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Default Oct 19, 2014 at 08:39 PM
I was diagnosed with bipolar and been in treatment for a little over a year. A week ago, my therapist made the following statement to me. "At this point, all we can hope for is that medication and therapy can help to make bipolar manageable for me."

I'm very ok with the statement, as I have something positive on the horizon. If it works out, things may, can, and will eventually get better for me. If it doesn't, things will get much, much, much worse for me and result in a terrible outcome.

Regardless, how would you interpret the above statement made by my therapist, if in fact your therapist made the exact statement to you?

Thanks for responses.

Last edited by Anonymous100166; Oct 19, 2014 at 09:33 PM..
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Crazy Hitch
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Default Oct 19, 2014 at 10:19 PM
I would interpret it as something positive.

If my T said that to me she would be acknowledging that part of what will help me is my medication, which is a must, but that she will also be there to support me and guide me either in an elevated mood or a downfall. Like a safety net. Or put differently. You can't rely on medication alone. Just the same as you can't rely on T alone for your bp.

Hope that helps.
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Default Oct 19, 2014 at 11:20 PM
I would interpret that as a positive, also.

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Default Oct 19, 2014 at 11:52 PM
I think that's a very positive statement. You've struggled pretty badly this past year, and it sounds like your T believes you're making progress. You know what helps, is to re-read your own posts from some of your more difficult times; it really puts things into perspective and shows you how far you've come since they were written. I do that whenever I start thinking nothing will ever go right again, and it reminds me that I really am a lot better than I was even six months ago.

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Default Oct 20, 2014 at 08:26 AM
Sounds about what I have had to hear. Just means we need meds to stay in check I guess.
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Default Oct 20, 2014 at 08:38 AM
I would add lifestyle changes, and I'm not sure "all we can hope for" was the best phraseology. But the fact is managing bipolar has to be our goal, until and unless a cure is found.

Dx Bipolar II 2014 -- currently in remission

Stay calm, be kind, have hope, love lots, and be well.

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Default Oct 20, 2014 at 04:20 PM
Seemed positive to me ... I know when your lower than a slug and angry its hard to not want to focus of the negative .. But Bipolar Always cycles, Thats just a nature of the beast . It will cycle .. Try to use your coping skills and just rest

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Default Oct 20, 2014 at 06:56 PM
It sounds positive. A few weeks ago you were talking about killing yourself. There are lots of help for people with disabilities. Even if you run out of money, there's still help.

Take your meds and get on with it!

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Default Oct 20, 2014 at 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by BipolaRNurse View Post
I think that's a very positive statement. You've struggled pretty badly this past year, and it sounds like your T believes you're making progress. You know what helps, is to re-read your own posts from some of your more difficult times; it really puts things into perspective and shows you how far you've come since they were written. I do that whenever I start thinking nothing will ever go right again, and it reminds me that I really am a lot better than I was even six months ago.
I see. Perhaps there has been some progress. The only reason is because I have completely blocked out truly trying to get back into the workforce in hopes of of acquiring ssdi. Maybe then I can breathe and rest a little, before pursuing to slowly get back at it, such as starting out part time to slowly adjust. I'm getting older and not quite as resilient as I once was, but I'm still aw I'm still as good as I ever was. (Toby Keith with tough changed to resilient)
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Default Oct 21, 2014 at 12:23 PM
The reason why I asked for feedback on the statement is because I am desperately trying to get ssdi (hearing date due any day). I was just reading that ssdi judges don't read into licensed therapists evaluations as much as psychologist treatment. The licensed therapist is being provided free of charge. A lot of here may have no clue what a psche charges for services. One hour of their time is as much and more than I made in a week working 50-60 hours.

So, now I am freaking out. I have no idea what my therapist thinks, other than "He has asked me several times could I go back to work doing what I was doing." I usually clam up and try to hold it in as to not literally blow a gasket. He also mentioned "If I had to go to work, to try part time to start with."

With that said, how would you interpret the statements made by my therapist in the above paragraph?
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