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Angry Jan 13, 2015 at 10:53 AM
My diagnosis of clinical depression was changed about seven years ago to that of bipolar II. I had used Cymbalta successfully for many years, and he kept me on this antidepressant. Over time, he added several different meds until we had something that was working.

I had come to respect this man over the years because he never minded spending whatever time was required to get the right cocktail. Lately, however, he seems angry about and disgust by everything--not me in particular, but just needing a break or something.

I misplaced two of my six meds (first time in seven years), and he's dragging on giving the pharmacist permission to refill those early.

One was Ambien, which I've been on a month & it was the first thing to help me get good sleep. The other was Ativan, which I've been on for years in increasing doses. I'm definitely going through withdrawal with this med. it's h€LL !!

I've never lost meds before, so if he's trying to teach me a lesson it's one I don't need. I'm a wreck, not sleeping and afraid to go out--also becoming less able by the day to deal with annoyances and pdoc's irritating office manager who says such helpful things as, "I'll try to remember to have him call you," or, "Well, I hope you learn your lesson."

They're making me feel an absolute wipeout. The office manager has even told me that to do so would be illegal, but my pharmacist has already told me that all he needs is the doctors okay. Power plays and game-playing with my mental health is something I find unacceptable. I've decided to ween myself from the rest of the drugs. I've known I was addicted but had convinced myself it was beneficial and controlled by my capable pdoc.

I'll greatly appreciate any suggestions and support. Changing pdocs occurred to me of course, but that still leaves me dependent. How long does it take to get off Cymbalta? I'm taking 120 mg/day. There's not enough of life left to deal with this sort of nonsense.


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Default Jan 13, 2015 at 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by roads View Post
My diagnosis of clinical depression was changed about seven years ago to that of bipolar II. I had used Cymbalta successfully for many years, and he kept me on this antidepressant. Over time, he added several different meds until we had something that was working.

I had come to respect this man over the years because he never minded spending whatever time was required to get the right cocktail. Lately, however, he seems angry about and disgust by everything--not me in particular, but just needing a break or something.

I misplaced two of my six meds (first time in seven years), and he's dragging on giving the pharmacist permission to refill those early.

One was Ambien, which I've been on a month & it was the first thing to help me get good sleep. The other was Ativan, which I've been on for years in increasing doses. I'm definitely going through withdrawal with this med. it's h€LL !!

I've never lost meds before, so if he's trying to teach me a lesson it's one I don't need. I'm a wreck, not sleeping and afraid to go out--also becoming less able by the day to deal with annoyances and pdoc's irritating office manager who says such helpful things as, "I'll try to remember to have him call you," or, "Well, I hope you learn your lesson."

They're making me feel an absolute wipeout. The office manager has even told me that to do so would be illegal, but my pharmacist has already told me that all he needs is the doctors okay. Power plays and game-playing with my mental health is something I find unacceptable. I've decided to ween myself from the rest of the drugs. I've known I was addicted but had convinced myself it was beneficial and controlled by my capable pdoc.

I'll greatly appreciate any suggestions and support. Changing pdocs occurred to me of course, but that still leaves me dependent. How long does it take to get off Cymbalta? I'm taking 120 mg/day. There's not enough of life left to deal with this sort of nonsense.



Okay !

Thanks for the summary....

As far as your Pdoc goes.. I "can" understand his concern about maybe you hording up your meds for an exit ! But on the other hand you going off a benzio without a proper taper just leaves you at risk for seizures and all kinds of shyt , learning a lesson ? Okay wtf ever, If hes all so concerned he gave write the script to only allow you to fill one weeks worth at a time .. I worked for doctors before that would do so if someone "lost meds" ... Cymbalta ? Oh hell I have no clue , I cant image it being good for you at all !

I would be all kinds of pissy with the bullshyt attitudes.. You just need to try to not take it personal, I know easier said than done

It's unethical for a doctor to not refill medications like these as they all have BIG withdraw issues, Just stay on them , Even ask them about him just doing a weekly refill , maybe that will help him do what needs to be done , because you will indeed wind up IP if your just tanked off them.. Im so sorry that this is happening !He needs to get your meds back on track then he can go take a much needed vacation.

I love you !

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Default Jan 13, 2015 at 12:28 PM
I agree with Chris mom, being medless will have you IP and that could unfortunately lead to other medical professionals intervening and attempting to "help" you with day to day living arrangements.

Not a good idea.

I can understand not wanting the meds, hell I thought mine were pointless and flushed them, and I was nowhere near to being in your shoes... But, it could all go downhill fast and you really don't need that at all, nevermind right now.

I would give pdoc a call and inquire about the weekly refill...

Or ask a GP? I mean they can look at your previous scripts and see your request is legit right? Idk, just a suggestion...

I'm so sorry your pdoc is being a douchebag, its the last thing you need.

Question, does he know about your other health issues? Seems really callous to behave this way if he's aware of your medical problems. He shouldn't be adding to your stress load.

Ps. If he's not prepared to help you out, and you're going cold turkey, well then and only then would I consider a taper. No use having half of your meds and all of your symptoms.

Pps. I'm really proud of how you're handling all of this, I truly admire you're strength and dignity.

Love you muchness!

You're amazing lady



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Default Jan 13, 2015 at 12:35 PM
If he won't provide a refill call a lawyer, ask about your legal options. I imagine that there is some penalty for clinicians that deny patients medications which are essential to their well-being. If you end up going IP, losing work, suffering emotional distress, all because of sudden discontinuation as a result of being denied a refill, maybe you could even sue.

Honestly, your pdoc sounds like an asshole, so does his office staff you mentioned. Get a new pdoc fast as you can in my opinion.

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Default Jan 13, 2015 at 01:23 PM
I would be there when they open and wait for a "no show". It's much easier to say no over the phone vs in person.

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Default Jan 13, 2015 at 04:39 PM
The office manager has told me I cannot see pdoc until my next scheduled appt near the end of Feb. she seems determined to make life difficult, but I think I'm just in the way of her problem--not the problem itself.

Since I'm out of work and basically have to leave home only to go to the grocer or pharmacy, I'm hoping I can keep my little bitty world together sufficiently to stay out of hospital. If "they" get hold of me, I could live many years hooked up to machines, on heavy medication, but still with no solution for the pain. That to me would be the worst nightmare.

I've talked with my lawyer & legal options would be lengthy and costly. My MD is an OD and denies sufficient experience with psychotropic meds to prescribe ... also thinks that would deepen the problems already existing.

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Default Jan 13, 2015 at 04:49 PM
I'm sorry. It's one of the most absolute frustrating and frightening things, trusting your health to another person, knowing you have to jump through their hoops just to try and be well. It's utterly ridiculous and deplorable. And they wonder why people are reluctant to seek help, or why people sometimes go off their meds - it's not always about patient compliance!

My deepest sympathies, and I really hope you're able to hang in there. Be good to yourself, okay?
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Default Jan 13, 2015 at 05:30 PM
Yes the goal is to keep you safe and far away from any kind of IP situation. If I was down there I would go have a chit chat with your pdocs "office manager"

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Default Jan 13, 2015 at 05:49 PM
Chit chat myass sis, you'd beat her with a crow bar!



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Default Jan 13, 2015 at 06:07 PM
Yeah Sis You know me too well

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Default Jan 13, 2015 at 07:43 PM
Well, instead.... Go to the pharmacist and have them request a new script?

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Default Jan 13, 2015 at 08:58 PM
What the pdoc is doing is unethical. I had one doc try to "teach me a lesson". I stopped going to him. And this was achingly credentialed and experienced doctor. He wrote for the prisitgious paych journals. Ego. That is what it is.

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Default Jan 13, 2015 at 09:04 PM
That's a really awful way to be treated, not at all fair. But, don't react by stopping all your meds suddenly, that could really not go well. All those meds need to be tapered

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