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Default Nov 11, 2019 at 02:41 PM
Hey, everybody. Good morning. I've been absent for a few days. Sorry. I went back a couple of days and read as best I could all the posts, not knowing where to begin. My brain is not really in a place to be very helpful right now--sorry. But I do want to send strength and support to everyone suffering physically right now and positive vibes and fortitude to those struggling psychically. I hope you all have better days today.

I actually didn't really want to come back, which is weird, because you all have been so incredibly helpful and supportive to me. I am so grateful, truly, and I didn't feel like not coming back as some kind of attention-grabber for myself. But I just feel like I am running in circles. I was horribly depressed/extremely suicidal a few weeks ago and then suddenly briefly a little psychotic, then hypomanic. And now, as of a couple of days ago, I am really psychotic, anxious, and paranoid. Convinced secret agents are in the hallway preparing to kick down my door. Convinced my upstairs neighbor above me has put microphones in my walls and cameras in my smoke detectors and oven. Hear voices and conversations all night long from the hall and upstairs neighbor apt. thru the floor, which I know is concrete. Hearing somebody whistle but there's no-one there. Seeing all kinds of crazy shadows on the walls and sneaking under my door. Terrified that I am going to die, but I don't know why that would happen.

Just lying in my bed, clutching my pillow and trying to breathe and pray before I am killed. I think I told my doctor that I was getting psychotic again on Friday, but not sure how bad I told him it was. I can't remember really.I did take all my medicine every day and night, that I know. Am now on Abilify 20 mg again and Zyprexa (can't remember how much and don't want to get the bottle right now because the bathroom is by my front door, where all those people are in the hallway). I don't know when I slept last, but I was u all last night and almost all the night before. Anxious, paranoid, doomful, hopeless, terrified, very, very confused. Not processing well. Too afraid to tell the TV on, which might distratc me, cuz I used to get special messages. Too afraid to leave apt., but I would have to go in hallway anyway and I won't do that. No way.

I'm so sorry to dump all this. Other people have major-league issues going on here that are far more worthy of attention. But I don't know what to do anymore. It all seems lost. Lost the ability to sleep. I guess 800 mg of Seroquel would do it, but I don't know what to do.

When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield
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Heart Nov 11, 2019 at 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by depressedIRL21 View Post
Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven't been on for awhile. My mood has been alittle out there lately. I either feel mostly okay and able to laugh and have fun or I feel sad and anxious. I think I might be shifting into depression with the weather changes. I have been trying to keep myself occupied with activities but its been hard. Even when I try to go to bed, I am feeling sad emotions for no reason and anxious over things that gotta get done the next day. I had a few anxiety attacks in the pass few days which just makes me feel stressed and tired afterwards. And then on top of everything, I have been feeling tired during the days which makes doing anything productive that much harder. So while I try to do things outside and with others, sometimes I'm just overly tired. HOwever I have been staying positive and am seeing my pdoc today.
Might you be having a reaction to the darker days? Have you ever tried using bright light therapy?

I hope your pdoc can help out!

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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Heart Nov 11, 2019 at 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by bpcyclist View Post
Hey, everybody. Good morning. I've been absent for a few days. Sorry. I went back a couple of days and read as best I could all the posts, not knowing where to begin. My brain is not really in a place to be very helpful right now--sorry. But I do want to send strength and support to everyone suffering physically right now and positive vibes and fortitude to those struggling psychically. I hope you all have better days today.

I actually didn't really want to come back, which is weird, because you all have been so incredibly helpful and supportive to me. I am so grateful, truly, and I didn't feel like not coming back as some kind of attention-grabber for myself. But I just feel like I am running in circles. I was horribly depressed/extremely suicidal a few weeks ago and then suddenly briefly a little psychotic, then hypomanic. And now, as of a couple of days ago, I am really psychotic, anxious, and paranoid. Convinced secret agents are in the hallway preparing to kick down my door. Convinced my upstairs neighbor above me has put microphones in my walls and cameras in my smoke detectors and oven. Hear voices and conversations all night long from the hall and upstairs neighbor apt. thru the floor, which I know is concrete. Hearing somebody whistle but there's no-one there. Seeing all kinds of crazy shadows on the walls and sneaking under my door. Terrified that I am going to die, but I don't know why that would happen.

Just lying in my bed, clutching my pillow and trying to breathe and pray before I am killed. I think I told my doctor that I was getting psychotic again on Friday, but not sure how bad I told him it was. I can't remember really.I did take all my medicine every day and night, that I know. Am now on Abilify 20 mg again and Zyprexa (can't remember how much and don't want to get the bottle right now because the bathroom is by my front door, where all those people are in the hallway). I don't know when I slept last, but I was u all last night and almost all the night before. Anxious, paranoid, doomful, hopeless, terrified, very, very confused. Not processing well. Too afraid to tell the TV on, which might distratc me, cuz I used to get special messages. Too afraid to leave apt., but I would have to go in hallway anyway and I won't do that. No way.

I'm so sorry to dump all this. Other people have major-league issues going on here that are far more worthy of attention. But I don't know what to do anymore. It all seems lost. Lost the ability to sleep. I guess 800 mg of Seroquel would do it, but I don't know what to do.
I am sorry you arehaving such a trying time.
It sounds like you are quite unwell right now.

So glad you have reached out. You and your welfare is as important as anyone's. Keep reaching out!

Please call your doctor as soon as you can do so. It's important your doctor know all that is going on for you. It's important your pdoc has the opportunity to help you to get through this.

You are important to your many friends here.
We care about you.
Please keep us posted?

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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Heart Nov 11, 2019 at 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Jennifer 1967 View Post
PC is very comforting and entertaining and I appreciate the camaraderie and the support. I had a rough morning and those virtual hugs made me smile and helped me turn things around. Thank you for that.
I am so glad you are feeling better this afternoon!
I also find PC very helpful. We are all so fortunate to have such a great group of people participating here!

I hope you have a good evening as well!

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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Default Nov 11, 2019 at 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by bpcyclist View Post
Hey, everybody. Good morning. I've been absent for a few days. Sorry. I went back a couple of days and read as best I could all the posts, not knowing where to begin. My brain is not really in a place to be very helpful right now--sorry. But I do want to send strength and support to everyone suffering physically right now and positive vibes and fortitude to those struggling psychically. I hope you all have better days today.

I actually didn't really want to come back, which is weird, because you all have been so incredibly helpful and supportive to me. I am so grateful, truly, and I didn't feel like not coming back as some kind of attention-grabber for myself. But I just feel like I am running in circles. I was horribly depressed/extremely suicidal a few weeks ago and then suddenly briefly a little psychotic, then hypomanic. And now, as of a couple of days ago, I am really psychotic, anxious, and paranoid. Convinced secret agents are in the hallway preparing to kick down my door. Convinced my upstairs neighbor above me has put microphones in my walls and cameras in my smoke detectors and oven. Hear voices and conversations all night long from the hall and upstairs neighbor apt. thru the floor, which I know is concrete. Hearing somebody whistle but there's no-one there. Seeing all kinds of crazy shadows on the walls and sneaking under my door. Terrified that I am going to die, but I don't know why that would happen.

Just lying in my bed, clutching my pillow and trying to breathe and pray before I am killed. I think I told my doctor that I was getting psychotic again on Friday, but not sure how bad I told him it was. I can't remember really.I did take all my medicine every day and night, that I know. Am now on Abilify 20 mg again and Zyprexa (can't remember how much and don't want to get the bottle right now because the bathroom is by my front door, where all those people are in the hallway). I don't know when I slept last, but I was u all last night and almost all the night before. Anxious, paranoid, doomful, hopeless, terrified, very, very confused. Not processing well. Too afraid to tell the TV on, which might distratc me, cuz I used to get special messages. Too afraid to leave apt., but I would have to go in hallway anyway and I won't do that. No way.

I'm so sorry to dump all this. Other people have major-league issues going on here that are far more worthy of attention. But I don't know what to do anymore. It all seems lost. Lost the ability to sleep. I guess 800 mg of Seroquel would do it, but I don't know what to do.
Hey bpcyclist. I am so glad you gave us an update. I have been worried about you for several days. You're experiencing quite a heavy bout of psychosis. That must feel incredibly uncomfortable and I'm so sorry you are going through this.

I know you don't want to open your door, but is there anyone you trust to come over and be with you for a while? I was thinking it might help if you can have a trusted friend or family member there to bounce ideas off of when you hear noises or think someone is in the hallway. They can go out and check for you or snap pictures for you to help your mind see it isn't really happening.

Also, have you tried music to block out the noises? I know you probably want to avoid triggering lyrics, but there is a lot of good relaxation music available on YouTube. I sent this one to a friend the other day. I've been listening to it lately.

I would definitely give your doctor a call back. I know you trust him and he needs to know you still haven't slept and that the psychosis is progressing. It sounds like you're in a mixed state and that can be pure Hell.

Do you also work with a therapist? Perhaps they can assist as well?

My only other thought is to reach out to a mental health crisis line in your area. They can speak with you and help calm you down and some have services to do in home visits. You could maybe give them a code word to use when they come so you know it is someone safe.

I think you did a good thing by reaching our here today. It was very brave of you. I hope nothing I've offered triggers you further. Only consider anything that feels right and toss the rest. Huge hugs to you, and keep posting if it helps. We all want to see you well again.
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Default Nov 11, 2019 at 03:32 PM
Hi everyone! It's been a minute. I was very stressed/busy this past week and hardly slept at all (which of course backfired on me). I knew that I needed to sleep, but had to get something done I felt, and ended up putting it ahead of my sleep. Well my brain went haywire and I felt agitated and extremely anxious. Just all in all not good. This past weekend I went on a trip with my SO and the first couple days my thinking was real wonky. Fortunately today, after a couple nights of decent sleep, I am doing a bit better.

I had therapy last week and my therapist mentioned maybe I should get tested for my attention issues to see if it's anxiety or something else like ADHD. For some reason I am intimidated by the thought of having a formal psych evaluation. I have this thought of what if I mess up and answer things inaccurately for me, then end up with the wrong diagnosis which will stay in my chart forever? I know that sounds like catastrophizing ( because it is haha). I am more open to the idea now that I am doing a bit better and think maybe I will call my psychiatrist to discuss.

I hope everyone is doing well. Sending compassion.
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Default Nov 11, 2019 at 04:48 PM
Its snowingstill. As soon as I brush the car off its covered in snow again.. The snow is past my ankles! I texted n3s piano teacher that we wouldnt be there today. (Is usually starting right now). She just said ok. Easy for her to say she hasnt cancelled lessons all tucked in warm and dry in her home studio...

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Heart Nov 11, 2019 at 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by yellow_fleurs View Post
Hi everyone! It's been a minute. I was very stressed/busy this past week and hardly slept at all (which of course backfired on me). I knew that I needed to sleep, but had to get something done I felt, and ended up putting it ahead of my sleep. Well my brain went haywire and I felt agitated and extremely anxious. Just all in all not good. This past weekend I went on a trip with my SO and the first couple days my thinking was real wonky. Fortunately today, after a couple nights of decent sleep, I am doing a bit better.

I had therapy last week and my therapist mentioned maybe I should get tested for my attention issues to see if it's anxiety or something else like ADHD. For some reason I am intimidated by the thought of having a formal psych evaluation. I have this thought of what if I mess up and answer things inaccurately for me, then end up with the wrong diagnosis which will stay in my chart forever? I know that sounds like catastrophizing ( because it is haha). I am more open to the idea now that I am doing a bit better and think maybe I will call my psychiatrist to discuss.

I hope everyone is doing well. Sending compassion.
It continues to baffle me as to how very important sleep is to stabilizing.

I am glad you are feeling better!
It's always a blessing to have you posting!

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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Heart Nov 11, 2019 at 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Moose72 View Post
Its snowingstill. As soon as I brush the car off its covered in snow again.. The snow is past my ankles! I texted n3s piano teacher that we wouldnt be there today. (Is usually starting right now). She just said ok. Easy for her to say she hasnt cancelled lessons all tucked in warm and dry in her home studio...
It's snowing here, too!

We are supposed to get just 7-9 inches overnight.
I find it so very pretty!
I have groceries incase the roads are late getting cleared tomorrow.
I love it!

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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Default Nov 11, 2019 at 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by Wild Coyote View Post
It's snowing here, too!

We are supposed to get just 7-9 inches overnight.
I find it so very pretty!
I have groceries incase the roads are late getting cleared tomorrow.
I love it!
I have to get n3 to work 20 normal driving minutes away by 6 am tomorrow. I think its supposed to stop snowing around midnight.

Wellbutrin XL 300 mg
Ingrezza 80 mg
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Default Nov 11, 2019 at 06:53 PM
My cold went away, finally!

Also I'm feeling less mixed today. I don't have the fast thoughts and I'm not irritable, which is great.

I'm heading back to depressed but that's ok. Maybe it won't be as deep because of the Mirapex since I was starting to feel a little bit better before I got my cold.

Today the planet Mercury crossed between us and the sun, putting on a great show. I watched the whole time it took to go across...5.5 hours. Took lots of photos.

* Dx: Unspecified Bipolar and Related Disorder
* Rx: Remeron, Prozac, Klonopin, Vraylar

My avatar picture is a photo of the Whirlpool Galaxy I took in April 2023. I dedicated this photo to my sister who passed away in July 2016.
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Default Nov 11, 2019 at 07:31 PM
So it's official. I'm fighting pneumonia now. I have another doctor's appointment in a week - no work before then. My birthday is also this week so I'm disappointed that I have to be home sick.

I'll survive. Husband is being a turd about my coughing - it "bothers" him. I do have earplugs I can give him. I'm not even really coughing as much as you'd think I would be.
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Default Nov 11, 2019 at 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by Polibeth View Post
So it's official. I'm fighting pneumonia now. I have another doctor's appointment in a week - no work before then. My birthday is also this week so I'm disappointed that I have to be home sick.

I'll survive. Husband is being a turd about my coughing - it "bothers" him. I do have earplugs I can give him. I'm not even really coughing as much as you'd think I would be.
Sounds like he'd be much more comfortable sleeping on the couch!

So sorry you're sick. I hope the rest works well and you recover soon.
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Default Nov 11, 2019 at 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by Jennifer 1967 View Post
Yesterday was just rough all the way around mentally and physically. I finally tried to sleep it off and woke up around 4:00 am this morning. Today feels much the same but I will work towards changing that.

Warm wishes to all.

I hope your day has improved

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Default Nov 11, 2019 at 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by childofchaos831 View Post
I'm probably going to end up in the hospital again by the end of today

Do whatever needs done to keep yourself safe

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Default Nov 11, 2019 at 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Wild Coyote View Post
A heated onesie?

I have offered to buy her some very nice thermals. She wants nothing to do with it.

OMG! Humidifiers. Cannot get enough!

I was up in the night fixing the cable/internet for mom. I thought I'd die.

I have 3 humidifiers going; however, there is not one in the "office" area.

Started wheezing; started albuterol.

It's in the 30's. I sleep with a fan in the window, blowing air into my bedroom! I love it!!!

Yes, many items are too heavy for me. My nephew has offered to help; however, he works long hours and far away. Am searching for a handy man. A good looking one.

Yes !! Find a cute one !!!!!

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Default Nov 11, 2019 at 08:08 PM
Had appointments with my psychiatrist and therapist today. Doing well but still having some breakthrough paranoid/delusional thinking that comes and goes so one of my APs was increased.

It's supposed to snow tonight and tomorrow. Can't wait! I love snow and winter. I really prefer it to summer and spring.

I need to see my GP, will try to get a walk in appointment tomorrow if possible.

Might bake some cookies tomorrow

Hope everyone is well


R.I.P mom 8/6/55-1/15/16

“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” -St. Francis of Assisi
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Default Nov 11, 2019 at 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Nammu View Post
Took an extra half pill and slept well. Unfortunately my dreams didnt stick with me. All I can remember is people floating down a cliff, only not all of them floated, some fell. I was part of a team investigating the supernatural. I had a Dr Who outfit with multicolored leather boots. A trunk with a magical suitcase I was cleaning out and found some dice, tiny black dice with tiny skulls on them, and pearls. A bag of Doritos figured in too. I needed to restock but couldn't go just anyplace.

Glad you got sleep and at least some of the dream stuck. I never have good interesting dreams. I’m so jelly

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Default Nov 11, 2019 at 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Moose72 View Post
N3 had his orientation at his new job at 10 a.m. today. There's a winter storm advisory from 4 a.m. this morning and throughout all of today. We are supposed to have at least 4 inches. It took me from 9 to 9:30 to scrape the car. Easy to scrape thank goodness! N3 was 10 mins early for his 10:00 orientation at mcdonald's. I went inside and got a coffee and waited in another part of the dining room. So he works the next four days in a row- 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. I've gotta get up at half past the crack of dawn- or BEFORE!- to get him there on time. I hope it stops snowing so they can fix the roads before 5 tomorrow morning. Nevermind that Im not used to being up this early! Omg I hope N3 can get himself up. We got some brown sugar at the grocery store after his orientation and went home at 20 mph all the way- sometimes less! Oh! And I left my lights on when we parked at McDonald's! (Old car- no auto lights!) I happened to hear someone say something about a "burgundy" car's lights so I dashed out and turned them off. Just relaxing at home now. You really don't want to drive anywhere today unless you have to. Didnt see any accidents but we fishtailed a little bit.

Congrats on him getting the job!! Sucks you have to tote him around all the time. Oh and being up such early hours ???? I’m glad he got a job

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Default Nov 11, 2019 at 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Polibeth View Post
So it's official. I'm fighting pneumonia now. I have another doctor's appointment in a week - no work before then. My birthday is also this week so I'm disappointed that I have to be home sick.

I'll survive. Husband is being a turd about my coughing - it "bothers" him. I do have earplugs I can give him. I'm not even really coughing as much as you'd think I would be.

Oh no I hate that your going through this. Did your medications get changed ?

Oh your husband

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