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Unhappy Sep 27, 2014 at 03:27 PM
I'll try to make it short.

My parents went away for a little over a week (they just left yesterday) so I am alone in the house. I do not have a license. This is unfortunate because I've been feeling really ill lately. To the point of not being able to walk very long distances because it makes me feel too weak.
I have missed school, which has stressed me out a lot because I am basically on the verge of being kicked out of school permanently and this semester I wanted to do my best but I am already falling behind so I'm getting to that point of hopelessness. I saw the doctor and they told me they see nothing wrong but I'm still waiting for blood test results (because I'm being put on Lithium). Then I realized it might be because I have tapered off antidepressants (Cymbalta) recently and it might be withdrawals.
Today I also went to the pharmacy with my boyfriend's help to fill my prescriptions and they said my ADHD medication is too early and insurance won't cover it until a couple of weeks and I don't know what to do. I find it so difficult to study without it..feelings of hopelessness increase...
Suddenly, I feel the urge to break up with my boyfriend because I think he is too different from me.. but I do not think my sense of logic is working too well right now...and I think if I did that I would regret it..so I'm not going to. But nonetheless, I feel so alone.

Dx: Bipolar I, Generalized Anxiety, ADHD Combined
(Also recovered from PTSD)
Soon to be on Lithium
On Adderall XR, Clonazepam, Sertraline, & Trazodone
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Default Sep 27, 2014 at 04:13 PM
It does sound like you might be going through withdrawal. You might want to check out crazymeds.com and look it up. Can you make an appt to see the doctor on Monday or is there someone on call you can get in touch with this weekend?

You're right--it's not a good idea to make any major decisions about a relationship right now.
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Default Sep 27, 2014 at 05:04 PM
I get to see my doc on Wednesday.. I found an article that seems helpful. Apparently, cymbalta has it's own discontinuation syndrome. I printed it and will show it to my doc and hopefully something can be done. I've been cracking open the leftover capsules of Cymbalta I have (just one 60 mg left) and taking a little bit out and using that. Not sure if it's doing anything.....and once that's done, I still have Zoloft I can use...I don't know what else to do.

Dx: Bipolar I, Generalized Anxiety, ADHD Combined
(Also recovered from PTSD)
Soon to be on Lithium
On Adderall XR, Clonazepam, Sertraline, & Trazodone
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Default Sep 28, 2014 at 01:41 AM
Glad you found the article about Cymbalta. My brother has been having a horrible time getting off it. He had to go back on it an taper down more slowly. We were discussing this tonight.

I second the vote about not making big decisions when you're not feeling well. Easier said than done, I know.

Feel better.

Cyclothymia + perimenopause = homicidal road rage

Right now: Tegretol 800mg, EffexorXR 375mg (150 + 225, really confuses the pharmacy)
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Default Sep 28, 2014 at 03:48 PM
Did you run out of your ADHD med ? Why was it too soon to pick up refill? Did you maybe take more than you should have? If you are out of that medication I would say thats likely the one causing the problems . Just my opinion . Im no Doctor.

You may want to call your Pdoc tomorrow instead of waiting until Wednesday. Dont start pulling out Zoloft or any other old medications you may still have around.. Thats just asking for huge trouble.

Just ignore your impulses about breaking up with your boyfriend until your stable and thinking with logic.

Keep yourself hydrated well and make that call in the morning .

Take care

Helping others gets me out of my own head ~
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