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Member Since Mar 2007
Posts: 124
Default Apr 23, 2007 at 06:32 PM
i went to my pdoc today for my check up on meds.I told him how well I was feeling, how much energy I had. I was happy!!!!I have been extremely productive around the house, yard work and so on. I thought my meds were helping and saw no need to change them. Well, He disagreed. He took me off the 150mg of trazodone, upped my lithium to 1500mg/day,kept my xanax the same, added seroquel and klonopin. He is afraid I am heading into the state of becoming manic. I say I am happy and energetic and leave it at that!!! I still have a hard time understanding the whole concept of the bi-polar part. I went so long just trying to deal with my issues,things have always been a roller coaster ride and I just have always taken advantage of the "highs" and dealt with the lows. They didn't start getting in the way of my everyday life until just in the past year or so and then it took me till 6 mo. ago to get help. I don't know I just needed to babble or something. I guess I might fully understand it someday.Anyone have any input on the seroquel and the klonopin??Thank for listening to me go on and on.
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Default Apr 23, 2007 at 09:13 PM
your pdoc should have discussed each medication with you.....
the seroquel is in the anti psychotic family and is now a mood stabilizer as well....to help prevent mania...sounds like you are hypomanic...fine line between the 2.do you take it at night to help you sleep?
Klonipin is an anti anxiety medication to help with anxiety. the xanax is a quick acting benzo and the klonipin is a longer acting one.(they are both tranquilizers)
I don't understand these meds changes but am not a doctor.
Are you bipolar 1 or 2?
One of the things we have to learn how to do is trust our pdocs. they really do have our best interests at heart.
I wish you wellness
and google the meds to better know about them and potential side effects if you have not done so already.

lamictal 2x a day
haldol 2x a day
cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
fish oil coq10
multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine
Remeron at night,

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Member Since Mar 2007
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Default Apr 24, 2007 at 09:50 AM
I guess I need to ask him about bp1 and bp2. All he said was I was bipolar,generalized anxiety and borderline ocd.I never new there were different forms of bipolar.I have never gotten to the point were I crashed and need to be hospitalized and I thank god for that. He told me the seroquel and the klonopin would help turn me down because I was going too fast and becoming to 'elated' and not getting any sleep, only 2 hours per night if that even with the help of the trazodone. I guess I need to take a break from my to do list and make a trip to the library and find some more info. I just don't get the combo of meds, like you said I need to trust him. Hopefully I can find a good book to help under stand more. Thanks
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Default Apr 25, 2007 at 09:12 AM
jatt: Forget about the library - just use Google to search about the meds. You definitely sounded like you were at the beginning of a mania and its good your doctor caught it.
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Default Apr 27, 2007 at 03:34 PM
I agree - I think your doctor may be catching something beforehand...


still confused???

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Member Since Mar 2007
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Default Apr 27, 2007 at 07:10 PM
I am not sure that it was such a good thing!! I have been taking the new meds and I guess he turned me down too much. I am roaring full of energy in the am and by mid afternoon I am dead tired!!I am gonna give it a few more days and see how it goes, maybe it is just a side effect that will wear off, I hope. I don't like being this tired. when I get like that I feel lazy and worthless. I even left dishes in the sink all day, not cool. I tried to take a half hour power nap and all I could do was think about the stuff I wasn't doing!! still confused???
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