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Default Aug 17, 2019 at 05:41 PM
Didn't know where to put this but one thing that is really depressing me and worrying me lately is that I keep having issues with people at businesses I frequent recognizing me.

This depresses me because I thought this issue might go away in my life and I have actually moved in the past due to it and it isn't working.

1. I mentioned I have come to know, but never talk, to a conductor on a train I take. I have literally seen him most every day for the last 15 years. Now, if he wants to present that he doesn't recognize me fine, but I find it hard to believe. Anyway, I found myself developing a bit of a crush on him, but really I just wanted to talk to him, so I literally MOVED MY HOME. Ok it wasn't all him but he was a factor in deciding where to go. (to a line he wasn't on). He shows up on this new train line from time to time and it always bums me out and makes me anxious.

2. This guy at the fish counter always makes me feel bad and weird. I went about this tact of going into the store and seeing if he was there and if not, going to get fish. But one time he came up after I had scoped the place and tried to make me feel bad. I don't how know to describe it but he knows darn well I don't like to "talk" with people and I feel he truly resents it and is going to do everything he can to put me down or make me be a fool. Anyway after that there was no way I was going back. But now I have to drive like 25 minutes out of the way to get fish.

3. This summer I got obsessed with this little ice cream shop down the street from my house. I have been going like 1x per week. I have no problem with the girl servers but there is this one hispanic guy who makes me feel like he is judging me. He gets this look on his face like I at fatty who doesn't need ice cream. And also, I order a regular cone (small) but it costs a lot of money so I think the cone is supposed to be substantial sized. When the girls give me a cone it is much larger. But he always gives me this tiny child sized cone. Now I am going to have to give this place up because of him.

I hate all of these people and no matter what, all of them alway seem to be working and always seem to wait on me... no matter how much I try to avoid them. I have already moved my house once to avoid these people I can't be moving again.

It really really really bothers me to get to know staff at workplaces. And I don't want to talk to them. At all.
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Default Aug 17, 2019 at 06:51 PM
Have you tried wearing sunglasses with these people? I have transition lenses that take a long time to change, and i really think i get less shyte from people when the lenses are dark.

Try getting some clip ons or the big overglasses they give you at the eye drs office? And see if that helps, if these people who bother you cant see your eyes, but you can see theirs.

Or a hat with a brim, even a baseball cap.
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Default Aug 18, 2019 at 10:01 AM
Don't let people like that get to you. For the 2 seconds they are in your life, it is not worth your trouble. I wear a baseball cap or hat to help me keep my mind focused and to help me block out negative attention from my mind. Sunglasses or transition lenses are a good idea too. Personally, I like to chat with my servers whenever possible. If I find that if they are able to accept my flaws and silliness, then I am sure to reserve a warm smile for them. Most appreciate me for that and most are warm and sound enough to reciprocate.
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Blknblu, unaluna
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Default Aug 24, 2019 at 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by AB2371 View Post
Don't let people like that get to you. For the 2 seconds they are in your life, it is not worth your trouble. I wear a baseball cap or hat to help me keep my mind focused and to help me block out negative attention from my mind. Sunglasses or transition lenses are a good idea too. .
What is happening here though, and I don't understand it, is that they keep showing up. It isn't just 2 seconds, it is every time I go to the fish market, that guy is there. I mean they never get a new job or leave or not wait on me. Due to this I started thinking this week about the oddness of this.... and got a book on the law of attraction. According to this book I am doing it to myself by wishing hard they wouldn't be there. But on a practical level I realize that people can keep jobs for a while and tend to work the same shifts.

I do have staff at some places I enjoy a lot. Ironically I am getting a washer and dryer delivered today. I typically have my wash done at a laundromat. I find those ladies amazing to me and I will miss them.
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