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Default Apr 20, 2019 at 09:15 PM
The past two days I've spent in bed. My mood is ok, I just don't feel like doing anything. I haven't showered in nearly a week (since last sunday). I just can't get myself to do anything that needs to be done. Well at least I have to get out of the house tomorrow so maybe that will get me started. I need to go grocery shopping too.
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Default Apr 20, 2019 at 09:33 PM
As per usual after yet another failed diet i am surfing for fat positivity and fat acceptance. I go thru this every time. Well, i'm nothing if not entertaining. Mercurial and capricious!
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Default Apr 21, 2019 at 07:00 AM
Happy Easter, everyone! May the many days that follow be good or better ones.

I don't have much more to write today.
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Default Apr 21, 2019 at 07:55 AM
Happy Easter to all who celebrate this holiday. I hope you have a beautiful day.

Things are going well here so far. I'm officially off Risperdal and only on Geodon. I'm also switching my Geodon dosing up to take it at night, so I am hoping it helps with my feeling like I need a long nap every day. I'm nervous to change my med regimine and I'm on high alert for any signs that something is off. My husband is watching over me as well, so hopefully we will catch anything that might go wrong before it spirals. All that worry aside, I'm staying positive. Less meds is a good thing for my body.
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Default Apr 21, 2019 at 08:12 AM
My parents got me an Easter basket, which I thought was cute. I got gift cards, an Easter card, and some candy. I’m 27, so obviously I’m a bit old for an Easter basket, but they always get me something for Easter.

Anyway, I’m feeling a little better. Less depressed. I think Easter is lifting my mood a bit... but it may only be temporary. I’ll take it, though!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter. I think I’m going to take tomorrow off from work for extra relaxation.
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Default Apr 21, 2019 at 02:29 PM
That sounds sweet, bluebicycle. Both my sister and I gave my 77 year old father Easter baskets full of things. Actually, they were Easter/Birthday baskets for him.

My dad is not well. After our Easter lunch (we did lunch instead of dinner) he immediately wanted to go and take his nap. We were like "Dad, we haven't even had your birthday cake yet". Luckily he stayed up a bit longer for that, then he excused himself. We went home early, which we expected to do anyway. My dad doesn't like that we no longer drink anything with him. Not even my husband. That's just too bad.

It's sort of hard to fully express/describe here, but after seeing my sister today I have an overwhelming desire to offer that she join my husband and me on our next trip to Europe. Her husband has literally never taken her on a vacation since their honeymoon to Cape Cod, over 34 years ago. Maybe he took her for a few day trips, but that's all. She did take a couple 3-day trips to a few states south along with my late nephew. She also traveled with her then young sons along with my parents to Czech Republic, for my wedding. That was over 20 years ago. Her elder son never really wants to go anywhere with her, plus he's almost 30 now. I will talk to my husband about this tonight. If he agrees to offer for her to join us (paying most of her own expenses, of course) I will as soon as we know what we're doing. We sort of think we will go to a southern part of France via Barcelona, Spain to look for potential places for a relocation. She'd never go there alone or even with my nephew, or likely even to a more far away place from NJ than Virginia, where she goes only via bus trip. She'd be too intimidated, but my husband and I are seasoned travelers and my husband is a European. We would be driving between Barcelona and our destinations in southern France. My husband and I even speak a pretty good amount of French, not that that is even that necessary.

After we had my dad's cake, my sister looked at me and asked if I wanted to go for a walk with her. I knew where she meant. I said "To see Joe and Mom?" Joe was her younger son. She said yes. At that moment, I felt so bad because I would have gone with her, but the fact was that I was wearing fancy shoes. I told her that and that I'd call her very soon to schedule a date for that visit, wearing the right shoes. Mom and Joe are far in the woods at the top of the hill overlooking the river.

It's possible that in a few years, my husband and I will move to Europe. It has gone through my head that when we do, I may possibly only see my family fewer times than I might count on two hands. We will surely see my husband's family far more.

Last edited by Anonymous46341; Apr 21, 2019 at 04:10 PM..
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Default Apr 21, 2019 at 04:19 PM
So you really do have to eat with Geodon. I started taking it with my meals and the voices have all but stopped and I'm not as scared of everything.
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Default Apr 21, 2019 at 05:06 PM
Spending the day at my mom's. Had a nice lamb dinner with all the trimmings. Kids are here except my youngest- he had to work because nobody else wanted to. Its gorgeous- 70 and sunny.

Still angry about what zyprexa has done to me. I shouldve been angry a long time ago instead of just going with the flow.

Wellbutrin XL 300 mg
Ingrezza 80 mg
Propranolol 20 mg 2x/day
Invega 1.5

Mania (December 2023)
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Default Apr 21, 2019 at 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by spikes View Post
So you really do have to eat with Geodon. I started taking it with my meals and the voices have all but stopped and I'm not as scared of everything.
I am switching my Geodon to take it at night starting tonight. I always ate breakfast with it before. Maybe I'll need to do a night snack? My doctor said food helps with the absorption.

I'm glad food is making a difference for you.
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Default Apr 21, 2019 at 08:02 PM
Another day spent in bed. I never made it out of the house like I was supposed to. I can't shake this funk I'm in. I have things that I need to do, but instead I sleep half of the day away. It's completely situational, but that doesn't make it any easier.
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Default Apr 21, 2019 at 08:36 PM
Still mildly depressed. Just more of an overall funk.

Easter went reasonably well today. My uncle was an asshole as expected, but neither of my cousins were there so I didn’t have to deal with their ****. My mom also mysteriously got an “ocular migraine” and bowed out as well. Yes I know those are real but it seems funny to me that she gets one, having never had one in her life, right after having a fight with my grandfather and then having to see him again on Easter. Sounds suspicious. It annoys me because she just can’t grow the **** up. But, maybe she really did have a migraine. Who knows.

I burned myself pretty badly today. I was making boiled carrots for Easter dinner and I dropped the pot of boiling water on my stomach and leg. I’ve got big blister on both parts of my body. I didn’t want to go to urgent care but I think I’m going to go see my dr tomorrow just to get it checked out. One of the blisters already popped and I don’t want to get an infection.

In other news, RS and I have made plans to move in together. He’s going to come live with me at my mom’s house in May and then over the summer we are hopefully going to get our own place. I am so happy. So happy that he loves me enough to want to move in with me and happy that I might actually get out of this god awful house. We also talked about going on a few weekend trips together. To Hershey park in PA, and camping in upstate New York with his family. I’m not totally sold on the camping idea but I might give it a shot. We’ll see. I’m just happy we’re planning a future together.

Of course it is happening inside your head. But why on earth should that mean that it is not real?
-Albus Dumbledore

That’s life. If nothing else, that is life. It’s real. Sometimes it
f—-ing hurts. But it’s sort of all we have.
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Default Apr 21, 2019 at 08:43 PM
Today was okay, I was sleepier than I had anticipated. My sister went from giving me a fake number to overall avoiding me. I am literally getting sick of her crap.

On a positive note, I made it through Easter, which I was worried about. I had been hospitalized last year around this time and was scared of a repeat manic episode.

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Default Apr 21, 2019 at 08:49 PM
Annoyed. Was at a training Friday and Saturday and a colleague remarked that he missed the "vivacious, energetic" me. I think I speared a hole in his head with my eyeballs, then said "well, newsflash, this IS closer to the real me." Then I sat there next to him, ruminating in my brain (while we were all trying to "meditate" aahahah) and feeling super annoyed. Of course, who doesn't want the peppy, smiling, vivacious chick around? I'm so tired of wearing the costume...I don't even bother anymore when I don't feel like it. Take me or leave me as I am.

So today, I am flat. Flat. Lowish. But me. And not trying to pretend I like Easter. I do not....
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Default Apr 21, 2019 at 10:07 PM
Wildflower I am so sorry you had such a s*** Easter. I hope your week improves.

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"Phew! For a minute there I lost myself."

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Default Apr 21, 2019 at 10:18 PM
Took the day off work and listened to music and drew pretty much all day. In celebration of Robert Smith's 60th birthday. To me, that's a holiday.

(Pinkeye less dreadful and clearing up. Itching finally winding down. Will go back tomorrow.)

Mr. Robot
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Makes me sick to the heart, Oh I feel so tired. And the way the rain comes down hard, that's how I feel inside.
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Default Apr 21, 2019 at 10:19 PM
Easter was interesting. In the morning I saw my family which went well until I felt so unwell I couldn't drive myself home, My parents drove me home. This stomach thing has been going on for days but yesterday (Easter) it got much worse to the point that I had to call an emergency GP over around 9 pm. He said my diagnosis was unclear. I tested partial for a uranyl track infection. He was going to give me antibiotics but I didn't want to take them unless absolutely necessary as they make me feel sick. He gave me anti-nausea tablets to help me be able to eat so I wouldn't feel so weak, and a laxative as, well, you know. He was great. Very thorough. He wants me to see my own GP on Tuesday when her offices open again.

I really think it is some severe trauma reaction, but if so it is worse than I have ever experienced before, and I had very severe Complex PTSD years ago. Interestingly, the only thing that helps my stomach pain is benzodiazepines. The mind body connection can do strange things but I guess I have to cover all medical bases. If my stomach pain gets worse he wants me to go to Emergency. I despise that thought as I would be without most of my meds. Anyway, a fun Easter all round. Tomorrow or Wednesday I am going to stay with my parents for a few days. My Mum is so worried but I really cannot be bothered packing etc right now and am only a phone call away from help.

Bipolar 1 with psychotic features

"Phew! For a minute there I lost myself."

'Karma Police' by Radiohead
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Default Apr 21, 2019 at 11:14 PM
My Easter was sleeping in til 1:30 but I was up til almost 7:30 reading. So there is that.

Just my husband and I today so I made chicken wraps for dinner. Simple and tasty.

I had my meds to pick up at Hellmart today and needed some groceries as the cupboards were getting bare.

I’m recovering from Vacation. I am so happy that my husband and I went on a trip that wasn’t just to Florida to see the kids. We needed it.

One thing I had started doing since my yearly physical in beginning of March .... my Dr said that studies show Mucinex somehow works on your pain receptors in the brain to decrease pain. Well I have been taking it since then, I notice a difference , I know shocking !!! , it’s not a OMG huge but it’s there. Studies are showing as it builds up in your system the better the results.

Hey it’s worth a try ~

Yes I bought Peeps ! Gross things ! But they are so much fun when you put them in your microwave lol Try it , good for a laugh.

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Default Apr 21, 2019 at 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post
Yes I bought Peeps ! Gross things ! But they are so much fun when you put them in your microwave lol Try it , good for a laugh.
Yeah, they're gross. How's this? I like them best stale. Go figure. (Do they go mutant in the micro?)

Mr. Robot
Bipolar Check-In Thread #33
Makes me sick to the heart, Oh I feel so tired. And the way the rain comes down hard, that's how I feel inside.
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Default Apr 22, 2019 at 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by Innerzone View Post
Yeah, they're gross. How's this? I like them best stale. Go figure. (Do they go mutant in the micro?)

I might like them stale ?!?!?!?!?!??

They do grow into odd creatures

I do recommend using a paper plate as to save time scrubbing a plate LOL

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Default Apr 22, 2019 at 05:59 AM
I was up a majority of the night because I decided to suddenly stop one of my meds due to weight gain. I ended up giving in and just taking at some point it because I don't want to screw up my stability. I'll just have to work really hard to offset the weight gain with exercise and healthy eating.


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