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Member Since Jan 2018
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Default Oct 30, 2022 at 07:35 AM
Does anyone have experience taking both of these meds? I've taken carbamazepine before so was reluctant to try oxcarbazepine since my pdoc says they are very similar. However, after our appointment, I started doing my homework and found one study that showed Ox has fewer side effects including cognitive effects, which is my main problem with my current med (depakote). Also they have a 24 hour XR option that isn't available with Carbamazepine.

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Soupe du jour
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Default Oct 30, 2022 at 09:46 AM
I've taken the extended release of carbamazepine (divided between morning and evening) for about 13/14 years now. I used to take as much as 1,400 mg per day, then 1,200 mg, for several years. About 2 1/2 years ago my dose was decreased to 800 mg per day. Carbamazepine ER (Tegretol XR) is a relatively side effect friendly medication for me. I believe it weight neutral, and though at the higher doses it perhaps caused mild cognitive issues, they weren't as bad as higher doses of Lamictal or Lithium I took. A negative side effect I had at the higher doses was intermittent double vision. When persistent, a dose decrease nipped it by the bud. I think when I first started carbamazepine ER I had some mild dizziness, but that disappeared.

I did take oxcarbazepine, briefly, maybe 15/16 years ago. It wasn't effective enough at the time, so they stopped it. I don't remember side effects, and am unsure of the dose. I recall being told that it has milder or fewer drug interactions than does carbamazepine, but these interactions have always been minor for me, and all the effects were was a necessity for certain med dose adjustments. My Seroquel XR interacts, my levothyroxine, I think the Lamictal, and there were others. I'm just fine. The most problematic interaction was birth control. A copper IUD was a good option.

I'm unsure if carbamazepine alone would ever be quite enough to fully treat my bipolar disorder. Since my diagnosis 17+ years ago, I've always also been on an antipsychotic. Carbamazepine stopped some musical and other auditory hallucinations, plus visual distortions, I suffered from about 15 years ago. I'm certain it was carbamazepine to thank, so I would rather never go off of it.

Dx: Bipolar type 1

Psych Medications:
* Tegretol XR (carbamazepine ER) 800 mg
* Lamictal (lamotrigine) 150 mg
* Seroquel XR (quetiapine ER) 600 mg

I also take meds for blood pressure, cholesterol, and tachycardia.
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Thanks for this!
Monster on the Hill
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Default Oct 30, 2022 at 01:31 PM
Carbamazepine caused me to black out for 5 days straight where I was very out of control (my pdoc later told me it can decrease the effectiveness of antipsychotics). Took oxcarbazepine for a bit but it didn't do anything.

After you make a mistake, you can either repeat them or learn from them.

I like repeating them just to see if it really is likely cause and effect.
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Member Since Jan 2018
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Default Nov 01, 2022 at 12:33 PM
Thanks for the feedback
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