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Member Since Jun 2008
Posts: 46
Default Jun 26, 2008 at 01:42 PM
I am just going to post this to see if anyone has any ideas or advice. My 9 year old has Aspergers, ADHD, ODD. But I am getting very worried he lies all the time. He even seems to believe his lies. I don't know what to do

Melinda-Depression and OCD. Taking Effexor 75 mg.
10 year old son-ADHD, Asperger's, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Depression-Taking Vyvanse 30mg and Prozac 10 mg.
9 year old son-ADHD, Chronic Motor Tic Disorder, and Depression-Taking Strattera 36 mg and Risperdal 0.50 mg.
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Member Since May 2008
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Default Jun 26, 2008 at 02:02 PM
Hi Melinda,

6 yr old boy with ADHD, Tourettes, Mood/anxiety issues

Our boy was lying since he could speak sentences and I thought he would outgrow it but it steadily increased until we started the Risperdal which seemed to control it.

His lies were so evident because he would do things right in front of our eyes and deny doing things, then blame them on his brother or sister who weren't even in the area at the time. He would even blame us for things. Now he has some trouble with lying still but it's been more controlled with the meds. I just make sure his doctors know about the lying so we don't get in trouble for something we haven't done and it's in the record for reference.

Good luck!
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Member Since Jun 2008
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Default Jun 27, 2008 at 02:00 PM
That is exactly what my son does. He blames other people for things all the time and when they aren't around. He lied to the counselor yesterday. His uncle on his father died from a gun shot wound and my son told the counselor it was because there was a robber in a store that was going to shot my son and his uncle blocked the shot but my sons father told me that his uncle got into trouble with the law and was running from police in another state and the police shot him. It scares me that he would start lying to the counselor. He lies about everything from not having a cookie or brushing his teeth to stories like his uncle's death or sickness.

Melinda-Depression and OCD. Taking Effexor 75 mg.
10 year old son-ADHD, Asperger's, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Depression-Taking Vyvanse 30mg and Prozac 10 mg.
9 year old son-ADHD, Chronic Motor Tic Disorder, and Depression-Taking Strattera 36 mg and Risperdal 0.50 mg.
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Member Since Jun 2008
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Default Jul 03, 2008 at 05:47 PM
Things have been a little better with my son and his lying. I just ask him or give him "the" look when I think he is lying and then he tells me the truth.

Melinda-Depression and OCD. Taking Effexor 75 mg.
10 year old son-ADHD, Asperger's, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Depression-Taking Vyvanse 30mg and Prozac 10 mg.
9 year old son-ADHD, Chronic Motor Tic Disorder, and Depression-Taking Strattera 36 mg and Risperdal 0.50 mg.
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Member Since Jun 2008
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Default Jul 07, 2008 at 10:09 AM
Well as you probably know my son's father decided to cease all contact with my son.
If you don't know, In January my son said that his step brothers held a knife to his throat and threatened to kill him. I had him at the ER 3 times in January and on the last time he told the doctors and nursed about it and they got social services involved. His dad didn't believe him. Social services interviewed him, then a few weeks later they interviewed him again with a dectective present because one of the boys was 14. They also went and interviewed my X and his step sons and wife. After that the case closed the case because they said there was not enough proof and the stories from both sides were different. Of course the step sons would deny it. They have done stuff to my son in the past like hitting him over the head with a plastic sword and he had to have staples, writing obscene things on his back, and he says his step mom is mean and stuffs socks down his throat and won't feed him when his dad isn't there. These are some of the reasons why I believe him about the knives.

So yesterday the 6th of July was my son's 10th birthday(which we made a big deal about and gave him lots of attention and fun) and his dad didn't even call him. He is such a jerk. I am remarried and I have been with my husband for 6 years. He loves my kids and does anything for them. My kids love him too. My son has a close relationship with my husband(his step-dad) but he is still having a really hard time about his dad.

I am wondering if I should ask his doctor to let us take a med break from the concerta and take an anti depressant or if he can take them together. It breaks my heard to look at his sad face.

Melinda-Depression and OCD. Taking Effexor 75 mg.
10 year old son-ADHD, Asperger's, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Depression-Taking Vyvanse 30mg and Prozac 10 mg.
9 year old son-ADHD, Chronic Motor Tic Disorder, and Depression-Taking Strattera 36 mg and Risperdal 0.50 mg.
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Member Since Jun 2008
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Default Jul 08, 2008 at 02:28 PM
Well my son's dad called yesterday to talk to him. He is such a jerk. I tried to listen to as much of the conversation as possible. His dad asked him how counseling was and what he is getting help with and my son said he is getting help with lying (My son told dr's and social workers in Jan that his step brothers held a knife to his throat and threatned to kill my son and his dad doesn't believe him but I do. My son does have a tendency to lie but he doesn't lie about everything.) So his dad said he was glad to hear that because my son really hurt his Step moms feelings, his dad should have said I am proud of you for working on your issues. I wanted my son to say his feelings were hurt to but I couldn't tell him what to say. I have talked to my son about sticking up for himself with his father. I want to write a letter to his dad because I am so angry.

Melinda-Depression and OCD. Taking Effexor 75 mg.
10 year old son-ADHD, Asperger's, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Depression-Taking Vyvanse 30mg and Prozac 10 mg.
9 year old son-ADHD, Chronic Motor Tic Disorder, and Depression-Taking Strattera 36 mg and Risperdal 0.50 mg.
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Member Since Jun 2008
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Default Jul 17, 2008 at 02:58 PM
My son is doing a little better but now he is starting Vyvanse today instead of Concerta due to no appetite and weight loss and we also started him on 10 mg of prozac for depression because of his dad.

Melinda-Depression and OCD. Taking Effexor 75 mg.
10 year old son-ADHD, Asperger's, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Depression-Taking Vyvanse 30mg and Prozac 10 mg.
9 year old son-ADHD, Chronic Motor Tic Disorder, and Depression-Taking Strattera 36 mg and Risperdal 0.50 mg.
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Default Jul 17, 2008 at 03:04 PM
((((((((((( Melinda & family )))))))))))

I wish for your son to feel better real soon
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Member Since Jun 2008
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Default Jul 18, 2008 at 11:50 PM
He has only been on the Vyvanse since 7/17/08 and he is complaining about chest pain, stomach ache and now appetite, just like he did on Concerta. What do I do?

Melinda-Depression and OCD. Taking Effexor 75 mg.
10 year old son-ADHD, Asperger's, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Depression-Taking Vyvanse 30mg and Prozac 10 mg.
9 year old son-ADHD, Chronic Motor Tic Disorder, and Depression-Taking Strattera 36 mg and Risperdal 0.50 mg.
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Default Jul 21, 2008 at 09:45 AM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
Melinda2boys said:
He has only been on the Vyvanse since 7/17/08 and he is complaining about chest pain, stomach ache and now appetite, just like he did on Concerta. What do I do?

</div></font></blockquote><font class="post">

Hi Melinda2boys,

It's only 7/21/08 as I write this, so see if the side effects subside. The only worrisome one is the chest pain, because that is not a typical side effect to a stimulant. Chest pain can mean a lot of different things too, depending on the severity level, length of pain, and exact position. As I understand it, he started another drug a few days ago as well? Perhaps that one is a problem, or--maybe it's nothing other than transient and harmless.

What do you think it is likely from? Did the chest pain go away?

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Member Since Jun 2008
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Default Jul 21, 2008 at 01:29 PM
He isn't complaining of chest pain anymore thank goodness. I think it may be a little anxiety starting a new medication. He started taking Vyvanse on 7/17/08 so hopefully some the side effects go away. I do notice him eating more on the Vyvanse then he did with the Concerta.

Melinda-Depression and OCD. Taking Effexor 75 mg.
10 year old son-ADHD, Asperger's, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Depression-Taking Vyvanse 30mg and Prozac 10 mg.
9 year old son-ADHD, Chronic Motor Tic Disorder, and Depression-Taking Strattera 36 mg and Risperdal 0.50 mg.
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Member Since Jun 2008
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Default Aug 06, 2008 at 10:18 AM
His side effects have pretty much gone away, no chest pain, he eats a lot better and sleeps better.

I need to vent though

I am so frustrated. My son was admittd to the hospital on 7/26/08 for vomiting blood. They did a scope on the 28th and said he had a tear in his esophagus and gastritis. He got discharged on 7/29/08. My son finally got to school this week 8/4/08. He missed all last week. I emailed his new teacher on the 7/28/08 and told her he would not be there because he was in the hospital. She emailed me back and said needs to be there and went on to say responsibility is a big part of 5th grade and part of responsibility is attendance. He was in the hospital, he couldn't just leave. So that upset me already. Then I emailed her on the 29th and said he was still in the hospital and asked if she could send all of his homework or missed work home with his brother. I didn't hear from her so I emailed and called her again. She called me back and in a very condescending way she said"I got all your 9 emails", I sent like 4. Then she said she sent his work home and told me what there was, two math assignments, reading 30 min a day, and a book report due on the 15th. I said thats it and she said yes but that they had done pretesting for math and spelling and learned some social studies stuff but she would probably not have time to do that with my son when he gets back because is so busy. She went on to say she is so busy she doesn't even get a lunch break because that is the only time the 5th grade teachers can have their meeting. I went to the principal with this and now she is upset with me. She keeps sticking up for her teacher. I told her I need a teacher that cares about my sons education and is willing to help him. The principal said I have some preconceived notion about his teacher and that I am completely wrong with what happened. It is so frustrating. Sorry to vent.

Melinda-Depression and OCD. Taking Effexor 75 mg.
10 year old son-ADHD, Asperger's, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Depression-Taking Vyvanse 30mg and Prozac 10 mg.
9 year old son-ADHD, Chronic Motor Tic Disorder, and Depression-Taking Strattera 36 mg and Risperdal 0.50 mg.
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Default Aug 06, 2008 at 11:56 AM
((((((((((( Melinda )))))))))) I've pm'd you about this post....
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Member Since Jun 2008
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Default Aug 06, 2008 at 02:20 PM
Ok thanks daynnight,,,I pm'd you back.

Melinda-Depression and OCD. Taking Effexor 75 mg.
10 year old son-ADHD, Asperger's, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Depression-Taking Vyvanse 30mg and Prozac 10 mg.
9 year old son-ADHD, Chronic Motor Tic Disorder, and Depression-Taking Strattera 36 mg and Risperdal 0.50 mg.
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Member Since Jun 2008
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Default Aug 08, 2008 at 12:23 PM

The meeting was a joke really. They called it a Pre 504 meeting but they had other motives. We first went over my 8 yr olds stuff and talked to his teacher about things for her to watch for. He doesn't need to many accomadations though, at least not yet I don't think. He does very well in school with his daily work and homework. He needs some social skills and behavior skills training and needs to sit in the friend by kids who aren't trouble makers, and I asked her to watch for any ADHD or Tics stuff if they get more often or worse so we can look at adjusting his meds again. My 8 year old loves his teacher which is good so hopefully we will have a good school year. Then we went over information with my 10 year old and his dx's. I mentioned I was concerned about some things we dealt with last year like him saying he already did his work when he didn't, he left it at school, the teacher doesnt like him and she is making him do it again, spending hours trying to get him to do his homework, if he doesn't understand instructions for an assignment he will just sit there until he gets individual help from the teacher, he doesnt ususally make eye contact, he gets bored quick, he focus on one specific thing, etc. I explained that last year he started out well but didn't stay that way long. His teacher for this year went on to contradict everything I was saying. She said he is doing really well in class, however he has only been in class for 4 days. My husband went on to say that with all the emails we sent we were just trying to make sure my son didn't get behind like he did last school year. The principal said she is glad things went well or she was going to switch the kids tracks (they go to year round school) and change teachers if we didn't get along. The principal and teacher are so fake. So what came out of the meeting is the teachers are going to observe the kids, we are supposed to have a really 504 meeting on Sept 24th to see if the boys need accomadations and if so which ones.

Melinda-Depression and OCD. Taking Effexor 75 mg.
10 year old son-ADHD, Asperger's, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Depression-Taking Vyvanse 30mg and Prozac 10 mg.
9 year old son-ADHD, Chronic Motor Tic Disorder, and Depression-Taking Strattera 36 mg and Risperdal 0.50 mg.
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