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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Blue_Bird View Post
My night is going downhill fast. I'm hearing voices and scared so I want to take one of prn klonopin but I'm scared to even do that because I feel like my meds are poison
I am glad to hear you were able to push through it. I know exactly that feeling of meds being poison etc..

Maybe take some time to write down why meds *aren't* poison? Then you can review your handwritten note every time you get afraid. And make sure to remind yourself how many times you've taken your meds and how your meds have never been poison before, etc etc
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 12:56 PM
I am scatterbrained today. It sucks.

I missed my meds last night and I can barely think straight today. In fact, I had a video conference call this morning and I couldn't even talk straight. I had to apologize by saying that I was "really tired" (even though I'm not). But like, I kept forgetting words and forgot how I even got into my office chair because I thought I was lying in my bed just a second ago. (I am working from home.)

Just a mess today. I don't know why I can't think or talk straight. I doubt it's an episode coming on. I think I am just dealing with some sort of withdrawal. That's also why I probably have a headache.

But anyway, since I can't concentrate well enough to do work, I am cleaning a bit, but now I have to figure out how to organize things and I don't have the concentration power to figure out the best way to organize stuff.
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by bluebicycle View Post
I am glad to hear you were able to push through it. I know exactly that feeling of meds being poison etc..

Maybe take some time to write down why meds *aren't* poison? Then you can review your handwritten note every time you get afraid. And make sure to remind yourself how many times you've taken your meds and how your meds have never been poison before, etc etc
Thanks bluebicycle, that's a good idea. I think part of it stems from the fact that I had an incompetent doctor at one point that put me on a massive dose of Lithium which put me in the ICU for a week with kidney failure, my levels were 4.3. I think that traumatized me and scared me because the doctor at the time didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with the horrible side effects I was having which turned out to be severe lithium toxicity. But the truth is the doctor I have now I've been seeing for almost 4 years has never once put me in danger like that so that's something I can keep in mind


R.I.P mom 8/6/55-1/15/16

“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” -St. Francis of Assisi
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 02:19 PM
Well the interview went well! I should here from the college in a week or so. I am doing good today, I slept well.

Bipolar 1 and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Meds: Lithium 1800mg, Vraylar 1.5 mg, Trazodone, 25mg, Ativan 0.5-1 mg PRN
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 02:21 PM
I’m still down in the hole. This episode gave me little time and warning. Looking back, I had a really good day the day before it started. I was functional, out all day and had a lot of fun. The next day was the exact opposite and it spiraled from there. It’s at a point where I chose to give my meds to a family member for safety’s sake. I’m foggy brained and not thinking clearly. That’s new for me. This couldn’t have come at a worse time and I’m disappointed that I couldn’t stop it in its tracks.

Warm regards to all and hugs to those that are struggling.
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 02:40 PM
bluebicycle, I know exactly what you're writing about. If I take my evening meds very late, the same thing happens to me. Amazing how deviating from the norm affects us!

depressedIRL, I'm happy to read that your interview went well! Let us know when you hear the good news. I'm glad you slept well.

Jennifer, maybe it's not too late. Keep fighting it and at the very least, maybe it will end quickly. Hugs
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 02:45 PM
Today is a much calmer day for me. I saw my psychiatrist in the morning. He gave me good advice. He recommended I write up a timeline and summary of concerning behaviors of my Dad that my siblings and late mother observed over his lifetime. I really want to be sure my dad gets a very well thought out diagnosis, finally, in addition to the whole addiction counseling thing. My siblings and I believe strongly that my father has bipolar disorder, but my father is unwilling to even allow that to be considered. However, he may be taking the wrong medication. No matter what the final verdict is on his diagnosis, he must be taking the right medication.

I sent a first draft of the above to my sister. Her reaction wasn't that great, at first. We argued a bit. I compromised a bit. I called the IOP and left a message asking if I could send my finalized document to the doctor Dad's meeting with, beforehand. If I can't, I may just put the thing in an envelope and slip it to the doctor after Dad's meeting with him.

My psychiatrist suggested I tell Dad's upcoming IOP doctor that we all think he has bipolar disorder. I'm a little reluctant to do so very directly. Instead, the document I created includes the family history, which is all bipolar disorder, and numerous "concerning behaviors" that are clear bipolar.
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 03:38 PM
Well, happy to be able to read some today on this board, which has become very important to me, along with all its fantastic, amazing, persevering, strong people. You all inspire me!

Not yet in a cognitive position to offer anything of use to anyone else, with apologies. Baby steps.

Slept 6 hours last night without waking up once. Basically, a miracle for me. No voices or viz hallucinations, don't seem to be paranoid. No microphones or IR cameras in the walls or ceiling. No team from the CIA in the hall. So on. I don't know what to make of it because it was so real to me. I don't understand my brain.

Got out on the bike early. Very cold. Spectacular sunrise behind the mountain. Just stunning. All in all, a pretty good day. Only downside is that I just found 4 maybe 3-5 mm-sized pieces of metal in the pizza I brought home last night from one of Portland's premier pizza joints. Fortunately, did not injure a tooth. This is very ironic, because two years ago, I bit down on an 8 millimeter piece of steel bolt in my Ben & Jerry's, destroying a molar. They owned it, but it was a big, expensive hassle. So, glad I don't have to go through that again.

That's about it from here. Sending support and love to everyone struggling and even to those who are not. So grateful for you guys.

When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 03:46 PM
When I got to mums room today she was out having therapy. She has OT next. I brought her mail and newspapers. So she can keep up with current events. Found out this morning that I forgot my morning meds yesterday. That might explain why i had spasms last night when I tried to eat. My morning meds is all physical meds. I never forget my psych meds at night cause I can't sleep without them. Can't sleep half the time with them but without it's an awful night.

…Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. …...
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 03:58 PM
Well, back to short sleep again. I slept 5 hours last night.

The brain zaps I have been experiencing have become an little more regular. Sometimes I can kind of tell when I'm about to get one. And they're more frequent in certain situations.

I can't do anything to get rid of them but I think I'm getting better at coping with them. But sometimes it's just too intense.

I'm feeling both good and bad at the same time. I'm not taking very good care of myself yet I feel better than I have in a long time. It's really strange.

* Dx: Unspecified Bipolar and Related Disorder
* Rx: Remeron, Prozac, Klonopin, Vraylar

My avatar picture is a photo of the Whirlpool Galaxy I took in April 2023. I dedicated this photo to my sister who passed away in July 2016.
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 04:02 PM
Came home with another headache today. I think it’s a mixture of things but I’m doing my best to combat it. It doesn’t help the temperature in the room drastically changes at a moment’s notice, making it ungodly hot or cold. I literally mean you burn up or you’re freezed out – I’m pretty tolerant of both extremes but this is intense. My head is just now feeling better and I’ve been off work for 1.5 hours. To be fair, this is JUST the training room and not the whole building, so it’s not really going to be an issue when I am on the floor – but right now it is affecting me pretty severely. I get my work done. I learn, I do my assessments, I pass, and I go on… but it’s so much harder to focus when you just want to bash your head into a wall to make the pain stop. (Counter-intuitive I know, but I’d rather feel that than the headache!)

I’m don’t sleep the best, but I am sleeping more than in the past, so it’s a step forward. I promised myself no to complain so much, so I won’t. TGTIF (Thank God tomorrow is Friday! haha) Have a great day everyone.

Last edited by Anonymous328112; Nov 21, 2019 at 05:46 PM..
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Wild Coyote View Post
Absolutely none of your feelings are wrong.

In truth, your feelings are very sane.

You are in an extremely challenging situation.

It's incredibly painful and incredibly stressful.

We share a lot between us because we both understand what it's like to live with severe and often unrelenting, pain. We are always seeking relief and we are often betrayed by almost anything we try which was supposed to assist us.

Diagnoses/conditions only increase, no matter what we do We are trying to live with some chronically progressive conditions. The rest of the conditions may not be progressive, yet are sources of additional chronic pain.

It certainly seems like nothing gets better. The challenges continue to multiply. Your resources have not multiplied. You need more medical tests/help.

You are "punished" every time you follow through with you doctors' recommendations. You fall into the category of the "underinsured," and you live in a state which has forsaken it's citizens in this regard. Therefore, medical providers then want your home. Your home is all you have been able to hold onto to date,

I usually have some helpful resources. In your case, you've known the potential options and you have fully explored them. In your state, your legislature/governor/politicians have sold you out, along with so many others, especially disabled adults, suffering chronic illness.

It surely looks like a catch-22 to me.

On top of it all, you are not treated with compassion. We'd never think it humane to allow any animal to suffer the way you suffer. You need some reprieve with proper pain management measures. Unfortunately, our goverments, both state and federal, have bought into some idea that all pain med prescribing is based upon concern for "drug abusers." This fear of people wrongly using the pain meds we need trumps our desperate need for some relief. How do the behaviors of others block us from compassionate care?

I totally understand your need for relief from ALL of this. It certainly appears as though there is no break, no way out. You are damned if you do and if you don't.

Sweetheart, there is absolutely nothing wrong with your feelings.

How could a sane person feel differently ? Anyone living the reality of what you are living would be screaming for help and would very likely feel betrayed and deeply disheartened, especially when repeatedly trying so hard and things are made worse for having tried.

I have touched upon some of what you have to live with. There is much more that I would not touch upon here and much more I don't even know.

I think I probably come close to understanding?

I also have faith that our friends here will also understand.

Please do let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do beyond offering understanding, listening, offering support, holding your hand, sitting with you. I want to be here with/for you.

You are an incredibly strong, courageous, loving, life-affirming person. You so freely give so very much Love here to everyone. You are truly beautiful, inside and out. You have my appreciation, my admiration and my Love.

I am here for you.

Yes to all that

Helping others gets me out of my own head ~
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 05:01 PM
Just a check in. I am doing well though it is a mixed bag. While you really start feeling the good feelings, some of the others like anger & frustration have been blunted so many years (at least in my case), so I don't even have the tools to deal with them. Not in therapy at the moment, but I tend to use one of my sisters as a sounding board and for mom advice.

H is very likely to be made an associate professor on tenure track in the next few weeks. He has wanted that forever. He really accomplished a ton being that he only started as a visiting professor Jan 1, 2019.

Today I went for an evaluation physical therapy session. I have been dogged by knee pain, hip pain, leg pain, knee pain on the other side, hip pain probably since July of this year. I am not able to exercise at all, which is making me unhappy (and I hurt and can only take Tylenol, no NSAIDs). Physical therapist seems to think I am having issues relating to an SI joint injury that happened when I was pregnant in 2007. He is optimistic he can help me in 4 weeks. Now I have to wait for the insurance to approve it.

Bipolar 1, PTSD, anorexia, panic disorder, ADHD

Seroquel, Cymbalta, , propanolol, buspirone, Trazodone, gabapentin, omeperazole

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
--Robert Frost
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 05:44 PM
Hey everyone, I want to apologize for my frantic hopeless post.

Usually when I dump my head out with my T it helps, yesterday everything just kept falling out and I really felt it was falling on me..like I was being smothered.

Richard has texted me twice today. He is not a “ texting” guy but he only works M-W.. I assured him although I’m a bit disappointed that I haven’t died in some strange way since I saw him.. asteroid, Black Plague , trip over a kangaroo and snap my head off.

It’s impossible for me to find anyone willing to help me with any kind of pain meds, I went to a pain clinic 5 or so years ago... they would not prescribe anything. I asked for just 3 pills ??? Incase I just cant stand it and I just need something to force me to sleep??! nope

Once while IP they had me take Thorazine as nothing else was giving me any sleep, it worked !! I thought finally I have a prn that will be last resort. I took it a couple months later at home , I got 3 hours of sleep , few months later nothing. Took one a few months ago again it did nothing but blur my vision for a couple days.

I said I have gone IP at least 5 times because my pain causes me to feel suicidal and thats ridiculous!!!! I mean it would certainly be cheaper to buy 3 pain pills a month if I really need one instead of going IP and thats 1,500 + a day plus psych Med cost.

See how ridiculous this is???

A few years ago my GP was trying to set up a plan, we have a small rural hospital, so basically if I came in feeling suicidal from the PAIN that they could administer me IV pain med. The hospital said legally they could not do this. If I come in feeling suicidal by law I will need to go IP

My GP is not able to give me any because I don’t have a “ approved “ physical problem.. Fibromyalgia is not on that list because my state are sadistic asssholes.

My Rheumatologist can only offer very short term pain meds (3days) if I have visible swollen joints that require steroid shot.

I am not a drinker, like I had half a glass of wine with my daughter last Christmas while we made chili.

I fixed a drink last week .. coconut rum and cream soda one sip and I said Nope ! Handed it to my husband ... he said what do you want me to do with it?? I said drink it. He is also not a drinker, he poured it down the drain. The bottle of rum we have is at least 7 year old and still basically full.

I am not going to try and find street drugs , one I would have no idea where to get any, two I would be to terrified to even try something , no no no.

So I just feel defeated and hopeless and again another sleepless night.

Thank you all for being so kind with words of support it does help.

Helping others gets me out of my own head ~
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post
Hey everyone, I want to apologize for my frantic hopeless post.

Usually when I dump my head out with my T it helps, yesterday everything just kept falling out and I really felt it was falling on me..like I was being smothered.

Richard has texted me twice today. He is not a “ texting” guy but he only works M-W.. I assured him although I’m a bit disappointed that I haven’t died in some strange way since I saw him.. asteroid, Black Plague , trip over a kangaroo and snap my head off.

It’s impossible for me to find anyone willing to help me with any kind of pain meds, I went to a pain clinic 5 or so years ago... they would not prescribe anything. I asked for just 3 pills ??? Incase I just cant stand it and I just need something to force me to sleep??! nope

Once while IP they had me take Thorazine as nothing else was giving me any sleep, it worked !! I thought finally I have a prn that will be last resort. I took it a couple months later at home , I got 3 hours of sleep , few months later nothing. Took one a few months ago again it did nothing but blur my vision for a couple days.

I said I have gone IP at least 5 times because my pain causes me to feel suicidal and thats ridiculous!!!! I mean it would certainly be cheaper to buy 3 pain pills a month if I really need one instead of going IP and thats 1,500 + a day plus psych Med cost.

See how ridiculous this is???

A few years ago my GP was trying to set up a plan, we have a small rural hospital, so basically if I came in feeling suicidal from the PAIN that they could administer me IV pain med. The hospital said legally they could not do this. If I come in feeling suicidal by law I will need to go IP

My GP is not able to give me any because I don’t have a “ approved “ physical problem.. Fibromyalgia is not on that list because my state are sadistic asssholes.

My Rheumatologist can only offer very short term pain meds (3days) if I have visible swollen joints that require steroid shot.

I am not a drinker, like I had half a glass of wine with my daughter last Christmas while we made chili.

I fixed a drink last week .. coconut rum and cream soda one sip and I said Nope ! Handed it to my husband ... he said what do you want me to do with it?? I said drink it. He is also not a drinker, he poured it down the drain. The bottle of rum we have is at least 7 year old and still basically full.

I am not going to try and find street drugs , one I would have no idea where to get any, two I would be to terrified to even try something , no no no.

So I just feel defeated and hopeless and again another sleepless night.

Thank you all for being so kind with words of support it does help.
I wish I was a chemist and could make you a magic sleeping pill with no side effects. I’m worried about you. Too long without good sleep, and chronic pain, drives the best of us mad. I’m so glad your T is supportive. We are all here in the ether cheering you on too. Please don’t feel you have to apologise for being honest with how you were feeling. Vent away if it helps. Sending pain killing fairies. I hope they find you.

Bipolar 1 with psychotic features

"Phew! For a minute there I lost myself."

'Karma Police' by Radiohead
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 06:12 PM
PTSD worse.
Being around my family, my main support, is a major trigger right now. This leaves me feeling isolated. They know I’m dealing with PTSD, but not that they are connected. Although, it wouldn’t be hard to guess. This situation will be temporary hopefully. My T is helping me work through these things. His support is amazing.

So far I am safe, but my feet are slipping. T is aware. If I can get through this fire without being hospitalised I will be thrilled. I will be even more thrilled if Bipolar doesn’t show up.

Bipolar 1 with psychotic features

"Phew! For a minute there I lost myself."

'Karma Police' by Radiohead
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 06:47 PM
I was going to just give up on preparing any kind of dinner, but I pushed myself. I'm glad. I even ground the coffee for tomorrow's breakfast. The sound of the coffee grinder is sometimes like nails scratching a chalkboard, in the morning. I can tolerate the grinder better during the day or evening.

My stress is affecting me cognitively, at times. I felt like I could barely think straight, this morning. I am just so extremely spent. I am and am not looking forward to our trip to Florida. On Monday, we have to get up before 3 am to get to the airport on time. I dread having to pack for the trip. I found a "menu plan" from the same trip two years ago, and will use that and its shopping list. One good thing is that I have a lot of nice shorts to wear, and they all fit well. The weather forecast is very good for Fort Meyers Beach. It should reach the low 80s F most of the days.

My sweet pdoc told me to call him, if I need to, while I'm on vacation. I don't intend to, but it feels so good to have someone like him in my life. Hubby is my my main support, but hubby needs support from me just as much as I do from him. I often think about the time in the future when I won't have this pdoc. I can't imagine any other pdoc in the whole world being as wonderful. I know this sounds like transference central. It is, but who cares.
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 06:57 PM
@~Christina: I hate that you are suffering this way. I don't really know what to say. You are so very resourceful there's nothing practical i can think of that you haven't already tried except perhaps CBD oil which my neighbor uses and finds helpful. My apologies if you've already tried this and covered it in a previous post, certainly don't want to irritate you and add to your heavy load -- i was tuned out of Psych Central for most of this year. I hope things improve and soon and am sending my thoughts and prayers. Your writing is very creative and natural and unselfconscious even in the midst of all of your pain. I enjoy your writing!

@MarcusAurelius: Sorry to hear about your headache. That sounds painful! It's too bad the temp in the room at work is so flaky. Being at the wrong temp is so uncomfortable. But hey -- you are almost done your first full week at work -- something to be proud of!

As for myself, i am sure having an easier time of it here than some. My reading skills are really coming back, with rereading "Infinite Jest" twice today and enjoying the act of reading again, so peaceful and trance-like. My building coffee social went well this morning. I was asked to commit to a potluck in January and i simply said no, that i didn't know how i would be feeling in January. This is a good showing from me because it means i'm assertive enough to say no and also that i have enough insight to realize that Winter depression is likely on the way.

The only thing that was bad was there is this one older lady who is really excited about me for some reason and frequently asks me dumb questions in front of the group which put me on the spot. She asks things that are boring and nosy. Do i like coffee, why aren't i eating the fudge, why do i have a blouse on today, etc. I think it is just an older senior woman's enthusiasm for a "youngster" as i am by far and away the youngest woman there but i wish she would just leave me alone.

Another woman i admire was really supportive of me tho and took my part in reminding the others that i don't have a car and inviting me to the potluck even if i wasn't well enough to bring anything as there is always excess at potlucks. So that was nice.

Also, woke up to some great news: my trip cancellation insurance claim was approved! They approved it just on the strength of the four documents i was able to email! They said not to bother with the other three hard-copy documents that i was having a hard time getting to them. I thought they would be really a$$holes about the claim, but here they were just super! So i'm cheered that sometimes things go my way! (This was for the trip i had to cancel in October due to psychosis.)

Anyways, hugs to all who are suffering, especially pain and psychosis and suicidality. My good news and one slight trivial problem today is proof that it can and does get better!

Last edited by Anonymous41462; Nov 21, 2019 at 07:35 PM..
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 07:18 PM
Trying to catch up with all the posts and failing...

I’m doing well from a bipolar perspective. I’ve been stable now, coming on 4mths. Just a couple of wobbles that I managed quickly with PRN’s. Physically, the doctors keep finding new things wrong with me which is really disheartening. At least I’m in no danger of living to a ripe old age! Hah!

Christina, BirdDancer, Wander - I worry about you. I really hope things ease up. Hugs to all of you who are struggling.

BP1, GAD, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Claustrophobia

Psych meds: Saphris, Seroquel XR, regular Seroquel.
PRN Diazepam and Zopiclone
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Default Nov 21, 2019 at 07:30 PM
@Scooter9 I get brain zaps everyday. The only thing that helps is putting an ice pak on my forehead.

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