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Default Jan 21, 2020 at 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by xRavenx View Post
I caught a bad cold and have the chills, feel congested, throat hurts, and just feeling so bad overall. I have work tomorrow and hate letting everyone down, but I think I have no choice but to go to the doctor and get a note. I probably need to get one for at least tomorrow and the next day. My goal is to be back Thursday, but it's hard to tell when I'll get better from this. As far as my mental health goes, things are getting increasingly stressful at work. I wake up with a sense of dread daily, cannot focus, feel extremely anxious and run down. It is getting so bad that when I qualify for FMLA (which will be in a few months), I might need to go out on leave. I'm just hanging on by a thread here.

I’ll share my cough drops and Kleenex with you I’m miserable

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Default Jan 21, 2020 at 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by BirdDancer View Post
I feel pretty good today. The last remnant of my GI issues is resolved. The redness on my face has reduced, but though hubby doesn't see it, I still do, a little.

I haven't weighed myself for well over a week, but I don't think I've gained anything. If I have, I will be very surprised. I don't feel like I've overeaten. Plus, my smaller jeans seem to be fitting even better. I hadn't been in this size for quite a long time, but have been wearing them again since around the holidays. If my weight is still high, I don't quite know how to explain this phenomena. There was a time when I was the last weight I saw where I couldn't even begin to button these jeans.

Since hubby has been on blood pressure medication, his blood pressure has totally normalized. It's even better than mine, and blood pressure has never been an issue for me. Only cholesterol and triglycerides, mostly. Hubby takes a statin for that, too. I'm thinking he'll be much healthier than me. We really do want to lose weight. We'll likely be visiting family in Europe in May. They're all trim, or mostly trim. My s-i-l says my husband looks "nine months pregnant". He actually does, but his legs and butt are trim. Last time we were there his sister bragged about losing weight. She then said "BirdDancer, I have some large jeans that don't fit me anymore. Would you like them?" That burned me up! Actually, they were too large for me, too. One other time, another b-i-l of his was calling hubby fat, but at the time I was a bit slimmer. He looked at me and said "You look trimmer than I remember you." [Kinda sorta a compliment?????] Another issue when visiting his family is that they like to take ultra long hikes. Like 10 kilometers in the mountains. I confess that I'm not quite up to that right now.

I’m glad your illness is finally resolved.

I’m sure you have lost weight. Everytime I put my clothes in the closet they seem to shrink

What awful comments to make! I just don’t understand why someone needs to comment if someone has gained weight. I’m sure they are very aware.

I’m very aware I am fat /overweight etc etc I don’t need anyone to tell me that.

Are Europeans more blunt ?? Is it a cultural thing?

I’m sorry that happened to both of you

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Default Jan 21, 2020 at 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by Wild Coyote View Post
A warm hello to all!

I have taken the day away from some of the very stressful tasks today....at least any I could control. I could use another day like this one. I have mostly rested and vegged out. I am quite weary, much more than I had realized. I have had a lot going on for far too long and just need some solitude. I could use at least a week of it; however, deadlines continue and I need to address them. I do wish more of this "busy--ness" was of a more pleasant nature. Thankfully, things change in time.

I am hoping, with all that has been completed thus far, I can pace myself and have some time to decompress every day now.

I am drifting off as I write. I should go before I write something self- incriminating!

Thanks so much, everyone, for sharing here. I enjoy reading even when I am not able to write every day.

Yes you need a lot of unnecessary nonsense finished with and then you can truly relax and feel better

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Red face Jan 21, 2020 at 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by giddykitty View Post
So tired! Think I'm gonna have to break my nighttime internet addiction because im up all night sleepless and then exhausted but hungry in the morning. :/
I'll get a nice long break this weekend though. Going away to celebrate my nephews birthday.

are you going to seek medical assessments. treatments for your concerns. get an evaluation.
good luck.

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Default Jan 21, 2020 at 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post
I’m glad your illness is finally resolved.

I’m sure you have lost weight. Everytime I put my clothes in the closet they seem to shrink

What awful comments to make! I just don’t understand why someone needs to comment if someone has gained weight. I’m sure they are very aware.

I’m very aware I am fat /overweight etc etc I don’t need anyone to tell me that.

Are Europeans more blunt ?? Is it a cultural thing?

I’m sorry that happened to both of you
Christina, I hope you are feeling better this morning and that your cold/bronchitis/flu doesn't progress.

I don't like to generalize, but I think there are more than a few blunt Europeans out there. I can say that my husband's family members (Czech) are particularly blunt. They fight a lot because of it.

I know of many cultures (i.e. some Asian) that are also quite blunt. It is still uncomfortable to be at the receiving end, but understanding the tendencies helps. Most often it is not meant to be mean, though I think my husband's family often mean to be jerks.
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Default Jan 21, 2020 at 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post
I’ll share my cough drops and Kleenex with you I’m miserable
I hope you feel better soon

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Default Jan 21, 2020 at 05:11 PM
I got on my scale this morning and was 3 lbs down. That's good. I'm not sure how much of it was real fat loss and how much just the time of month. In any case, after a slightly stressful visit from my brother, I stopped at Dunkin Donuts and bought a treat for myself on my way to my therapy appointment. I don't care! In my defense, it was one of the lowest calorie donuts they sell outside of the donut holes.

Actually, my nephew joined my brother and me. Nephew didn't know my brother was going to visit and vice versa. I like seeing my nephew very very much. He is a soft-voiced interesting, intelligent, and pleasant guy. It used to be that I spent more time with my younger nephew (his younger brother), but since we lost him, I want to really dedicate more time to my remaining one. He's actually visiting me again tomorrow after his IOP. I'll take him out to lunch. I feel some regret that I may be moving far away in a few years. I will invite him and my sister to visit. They need to get away from my b-i-l.
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Default Jan 21, 2020 at 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by BirdDancer View Post
Christina, I hope you are feeling better this morning and that your cold/bronchitis/flu doesn't progress.

I don't like to generalize, but I think there are more than a few blunt Europeans out there. I can say that my husband's family members (Czech) are particularly blunt. They fight a lot because of it.

I know of many cultures (i.e. some Asian) that are also quite blunt. It is still uncomfortable to be at the receiving end, but understanding the tendencies helps. Most often it is not meant to be mean, though I think my husband's family often mean to be jerks.

Yes I know from experience numerous cultures are just blunt.

Is there a way to maybe tame his family at least a lil bit ?? I’d hate to move and just have to deal with that all the time but I’d imagine over time you could learn to let it roll off and give it no mental energy.

Sucks tho

Thanks for asking I’m still super congested, miserable actually. But I have not gotten that true sign of infection with my productive cough so I am holding off antibiotics, I “ might “ need to do steroids for the asthma, it’s a pretty bad flare on top of my lungs being lousy anyway. But steroids brings its own set of very undesirable side effects.

It’s a waiting game

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Default Jan 22, 2020 at 12:00 AM
Sorry to read that your sick again Christina.

I’ve had to sleep two nights in a row with a monitor for my cardiologist. Glad I can get a normal night again tonight.

I’ve lost 3 lbs ! I know it’s not much but it’s the first time my weight has dropped since like forever.

BP1, GAD, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Claustrophobia

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Default Jan 22, 2020 at 12:39 AM
Thanks ! I think it’s viral , it needs to go away fur sure !

Oh 2 nights !!!! Ack Ack Ack !!! I’m so glad you will be able to get a normal nights sleep !

Celebrate every lb ! Good for you

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Default Jan 22, 2020 at 10:45 AM
xRavenx and Christina, I'm sorry to read you are both still feeling so unwell. I hope you are resting and drinking lots of fluids. At least such things do go away eventually.

I've had a hard time getting going this morning because I stayed up very very late. My bad!

I'm thinking of officially starting a tracking food diet tomorrow morning. I'll be easy on myself and not kick myself if I go over 1,200 calories. If I can stay below 2,000 to start, I'll be happy. Then I'll trim my eating down to more of a weight loss level. I've got to plan some appealing snack options more carefully, because it is the late night snacks that really get me. I get annual blood tests done next Monday for my nephrologist.
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Default Jan 22, 2020 at 07:31 PM
I ran across an article on Facebook the other day. It was a scary mommy post disparaging diets and western diet and body shaming culture. At the end, it mentioned a something called intuitive eating. I looked it up. And I like the idea.

It’s basically a way to “repair your relationship with food”. There are ten principles. But the overall idea is first and foremost learning to use food as a way to nourish your body. Respect when you are hungry and eat until you are full. Learn the difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger. And above all, learn to love your body, no matter what weight you are. No more diets, no more crazy attempts to lose weight, no more forbidden foods.

I am drawn to this. Low carb has left me feeling deprived. I looked at apple cinnamon Cheerios in the grocery store the other day and thought “damn I miss those but I can’t have them”. I am tired of trying and failing to lose weight. I don’t think I would be any happier at a lower weight. I have plenty of pretty clothes in my size. I can get pretty clothes pretty easily online. And above all, my dr says I am in very good health. My bloodwork showed no signs of diabetes, high cholesterol, or any other weight related diseases. I wish I was fitter, and as soon as I can I will start taking walks to build up my stamina, but not to lose weight. I am done bashing my head against the wall, feeling guilty every time I go over on carbs and/or calories. I hate it. I want to be able to have a bowl of cereal or an Oreo without hating myself. And I’m going to.

So no more diets for me. I am going to eat what I want. I don’t have cravings for super unhealthy food most of the time, and I do not binge anymore. I think I will do pretty well with not going out of control.

RS tells me how beautiful I am multiple times every single day. I just need to believe him. He’s the only one I want to look beautiful for. If anyone else has a problem with my weight, **** em.

I think I will be much happier this way. The last principle of intuitive eating is “honor your body”. That is when you start incorporating healthful choices into your diet, when YOU feel you are ready. No calorie counting, no carb counting, nothing like that. I know how to eat healthy. But I’m not willing to give up everything in order to do so. If I want pizza, I’m going to eat the dam pizza.

I feel liberated. Today is the first day I didn’t use my calorie tracking app in years and it felt so freeing. I have not overeaten. I am going to make some popcorn for a snack and call it. Night. And feel good about it.

Of course it is happening inside your head. But why on earth should that mean that it is not real?
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Default Jan 22, 2020 at 08:13 PM
Still sick! it's a cough at the forefront now. With accompanying aches and pains. I'll probably be a little quiet for a few days
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Default Jan 22, 2020 at 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by wildflowerchild25 View Post
I ran across an article on Facebook the other day. It was a scary mommy post disparaging diets and western diet and body shaming culture. At the end, it mentioned a something called intuitive eating. I looked it up. And I like the idea.

It’s basically a way to “repair your relationship with food”. There are ten principles. But the overall idea is first and foremost learning to use food as a way to nourish your body. Respect when you are hungry and eat until you are full. Learn the difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger. And above all, learn to love your body, no matter what weight you are. No more diets, no more crazy attempts to lose weight, no more forbidden foods.

I am drawn to this. Low carb has left me feeling deprived. I looked at apple cinnamon Cheerios in the grocery store the other day and thought “damn I miss those but I can’t have them”. I am tired of trying and failing to lose weight. I don’t think I would be any happier at a lower weight. I have plenty of pretty clothes in my size. I can get pretty clothes pretty easily online. And above all, my dr says I am in very good health. My bloodwork showed no signs of diabetes, high cholesterol, or any other weight related diseases. I wish I was fitter, and as soon as I can I will start taking walks to build up my stamina, but not to lose weight. I am done bashing my head against the wall, feeling guilty every time I go over on carbs and/or calories. I hate it. I want to be able to have a bowl of cereal or an Oreo without hating myself. And I’m going to.

So no more diets for me. I am going to eat what I want. I don’t have cravings for super unhealthy food most of the time, and I do not binge anymore. I think I will do pretty well with not going out of control.

RS tells me how beautiful I am multiple times every single day. I just need to believe him. He’s the only one I want to look beautiful for. If anyone else has a problem with my weight, **** em.

I think I will be much happier this way. The last principle of intuitive eating is “honor your body”. That is when you start incorporating healthful choices into your diet, when YOU feel you are ready. No calorie counting, no carb counting, nothing like that. I know how to eat healthy. But I’m not willing to give up everything in order to do so. If I want pizza, I’m going to eat the dam pizza.

I feel liberated. Today is the first day I didn’t use my calorie tracking app in years and it felt so freeing. I have not overeaten. I am going to make some popcorn for a snack and call it. Night. And feel good about it.

This makes me happy

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Default Jan 22, 2020 at 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by giddykitty View Post
Still sick! it's a cough at the forefront now. With accompanying aches and pains. I'll probably be a little quiet for a few days

I feel like I’m on day 113 of this crap

Feel better push at least a gallon of fluids a day

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Heart Jan 25, 2020 at 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by wildflowerchild25 View Post
I ran across an article on Facebook the other day. It was a scary mommy post disparaging diets and western diet and body shaming culture. At the end, it mentioned a something called intuitive eating. I looked it up. And I like the idea.

It’s basically a way to “repair your relationship with food”. There are ten principles. But the overall idea is first and foremost learning to use food as a way to nourish your body. Respect when you are hungry and eat until you are full. Learn the difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger. And above all, learn to love your body, no matter what weight you are. No more diets, no more crazy attempts to lose weight, no more forbidden foods.

I am drawn to this. Low carb has left me feeling deprived. I looked at apple cinnamon Cheerios in the grocery store the other day and thought “damn I miss those but I can’t have them”. I am tired of trying and failing to lose weight. I don’t think I would be any happier at a lower weight. I have plenty of pretty clothes in my size. I can get pretty clothes pretty easily online. And above all, my dr says I am in very good health. My bloodwork showed no signs of diabetes, high cholesterol, or any other weight related diseases. I wish I was fitter, and as soon as I can I will start taking walks to build up my stamina, but not to lose weight. I am done bashing my head against the wall, feeling guilty every time I go over on carbs and/or calories. I hate it. I want to be able to have a bowl of cereal or an Oreo without hating myself. And I’m going to.

So no more diets for me. I am going to eat what I want. I don’t have cravings for super unhealthy food most of the time, and I do not binge anymore. I think I will do pretty well with not going out of control.

RS tells me how beautiful I am multiple times every single day. I just need to believe him. He’s the only one I want to look beautiful for. If anyone else has a problem with my weight, **** em.

I think I will be much happier this way. The last principle of intuitive eating is “honor your body”. That is when you start incorporating healthful choices into your diet, when YOU feel you are ready. No calorie counting, no carb counting, nothing like that. I know how to eat healthy. But I’m not willing to give up everything in order to do so. If I want pizza, I’m going to eat the dam pizza.

I feel liberated. Today is the first day I didn’t use my calorie tracking app in years and it felt so freeing. I have not overeaten. I am going to make some popcorn for a snack and call it. Night. And feel good about it.
Thanks so much for sharing this.

I know of a "spiritual teacher" who offers this as an option. She practices this herself. She goes into the produce area, for instance, and asks to be drawn to the veggies/fruits which will support her best nutritionally this week.

Along these lines, we often mention "grounding" on this forum. Some people practicing "intuitive eating," will choose root veggies, which have grounding energies. (Meat is also very grounding.)

If someone's mood is low, within this practice, they might choose veggies which grow above the ground, the higher above the ground, the better. The ultimate highest energy is thought to come from fruit. In some cultures/spiritual communities, a sense of Oneness and/or Bliss may be achieved through the practice of eating fruit only or fruit primarily.
(I have heard them refer to themselves as "fruitarians,") Those heavily invested in this practice are often extremely "ungrounded." Intensely so.

Much of this approach is intuitive and some is simply conscious eating, deliberately planning on "grounding," for instance.

Thanks for introducing this interesting topic!
I wish you happiness in all your endeavors!

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Default Jan 25, 2020 at 03:39 PM
Sending support and healing to all who are struggling with these difficult ailments and illnesses. Namaste, all.

I am doing pretty well physically. I have been really upping my bike mileage and doing some pretty tough hill repeats to try to get stronger and it seems to be working a bit. I went out the other night for a ride and rode 80 miles or so and felt like I had hardly done a thing when I was done. I used to be exhausted after 50. Also, not getting sore really anymore. So, some progress there.

My Periodic Limb Movement Disorder is being aggravated by the Thorzine that is supposed to help me sleep. So, the med that is supposed to help me sleep is worsening the condition that makes it hard to sleep. Got it.

The fun just never ends.

When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield
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Default Jan 25, 2020 at 08:58 PM
Carpal tunnel just sucks so big

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Talking Jan 25, 2020 at 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post
Carpal tunnel just sucks so big
Oh no! It can be so incredibly painful!
Have you ever considered the surgery for CTS?

Maybe rest?

Love Ya! :,,,,

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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Heart Jan 25, 2020 at 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by bpcyclist View Post
Sending support and healing to all who are struggling with these difficult ailments and illnesses. Namaste, all.

I am doing pretty well physically. I have been really upping my bike mileage and doing some pretty tough hill repeats to try to get stronger and it seems to be working a bit. I went out the other night for a ride and rode 80 miles or so and felt like I had hardly done a thing when I was done. I used to be exhausted after 50. Also, not getting sore really anymore. So, some progress there.

My Periodic Limb Movement Disorder is being aggravated by the Thorzine that is supposed to help me sleep. So, the med that is supposed to help me sleep is worsening the condition that makes it hard to sleep. Got it.

The fun just never ends.
I had gotten so much out of my bike riding! Loved it!

PLMD can a very both very severe and can be quite disheartening. I am sorry you are dealing with this.

I wish you well! :hug

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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