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Default Jul 27, 2020 at 04:50 AM
Has anyone been diagnosed with Autism or perhaps Aspergers in their adult life? I have more recently been interested in getting an evaluation done but I’m not sure what to look for psychiatric wise, what are the steps, what i should know etc. i never noticed how “different “ i felt until maybe junior high? And every yr it just got more and more apparent that I function and think differently than people my own age... i am now im my 20’s and finding that while things i do work for me, I know it may not be normal so I essentially hide my “quirks” if that makes sense... but it’s just harder and harder , so I find myself becoming upset.. agitated, anxious... etc... i just want to find answers, and maybe the appropriate support or solutions ya know?
? I have a counselor but she can not evaluate/diagnose etc. and when i ask her opinion she just dances around it....i guess I just want to know what your experience has been like? Advice, etc.? Thank you!
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Default Jul 27, 2020 at 07:56 PM
I don't have experience really, but my younger son was suspected to have aspergers one time, which is on the autistic spectrum. The only way I know of is to have a psychological test, and where I live it is usually paid out of pocket at 1000 dollars. I had pushed for another psychological test for him but they wouldn't do it in high school. May I ask what symptoms you experience that make you think you might have this? You can ignore the question. I wish I could be more helpful, but depending on what access you have to healthcare it might be a possibility to have a test done, if not start with your gp and let them know your symptoms and go from there? Hope someone else finds this post and has experienced this themselves, so they are better able to help
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Default Jul 28, 2020 at 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by 2daffodils View Post
I don't have experience really, but my younger son was suspected to have aspergers one time, which is on the autistic spectrum. The only way I know of is to have a psychological test, and where I live it is usually paid out of pocket at 1000 dollars. I had pushed for another psychological test for him but they wouldn't do it in high school. May I ask what symptoms you experience that make you think you might have this? You can ignore the question. I wish I could be more helpful, but depending on what access you have to healthcare it might be a possibility to have a test done, if not start with your gp and let them know your symptoms and go from there? Hope someone else finds this post and has experienced this themselves, so they are better able to help

I know it can be really difficult to getting a diagnosis that’s what makes me upset. I feel like , looking back I had some typical signs of it as a child but my parents basically just assumed i was a difficult kid.. being “disruptive “, or messy, lazy, tantrums or not really communicating certain feelings or wants but rather just make noises even up until i was about 12 or so, I had issues with bed wetting till i was about 13 or 14:/....my grandparents would always be amazed at how I could find details in their house even if i wasnt there for months, i could tell when a glass dish was moved or if they had repainted a similar color. Theyd sometimes turn it into a game and ask if i notice anything when i came over, but its like... stuff i dont think many people would normally notice or care about....I hated being in big crowds or gatherings , I still do. I have bad social anxiety. I remember freaking out at a church service once because of the people there and once at my cousins wedding. When my parents asked why i was crying i lied and said i missed my pets:/...my father always told me I had “selective hearing” when he told me to do things even if I genuinely didn’t understand what he meant or said or maybe didnt notice at allAdult evaluation??? it made it difficult for me to even be around some older family members because theyd joke with me and id just straight up get upset..because I couldn’t understand when someone was being serious with me.. same thing in school. even now i still catch myself being this way but i guess ive learned to “hide” it. As an adult i still have these issues , with the exception of bedwetting, but more so routine wise. Like with work, feeling “spacey” or ... idk how to explain it. Not like dissociation per say but like seeing things around me from a distance or.. as if you were running on a couple hrs of sleep? Thats probably a bad example.. mostly that and the feeling of things? Like I don’t like being touched... and i dont like touching certain things or ill straight up cry... it’s just stuff that’s super embarrassing that no “normal” adult deals with and if it isn’t ASD related, I’d just like to figure out SOMETHING. But unfortunately every counselor ive spoken to just says it’s general anxiety , which i have but i feel like it’s deeper than that., idk
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Default Jul 28, 2020 at 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by 2daffodils View Post
I don't have experience really, but my younger son was suspected to have aspergers one time, which is on the autistic spectrum. The only way I know of is to have a psychological test, and where I live it is usually paid out of pocket at 1000 dollars. I had pushed for another psychological test for him but they wouldn't do it in high school. May I ask what symptoms you experience that make you think you might have this? You can ignore the question. I wish I could be more helpful, but depending on what access you have to healthcare it might be a possibility to have a test done, if not start with your gp and let them know your symptoms and go from there? Hope someone else finds this post and has experienced this themselves, so they are better able to help

I feel like I’m at the point where I just want specialized support. Because although everyone experiences anxiety differently, i feel like i reaaallyyy experience things differently... it’s like i already feel ashamed and embarrassed that i dont fit in with people and now I don’t even feel like i fit in with other people with anxiety either it’s a scary lonely feeling<\3
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Anonymous445852, Discombobulated, imagine0206
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Default Jul 28, 2020 at 09:41 PM
I'm so sorry you are struggling like this. It really does sound like you aren't getting the help you need, I couldn't find the right help for my son either...
I'm not any kind of person to say what I think because I'm not really experienced with autism and aspergers, but I have read lots of articles, and I think you are correct with your self diagnosis.
Not wanting to be touched is one example. Hard time being around other adults etc. like you've said. You know yourself well and that's a good start. I sure hope someone who has this will respond to you. @jimi are you around to help out please?

I'm sorry your parents called you messy, lazy, disruptive, tantrums.... it really sounds like they ignored you and neglected to get you the right help.

I'm very tired, I don't want to give you unsolicited advice, I just want you to know you have been heard. I wish there was a way that mental health care would provide you with further testing instead of just labeling it as anxiety. The mental health care is failing so many people. I'm sorry. Try to know you are not alone as long as someone is listening to you and hearing you.
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Bat_Orchid90, Discombobulated
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Default Jul 29, 2020 at 02:06 AM
If i remember correctly you might be able to help, thanks
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Default Jul 29, 2020 at 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by 2daffodils View Post
I'm so sorry you are struggling like this. It really does sound like you aren't getting the help you need, I couldn't find the right help for my son either...
I'm not any kind of person to say what I think because I'm not really experienced with autism and aspergers, but I have read lots of articles, and I think you are correct with your self diagnosis.
Not wanting to be touched is one example. Hard time being around other adults etc. like you've said. You know yourself well and that's a good start. I sure hope someone who has this will respond to you. @jimi are you around to help out please?

I'm sorry your parents called you messy, lazy, disruptive, tantrums.... it really sounds like they ignored you and neglected to get you the right help.

I'm very tired, I don't want to give you unsolicited advice, I just want you to know you have been heard. I wish there was a way that mental health care would provide you with further testing instead of just labeling it as anxiety. The mental health care is failing so many people. I'm sorry. Try to know you are not alone as long as someone is listening to you and hearing you.

Thank you so much, i really appreciate it<3 it’s hard to get out exactly what i think/feel so it’s nice to have someone understand a bit whats going on in my head. I worry about it a lot because i feel like I’m just wasting time that i could be getting specialized guidance. I have a counselor who kind of dances around the idea because she technically cant diagnose me, but she referred me to a psych that can and ive reached out to 2 individuals from there as well as several others within an hr from me and none of them responded saying they’d evaluate me :’( all
My emails get ignored or no calls...it’s so frustrating because my reg dr would rather push medication right away, and that was before i even seen a counselor. I just feel like many individuals in the medical field don’t actually want to help. They dont want to face a challenge, and it’s upsetting because so many wake up everyday and feel lost or suffer because we cant get answers or they charge an absurd amount. The few psychiatrists that responded said they charge 150-300 per session:/... most i found dont take my or any insurance:’(
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Default Jul 30, 2020 at 10:48 PM
Could you just go to a therapist without saying you want a diagnosis and see what they say? Is there some group available who might help--maybe at a mental health center?
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Default Jul 31, 2020 at 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Travelinglady View Post
Could you just go to a therapist without saying you want a diagnosis and see what they say? Is there some group available who might help--maybe at a mental health center?

I see one already:/... she wont entertain the idea because she “ doesnt believe in labels” and it “doesnt really matter”.... and idk what groups to join .
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Default Aug 05, 2020 at 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by pandabear0927 View Post
Has anyone been diagnosed with Autism or perhaps Aspergers in their adult life? I have more recently been interested in getting an evaluation done but I’m not sure what to look for psychiatric wise, what are the steps, what i should know etc. i never noticed how “different “ i felt until maybe junior high? And every yr it just got more and more apparent that I function and think differently than people my own age... i am now im my 20’s and finding that while things i do work for me, I know it may not be normal so I essentially hide my “quirks” if that makes sense... but it’s just harder and harder , so I find myself becoming upset.. agitated, anxious... etc... i just want to find answers, and maybe the appropriate support or solutions ya know?
? I have a counselor but she can not evaluate/diagnose etc. and when i ask her opinion she just dances around it....i guess I just want to know what your experience has been like? Advice, etc.? Thank you!
My 30 year old son was just diagnosed in the Autism Spectrum Disorder. His neuropsychologist said that the term "Asperger's Syndrome" is no longer used. It is just within the spectrum. In his case, the evaluation was over 2 days, and cost $4650. The spectrum is so wide, that some on the borders just don't get identified until later years. But the evaluation is necessary to get life pointed in the right direction.
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Default Aug 10, 2020 at 11:46 PM
I have been trying to find these same answer for my son who is 27 and lives with me. Im not sure exactly what is happening with him but whatever it is i has been progressing . I first noticed the way he walked began to change. Like he is losing balance r stability. His hearing has been changing he complains he cant hear as well as he used to. His speach has begun to slur and when i point it out he says its hard for him to get words out how hes trying to say them. Then just lately i see his hand has tremors. Just one hand or somretimes just one finger will move on its own up and down. It tends to scare him when it happens also. The problem here is we live in a rural desert area where there is no medical services close to us other than a clinic with a practitioner and he would give him a perscription and send him home. I just dont have a clue who i need to get him into... any ideas.?
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Smile Aug 11, 2020 at 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by CANDY4339 View Post
I have been trying to find these same answer for my son who is 27 and lives with me. Im not sure exactly what is happening with him but whatever it is i has been progressing . I first noticed the way he walked began to change. Like he is losing balance r stability. His hearing has been changing he complains he cant hear as well as he used to. His speach has begun to slur and when i point it out he says its hard for him to get words out how hes trying to say them. Then just lately i see his hand has tremors. Just one hand or somretimes just one finger will move on its own up and down. It tends to scare him when it happens also. The problem here is we live in a rural desert area where there is no medical services close to us other than a clinic with a practitioner and he would give him a perscription and send him home. I just dont have a clue who i need to get him into... any ideas.?
@CANDY4339 Writing from a lay-person's perspective, I really think your son needs to be evaluated by the physicians perhaps at a major medical center or a neurology clinic. Since I'm not familiar with the area you live in I can't say where that would be (perhaps Salt Lake City)? And I know, from reading your other posts, you have some difficulty using the phone. But perhaps, if you could do it (or if there is a family member who could help), a call to the nearest hospital might be one way to get started. Another might be to contact your state's Health Department & ask where your son might best be seen. (I do agree that simply taking him to see your local G.P. may be unlikely to produce anything in the way of a significant diagnosis.)

The only other thing that occurs to me is that Psych Central has a sister-website: "NeuroTalk". You might take a look at the forums there & see if you think it might be worth signing into NeuroTalk as well. There are a lot of members there who have personal experience with a wide range of neurological problems. Perhaps one or more of them might have some useful suggestions. Here's a link to the NeuroTalk website:

NeuroTalk Support Groups

"I may be older but I am not wise / I'm still a child's grown-up disguise / and I never can tell you what you want to know / You will find out as you go." (from: "A Nightengale's Lullaby" - Julie Last)

Last edited by Skeezyks; Aug 11, 2020 at 01:03 PM..
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Default Aug 11, 2020 at 06:21 PM
SKeezks I appreciate your imput and your suggestion s. I am definitely going to take your advice and check it out its a place to start thank you again.
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Default Aug 12, 2020 at 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by CANDY4339 View Post
I have been trying to find these same answer for my son who is 27 and lives with me. Im not sure exactly what is happening with him but whatever it is i has been progressing . I first noticed the way he walked began to change. Like he is losing balance r stability. His hearing has been changing he complains he cant hear as well as he used to. His speach has begun to slur and when i point it out he says its hard for him to get words out how hes trying to say them. Then just lately i see his hand has tremors. Just one hand or somretimes just one finger will move on its own up and down. It tends to scare him when it happens also. The problem here is we live in a rural desert area where there is no medical services close to us other than a clinic with a practitioner and he would give him a perscription and send him home. I just dont have a clue who i need to get him into... any ideas.?
I'm not a doctor, but those symptoms sure sounds like he had a mild stroke. However, he is very young for that, so it would be unusual. I would take him to a Primary Care doctor, and let him/her make a referral.
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Default Aug 13, 2020 at 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by JustMeABC View Post
My 30 year old son was just diagnosed in the Autism Spectrum Disorder. His neuropsychologist said that the term "Asperger's Syndrome" is no longer used. It is just within the spectrum. In his case, the evaluation was over 2 days, and cost $4650. The spectrum is so wide, that some on the borders just don't get identified until later years. But the evaluation is necessary to get life pointed in the right direction.

Omg the expense :’(.......
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Default Aug 13, 2020 at 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by CANDY4339 View Post
I have been trying to find these same answer for my son who is 27 and lives with me. Im not sure exactly what is happening with him but whatever it is i has been progressing . I first noticed the way he walked began to change. Like he is losing balance r stability. His hearing has been changing he complains he cant hear as well as he used to. His speach has begun to slur and when i point it out he says its hard for him to get words out how hes trying to say them. Then just lately i see his hand has tremors. Just one hand or somretimes just one finger will move on its own up and down. It tends to scare him when it happens also. The problem here is we live in a rural desert area where there is no medical services close to us other than a clinic with a practitioner and he would give him a perscription and send him home. I just dont have a clue who i need to get him into... any ideas.?

That sounds terrifying:’( im so
Sorry you both are going through this. I wish I could help. I hope he gets the help he needs!!<3
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Default Aug 15, 2020 at 02:25 PM
I hope you are okay @pandabear0927 and can find some help!
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Default Oct 04, 2020 at 04:51 PM
I was fortunate to be surrounded by people who work with autistic people, who pointed me in the right directions, and one had me pegged to the wall. I also took some assessments that had me clearly autistic. After I learned this, several were saying, "I always suspected that you..." or variants. The one that had me pegged to the wall works with teaching autistic children, and her reaction was, "He didn't know already?" There are ways to know definitively that do not cost much to find out.
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Default Oct 09, 2020 at 04:23 AM
I am kind of in the same boat as you. I am 30 and i relate to most of your experiences that youve shared. But I am not seeing a counselor or anything but I considering doing so. I am just unsure of how to go about it. do I see a therapist or a psycologist and do I seek out a diagnosis or simply just seek out advice help for some of the problems I am dealing with at the moment. Money is a factor I am not sure if I can afford anything at the moment.

From what I understand there is very little support for adults on the spectrum and seeking a diagnosis is difficult and costly. So I am assuming there is not much hope for me. But I dont really know for sure I dont really have any personal experience I am just going off of what Ive gathered from other peoples information online.
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Default Oct 19, 2020 at 04:56 PM
I believe some universities in the USA will do an autism assessment, or some kind of mental assessment, for free or for reduced cost. It might be worth you investigating that.

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