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Default Apr 17, 2021 at 01:51 PM
Gals, as you know I have been lately pretty disconnected from News, since I’m into a deep depression, nonetheless, I sometimes put the TV on to see what we have to expect in general.
So, I knew today that the people who had deceased because of covid-19 rises 3 millions.
I would like to offer my condolences to their families and a recalling for them.

Social Anxiety and Depression. Cluster C traits.
Trying to improve my English. My apologies for errors and mistakes in advance.

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Default Apr 19, 2021 at 10:59 AM
@AzulOscuro - yes, it's a very sad milestone.

Let's just say, I can be both resourceful and stubborn at the same time! I'm my father's daughter haha! He is the same way. I wasn't going to give up and take a vaccine I didn't want unless I felt like I exhausted all my options to get Pfizer. I feel like one of the few things I have autonomy over these days is what goes into my body. It turned out that the third time is a charm.

At least they are allowing us to make online purchases of non-essential items. I need to order some winter clothing and bathroom towels. I have a gift certificate that will expire soon and it can be used in-store or online, so I am going to use that.
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Default Apr 19, 2021 at 03:21 PM
Interesting article about the situation here. I don't agree with it all, but it has some good points.

First Dose of Chinese Covid-19 Vaccine Offers Little Protection, Chile Learns - WSJ
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Default Apr 20, 2021 at 10:42 AM
I'm cautiously optimistic but the daily death toll here is now single figures some days - compared to over 1,000 in January.

It is awful to think about the people lost to this I agree. We had a minutes silence last month in the UK to reflect.

One thing that's amused me is one woman at work who last year said she wouldn't get the vaccine and covid was exaggerated, has now had both vaccines and is encouraging us all to get ours as soon as possible! I think it's great. All my colleagues are happy to get theirs. This makes me feel more secure about my workplace too.

It's been stressful at times. I hate conflict. I do recognise everyone has the right to an opinion but last year a few of my colleagues were denying covid was serious and some of them were believing conspiracy theories.

As my son says everyone is entitled to an opinion but not their own facts!
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Default Apr 20, 2021 at 11:49 AM
Finally my mum is getting her first shot tomorrow as well.

Honestly sometimes I'm not sure what to think anymore, either. I've been living in this bubble, don't know anyone who has had a serious case of covid, hardly anyone who has even had it at all. I'm in an age group that is not high risk and really just want to start living again.

But then I have this friend who works in a hospital and she retweets stories from hospital workers of younger people now being hit much harder and people in their 30s and 40s ending up in intensive care..... Possibly because new strains are more dangerous for younger people?

Honestly I'm starting to feel a little pissed off and will definitely be upset when vaccinated people start getting more freedom. Before all the mutations young, healthy people were very low risk and basically put everything on hold to protect the more vulnerable. Now those vulnerable people are getting vaccinated and might get more freedom while we are still waiting for our vaccine. We're gonna be locked up for a while longer. Might not even get it until next year.

Yes, I know there''s flaws in my logic but my mental health is at such a low. I get angry and sad and desperate.
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Default Apr 20, 2021 at 01:44 PM
I understand the logic @BreakForTheLight I felt very similarly.

It depends how your country is dealing with freedoms following vaccination? Are they allowing vaccinated people to do things before everyone has been offered? That is unfair.

In the UK we've been told any vaccination allowances (big venue events) would only be after everyone has been offered the vaccine. Actually it's doubtful vaccine passports will happen at all there are so many drawbacks.

Glad your mum is getting her vaccine too!
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Default Apr 20, 2021 at 02:26 PM
It’s weird, @BreakForTheLight. We have 1.13 million accumulated COVID cases out of a population of about 19 million. But I don’t know anyone personally that had COVID. My husband only knows of a former co-worker who’s around 40. His was a moderate case, but he did hear that he had to make regular visits to a pulmonologist for a while afterwards to check his lung function, which was affected. I know of many people in US and Brazil that have gotten COVID, but not here. A lot of people we know are able to telecommute and have respected the restrictions (as much as we hate them sometimes). Maybe that’s why. I’m so glad your mom will be vaccinated soon.

Then there are those young, healthy people that get hit hard. We just saw a report on this soccer player from Argentina. He used to play in the Chilean league, so he’s well known here. He’s mid-30s, in excellent physical condition but ended up getting COVID twice. I’m wondering if the second time was the Brazilian variant. Anyways, he is having a rough time recovering from the second bout. He’s been left with heart damage. It doesn’t sound like it’s sure if he’ll be able to go back to playing.

The pressure cooker is being cranked up a notch. People continue to be pissed off about the low level of financial assistance that is being given out and the mountain of requirements to request it. What most seem to want is the option to access more money from their retirement accounts. Thursday the Congress is supposed to vote on that. The President says he will veto it and if is veto is overruled, he will take it to the Constitutional Court to keep it from taking effect.

As you can imagine, that did not go over well. So, the President came out on TV yesterday to announce another direct assistance program. Supposedly, it is more accessible, but again, it’s not as easy to qualify as they make it out to be. If he takes the pension withdrawal to the Constitutional Court, I think things are going to get ugly. There were already some disturbances last night. If we hit June and July and there are still a lot of restrictions on movement and mask requirements, it could get even worse.

The vaccination process has more or less slowed to a halt. This week Mon-Wed is for each municipality to do a vaccine inventory and catch up with people 48+ that haven’t gone yet. Thu-Fri is only for 47-year-olds. I wonder if they don’t have enough vaccines to do many first doses since the government has rejected calls to open up more age slots. I guess it’s good for me if they are making sure they have enough for second doses.

Here the only benefit of being vaccinated that is being discussed is exempting people that are fully vaccinated from having to do a full quarantine (no permits to go out at all) if you’ve been in close contact with a positive case. I’m not sure if that is a great idea due to the prevalence of Sinovac. Nothing has been set in stone yet. It’s starting to feel a bit weird to me that I am likely to have significantly more protection than most people here due to me getting Pfizer.

@Discombobulated – I was just wondering something. I don’t recall hearing about the AstraZeneca clotting problems in the UK. Is an issue there was well like in continental Europe? It seems like the vaccine is working well in the UK. Here Covax is supposedly sending AZ doses too. It’s approved for men over 18 and women over 55. There seems to be some hesitance about receiving it. I guess we’ll see what happens. It looks like we are going to need it to step up the vaccination rates.
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Default Apr 20, 2021 at 03:29 PM
@rechu yes the AstraZeneca has been linked with rare clotting disorders in the UK too. It is small numbers but there were sadly some deaths. It is mostly younger people affected but they say for my age (49) I still have more chance of getting and dying from covid than a rare clot. It's a risk benefit balance. In under 30s that changes as they have very small chance of covid complications.

So the outcome is under 30s are to be offered an alternative vaccine - probably Moderna or Pfizer. My age group are still being given AZ.

That's interesting about the difference of male and female age guidance but it makes sense as the clots were mostly in women I believe.
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Default Apr 21, 2021 at 04:06 AM
At least for now, fully vaccinated people are being treated as people with a negative test result. So they can do everything that would require a negative test result without getting a q-tip up their nose first etc.

I bought another concert ticket the other day but this one I regret now. Oh well, I don't think this concert is going to happen anyway in which case it'll be refunded. I bought it because I didn't want to miss out and I'm so desperate for something positive but I can't really support this concert.

The first one I bought a ticket to is in my city and this artist is doing several more live dates in summer, so with corona measures in place at the venue I don't think it's much of an issue.

This new concert though..... it's a British and a US musician and it's a one off weekend thing. People might be travelling from all over Europe to go there which is really not something we should be doing??? (I mean they're not that famous so it wouldn't be that many people) To be honest, I kind of hope these get cancelled.

Edit to add: 8000 people protesting against Corona measures with no masks and no distance, that's just what we need. Police has had to get back up from all over the country. So tired of this shite

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Default Apr 21, 2021 at 02:32 PM
@Discombobulated - The risks do sound pretty low, definitely lower than getting a serious case of COVID. I hope people aren't put off from getting the vaccine. We need those doses.

@BreakForTheLight - I am crossing my fingers that the concert works out for you.

And the news today from here, an idiot congressman said, in response to a discussion of people going hungry due to losing their job or business as a result of COVID, "There's no hunger in this country, we have community soup kitchens" and then went on to say how the country has risen in solidarity to form these kitchens. The soup kitchens have sprung up because the government has done little to help those in need make it though lockdowns that make it impossible for them to work. Of course there is hunger, that's why there are soup kitchens. Many people that never had to turn to this assistance before now have to because they are suffering economically. Well, I guess a good thing was that spurred me to make a donation to an organization that is feeding people in many areas. I had been meaning to do something like that.

Oh, and there was a veterinarian in a northern city, Calama, that was busted giving canine octuple vaccines to people! One of the diseases that the inoculation protects against is canine coronavirus. No, I am not making this up.
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Default Apr 23, 2021 at 03:37 AM

Oh, and there was a veterinarian in a northern city, Calama, that was busted giving canine octuple vaccines to people! One of the diseases that the inoculation protects against is canine coronavirus. No, I am not making this up.

Whaaaaaaaaat? That is insane! What is a vet even doing vaccinating people?

So we're getting a curfew. No leaving the house between 10 PM and 5 AM. Not that I was planning too, anyway, there's nowhere to go.

My state is now offering anyone who wants it the AZ vaccine, apparently not just people with priority anymore. I think I'd rather have a different one, though..... there's supposed to be more of the other's coming in as well soon and *supposedly* by the end of June priority should be gone completely and everyone can get it.
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Default Apr 23, 2021 at 05:32 AM
Two Chile vets investigated for giving dog coronavirus vaccines to people | South China Morning Post

We have been under varying curfew restrictions since October 2019. Not like there's anywhere to go either!
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Default Apr 23, 2021 at 07:20 AM
I got my 1st AstraZeneca vaccine this morning and so far so good, it was busy but well organised in the centre and it went smoothly.

I'll be surprised if I don't have a poorly reaction tomorrow as so many of my family and friends did but if I do it'll be short-lived.

I'm feeling incredibly thankful - when I think back to this time last year we didn't know if there would be an effective vaccine. Even now there are countries which do not have sufficient vaccine and they are suffering terrible 3rd waves. My vaccine is not something I take for granted.

On the up side, now we can meet up in groups of 6 outdoors I was able to meet up outdoors with my friends yesterday for a picnic. It was so good and made me realise how little I need to be happy- good friends, food food, sunshine. I hadn't met up with them for 14 months!
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Default Apr 23, 2021 at 01:22 PM
Yay, I am glad you got your first vaccine @Discombobulated! Getting together with friends sounds so nice. I wonder when I will be able to do that.
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Default Apr 23, 2021 at 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by rechu View Post
Yay, I am glad you got your first vaccine @Discombobulated! Getting together with friends sounds so nice. I wonder when I will be able to do that.
I hope you won't have to wait too much longer @rechu your vaccination was hopefully a step nearer to that day.

It was odd you know, we just picked up where we left off, I think good friendships can do that. It was tough not hugging though!
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Default Apr 24, 2021 at 03:36 AM
Bit of a rough night last night after my AstraZeneca dose, sweats and shivers, and took paracetamol which helped a bit. Apparently it's quite usual!
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Default Apr 24, 2021 at 08:06 AM
Remember when a cough was just something irritating your throat or maybe a harmless cold? Ugh. On my way out this morning, a neighbour was on the way to check his mail from the floor below my mine. Halfway down the stairs, he starts coughing, doesn't stop until he's outside. First thing that came to my mind "Oh god he'd better not have covid, I have to walk through those aerosols"

I don't want to think like that I miss human contact. And all the re opening maps are more positive for..... "normal" people. If you don't have any friends to meet up with and had the workplace as your only form of social contact, you're still screwed. Going back to the office is probably the last thing that's going to happen. Is it even IN any plan?

How did I wake up this morning full of motivation and am I now sitting here feeling lonely and sad?
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Default Apr 24, 2021 at 08:17 AM
I got both doses of Pfizer over a month ago. No side effects. I still can't go anyplace and still have to wear a mask. I probably already had covid from trips to Boston in early 2020. I used to travel between Boston and Montreal all the time for concerts and spend lots of money. Now I am just saving money. I might need it if I have to quit my job from all the stress. If I had been saving money for the past 10 year like now I would be in a much better position.

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Default Apr 27, 2021 at 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by Discombobulated View Post
Bit of a rough night last night after my AstraZeneca dose, sweats and shivers, and took paracetamol which helped a bit. Apparently it's quite usual!
How are you feeling now?

I think I might have finally lost my mind over lockdown. The last couple of days, everything just seems funny This morning I was laughing for like half an hour over something a co-worker wrote to me and it wasn't even *that* funny
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Default Apr 27, 2021 at 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by BreakForTheLight View Post
How are you feeling now?

I think I might have finally lost my mind over lockdown. The last couple of days, everything just seems funny This morning I was laughing for like half an hour over something a co-worker wrote to me and it wasn't even *that* funny
Lol! At this rate, we are all gonna end up pretty affected.
Today, I was watching the News and I recalled you because there has been given a concert as an experiment to see if it’s safe to celebrate concerts following certain safety rules. In this case, a previous test and the use of FFP 2 masks. The outcome is kind of promising because noone got infected.

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