fear right now after this breakdown.. I feel like possessed, like I'm not myself at all, everything seems to be so strange.. and I have crazy thoughts, feelings, visualisations in my head of killing myself and everyone in flat.. psychiatrist said stuff like you're scared of it so you won't do it, therapist says I'm scared of it so I'm not a psycho and that he thinks that states like that are caused by my strong fear and anger I keep in myself but idk.. hang tight but I wonder hang tight to what heh..

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Default Dec 03, 2018 at 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by lucami View Post
It's 8pm here so I have to wait till tomorrow since it's public doc and I can't have his number, even if something would be happening.. I'm not surprised, when there's so many patients that my doctor stays 2-3h longer than his working hours, it must be really hard to monitor every patient for doctors like this one.. at least he's nice enough to stay and see every person that comes to his office..
I feel insane because of meds too.. I went to first psychiatrist because of panic attacks I had Everytime I was trying to go outside, but besides this I was feeling completely normal in my head. but when I tried first SSRI medication, I started to have depersonalization and derealization, feel suicidal, have intrusive thoughts, feel like possessed, ended up with depression and more.. haven't been taking any medication for a couple of years, but all of this stuff which meds caused , is still in my head..
I stopped crying , but I feel so much fear right now after this breakdown.. I feel like possessed, like I'm not myself at all, everything seems to be so strange.. and I have crazy thoughts, feelings, visualisations in my head of killing myself and everyone in flat.. psychiatrist said stuff like you're scared of it so you won't do it, therapist says I'm scared of it so I'm not a psycho and that he thinks that states like that are caused by my strong fear and anger I keep in myself but idk.. hang tight but I wonder hang tight to what heh..

Okay, hang tight because you are moving towards recovery. It sounds like your thoughts of suicide and homicide are just the stress releasing itself. Sounds like I'm a doctor, haha. I am not. Okay...twice doctors tried putting me on antidepressants and it really made me feel totally insane.

But what you are on now...it isn't like an antidepressant. Maybe you are fighting against this medication?

Benzos worked beautifully for me. The only reason I stopped is because here in the United States doctors don't want to prescribe them because of possible dependency. I never got dependent. They reduced my anxiety. They were not overly sedating. But they were taken away from me.

Do you have a crisis hotline you can call? When I feel my emotions escalating I usually call a crisis hotline. If you are in central Europe I am wondering if you can call or connect with the Samaritans in UK. I think you can connect online.

Self hatred is something I wish you would let go of. Please try to be kind to yourself. Yes you have severe burdens but you also sound like an extremely intelligent self-aware person. You can do this. As for the Why? --- that is a mystery. People are dying left and right this very moment...but not you. You are surviving, communicating, hunting for solutions, expressing yourself, connecting --- you are doing a lot right now.

Why not tuck yourself into bed early? Sometimes when I have had a hard day I like to tuck into bed early, read, and count sheep. Sweet dreams. Hang in there. The Universe wants you alive, my friend.


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Default Dec 09, 2018 at 06:48 PM
Benzos work for a lot of people, me included.

But I totally understand that a loss of control can be extremely scary. Because you do get drugged, especially at the beginning and if you're sensitive.

Benzos like Valium and Klonopin are much smoother and less druggy, especially Klonopin. Feeling drugged can really trigger strong anxiety.

For me the antihistamines made me feel so tired that my body interpreted it as shutting down, "it" thought it was dying. No wonder I got panic attacks.

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