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Heart Feb 13, 2020 at 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by scatterbrained04 View Post
Have been struggling lately. Not sure if it's directly BP per say. Although sometimes I'm not aware. Dealing with a couple things. One is I've been very frustrated with living with BP, anxiety, possibly some avoidant traits. Like bad frustrated. And not very accepting. To the point where I'm bursting into tears. Maybe because quite often I can rationally think how I feel is irrational, but can't control my emotions. It was pointed out to me by my pdoc that I'm a bit self destructive, especially since I periodically struggle with SH. He's recommending I go back into therapy. I don't know. I kind of feel like crap about stuff. Somedays I'm positive about wanting to do more to treat this and other days I just want to give up. Feels like I've given up. Haven't done anything around the house in months. It's a disaster. Every weekend I don't want to get out of bed and do stuff. I feel so exhausted. I feel like I use all my energy at work and then have nothing left when I'm home.

I'm also dealing with high stress and anxiety because I have something going on with my mouth. I saw an oral pathologist last week. She gave me a medicine to use, but I don't think it's working. Will probably have to have a biopsy to make sure it isn't precancerous. Probably years of smoking coming back to bite me. I had a 4 hour long anxiety attack at work the other day. I'm finding the stress and anxiety of dealing with this is triggering some mood issues. Periodically dealing with SI and SH thoughts. Have been worried about this for almost 2 months not knowing. Really getting to me, I think.
Hi! I'm very sorry you are having s rough time.. you do cross my mind and I sometimes I say a prayer. Have been concerned, as we just never know what's up!. It's great to have you around. Just so sorry.

I hope there are other docs to see if needed.

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Default Feb 13, 2020 at 10:30 PM
I am here. I had a six hour workday today. I just barely got through with it. Tomorrow is eight hours. I do nit know how I am going to do it. At least I have an hour lunch break. Every two hours, I have a 15 minute break, except for lunch. I am really tired right now. I am going to go to bed early.

Dx: Bipolar I, ADD, GAD. Rx: Fluoxetine, Buproprion, Olanzapine, Lamictal, and Strattera.
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Default Feb 13, 2020 at 10:33 PM
Hi all. I’m feeling pretty good again today. I’m a bit irritable but I’m not sure if it’s a side effect from the risperdal or just my wonderful personality Bipolar check-in #43

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Default Feb 13, 2020 at 11:34 PM
HI to all, and hugs to those who need one. This week I have almost finished all my organising/errands that I wanted to get done before university begins in 10 days. The only things left are potting some plants and cleaning my flat. I have to go slow to avoid making the Fibromyalgia worse. Thankfully, this week it has slowly improved. I have been going for gentle swims in the ocean regularly. I do crash a little after, but my recovery time is improving. My hip injury from a year ago is still giving me grief. Just when I think it's over something triggers it and it flares up again. These physical limitations frustrate me endlessly, and sometimes lead me into despair.

Today I am feeling good mentally. The anxiety that was plaguing me has finally eased so I can now begin tapering down my clonazepam dose. The weather has been hot this week so my tiny little flat without air-conditioning is beginning to warm up. Even the nights are hot so I can't even open the windows then to cool the place down. At least I have fans to keep me cool enough. On Wednesday I saw my T and we had a great chat. The session went 20 minutes over. I hadn't realised the time and my T seemed to be enjoying the discussion. We were talking about my diagnosis, my physical illnesses, and how I think I will go adding 20 hours a week of study to my load. He initially thought I was getting hypomanic as I was talking faster, and changing topics, but I explained I was just happy to be feeling a little better and saw no other symptoms (outside some insomnia) that would indicate hypomania. My mind is running at a normal pace. I think the previous month I have been so fatigued I spoke slowly, and sparingly with my T so now I feel a bit better I am back to normal speech patterns. He ended up agreeing that I am still stable.

Due to being so exhausted this last month(Fibromyalgia) I have not been out much, or caught up with people. I am getting lonely so I have tried to set up catch up with a few people but they say they want to then don't get back to me. Life gets in the way I guess. This weekend I am going to finally catch up with my partner who I haven't seen in 10 days due to him and I being unwell. Fibromyalgia steals so much from me. This massive flare-up seemed to be caused by the severe PTSD I had last year. All that adrenaline and stress finally made me physically ill again. Now I have little stress in my life, eat well, meditate, and do other things to keep me calm and get me strong, I have hope that my body will recover. At least to a degree where I can look for casual work and do well in my studies. The mental fight against despair is constant but I refuse to give in. It has been a long battle to get stable mentally. I am tired from it, but I WON! Now I just need the physical to follow suit and I will be the happiest I have ever been while stable.

Bipolar 1 with psychotic features

"Phew! For a minute there I lost myself."

'Karma Police' by Radiohead
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Default Feb 14, 2020 at 12:18 AM
I saw my therapist yesterday and she helped me a lot with tips, techniques and perspective on things currently going on. I’m feeling great and very zen which is right where I want to be.

Warm regards to all and hugs to those that are struggling.
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Default Feb 14, 2020 at 12:26 AM
Wander- your post reminded me about my physical chronic illness. (I don't mention it because it's rare and I don't want to make a red flag in case anyone I know ever comes to read this, but I have to take aspirin for it). Anyway, I had been doing pretty well with it for a long time (what, like a year or so?) but I'm starting to break out into blisters again on my fingers. :/ I'm sure this new habit of hair twirling and fingernail/cuticle rubbing and picking isn't helping either. Plus, it's that time of the month and my inflammation always increases then too. Maybe it will die down by next week, but it's winter and usually that's when this flares up most (blisters in winter and redness/burning in hot weather). Sigh!

Celexa (Citalopram) 20mg
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Default Feb 14, 2020 at 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by Moose72 View Post
I found a lot of bottle return slips! Here in michigan you pay ten cents for every bottle or can of soda or beer. You return them to a store that sells the brand it is and they give you a slip with a bar code on it. Today i found a big pile of them! I took them to the store and they scanned each one and it came to $25!

Yay ! That’s a nice surprise

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Default Feb 14, 2020 at 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by Blue_Bird View Post
I’m not in the best mood. I feel like crying because I feel so crappy physically. I’m sick , have a really severe cold. The coughing and sore throat is super super painful, the congestion is frustrating. My voice doesn’t even sound like me. And of course due to all this I’m not sleeping well. I went to the doctor yesterday and they prescribed some stuff to ease the symptoms but basically other than that I just have to wait for this to work it’s way out of my system. Also have PMS right at this moment and stress on top of that running between apartments working on stuff since the move. And I have to get 2 teeth pulled Tuesday. It just feels like so much stuff going on all at once and I just feel horrible. Sorry to complain.. I just needed to let that out because I’m so frustrated.

Oh damn

Wow you are just getting hit from all sides ! I hope the cold clears quickly and you can get the dental over with.

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Default Feb 14, 2020 at 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by BirdDancer View Post
Hubby has overwhelmed me with flowers again. He already bought me forsythia yesterday, and now two bouquets arrived from Whole Foods (tulips and roses). I'm serious when I say I'm overwhelmed. I haven't even had a chance to arrange the forsythia. I love him, and I love flowers, but I wish he'd just give me one bunch. He's done this many times before. Once I mentioned I wanted to replace a dusty dried flower arrangement, and he bought me so many dried flowers that it became six arrangements. I almost cried at how much work it was going to be. I put it off for a long time, but when I finally did them, it took two hours and then I was sore for two days afterwards.

That’s so sweet of him just take your time arraigning them, enjoy the beauty

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Default Feb 14, 2020 at 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by Moose72 View Post
I've resigned myself that I have a migraine. I've been reading in bed. My whole right side of my face hurts- sinuses, cheek bone, eye socket.

I’m so sorry I use to get them a lot.. they just stopped after my hysterectomy.. they are horrible to suffer with.

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Default Feb 14, 2020 at 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Tucson View Post
I am here. I had a six hour workday today. I just barely got through with it. Tomorrow is eight hours. I do nit know how I am going to do it. At least I have an hour lunch break. Every two hours, I have a 15 minute break, except for lunch. I am really tired right now. I am going to go to bed early.

Hope you get good sleep

I can’t remember ?! but did you go to ssa to let them know you have taken a part time job?

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Default Feb 14, 2020 at 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by Jester's Rags View Post
Hi all. I’m feeling pretty good again today. I’m a bit irritable but I’m not sure if it’s a side effect from the risperdal or just my wonderful personality Bipolar check-in #43

Glad your feeling good.

Hehe yeah ! You do have a wonderful personality

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Default Feb 14, 2020 at 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by Jennifer 1967 View Post
I saw my therapist yesterday and she helped me a lot with tips, techniques and perspective on things currently going on. I’m feeling great and very zen which is right where I want to be.

Warm regards to all and hugs to those that are struggling.


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Default Feb 14, 2020 at 01:21 AM
I had a good day, did lots of good work on Scrabble. I had an upsetting trip to the mall but that just made me appreciate my quiet private home all the more. My dog is spooked because of loud bangs in the building as the materials expand and contract due to the extreme cold. She clings to me. It's going to be one of those nights!
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Default Feb 14, 2020 at 01:31 AM
Well it’s been in the mid 60’s and raining for week and a half at least then last night wicked storms blew through. There was another tornado in town there was one last week !! No deaths thank god ! A dairy farm was totally destroyed and many homes, cars and of course trees down.. I think the power has been mostly restored.

Once again my husband and I got lucky

So mid 60’s, will be 20 and feels like of 10 by morning .. so Ouch my body isn’t happy.

Tomorrow my Husband gets his MRI’s and angiogram.. this is very stressful.

Hug friends

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Default Feb 14, 2020 at 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by Blue_Bird View Post
I’m not in the best mood. I feel like crying because I feel so crappy physically. I’m sick , have a really severe cold. The coughing and sore throat is super super painful, the congestion is frustrating. My voice doesn’t even sound like me. And of course due to all this I’m not sleeping well. I went to the doctor yesterday and they prescribed some stuff to ease the symptoms but basically other than that I just have to wait for this to work it’s way out of my system. Also have PMS right at this moment and stress on top of that running between apartments working on stuff since the move. And I have to get 2 teeth pulled Tuesday. It just feels like so much stuff going on all at once and I just feel horrible. Sorry to complain.. I just needed to let that out because I’m so frustrated.
Sorry you are being piled on with all this stuff at once, Blue_Bird. I hope you get some rest tonight.

When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield
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Default Feb 14, 2020 at 04:53 AM
Thanks for always being so supportive. I'm just waiting to see what's going to have with my mouth. I'm strongly considering getting back into therapy. I haven't done it in about 7 or 8 years. I think at this point I'm frustrated enough that it may be beneficial to me. I kind of feel like I'm going to explode from bottling everything up from living with bipolar for 20 years and mostly keeping my experiences and emotions to myself. If that makes sense. But the people in my life probably wouldn't get it, nor want to hear about it. So I'm thinking it'd be a good outlet for me. Of course I know I can always vent here. I know at lot of you here would totally get a lot of it!
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Default Feb 14, 2020 at 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post
Well it’s been in the mid 60’s and raining for week and a half at least then last night wicked storms blew through. There was another tornado in town there was one last week !! No deaths thank god ! A dairy farm was totally destroyed and many homes, cars and of course trees down.. I think the power has been mostly restored.

Once again my husband and I got lucky

So mid 60’s, will be 20 and feels like of 10 by morning .. so Ouch my body isn’t happy.

Tomorrow my Husband gets his MRI’s and angiogram.. this is very stressful.

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Thinking of you and hoping all goes well for your husband today.
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Default Feb 14, 2020 at 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post
Well it’s been in the mid 60’s and raining for week and a half at least then last night wicked storms blew through. There was another tornado in town there was one last week !! No deaths thank god ! A dairy farm was totally destroyed and many homes, cars and of course trees down.. I think the power has been mostly restored.

Once again my husband and I got lucky

So mid 60’s, will be 20 and feels like of 10 by morning .. so Ouch my body isn’t happy.

Tomorrow my Husband gets his MRI’s and angiogram.. this is very stressful.

Hug friends
Sorry to hear about the storms. Tornadoes are always so frightening. I know we never get any beyond an EF3 up here, though, so we definitely don't get it as bad as you do.

I have an online friend who lives in TN and was telling me about how radars and radios work for this stuff. (Or how there are radar dead zones.) Her house almost got hit because she lives in a dead zone and a tornado cropped up between scans as well.

Continue to stay safe
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Default Feb 14, 2020 at 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by fern46 View Post
One interpretation for dreams is that strangers represent elements of your subconscious and people you know represent elements you are consciously aware of.

It perhaps feels a bit less awful to think of it in this way. It could have been a representation that you have some heavy feelings or repressed memories that you're trying to avoid or destroy.

The dreams with the people you knew could have been the same except they would represent feelings or beliefs you were consciously trying to destroy.

Just one way of looking at it. I hope the journaling helps. I've been working more with my subconscious lately and I've been keeping track of my dreams. It is always an adventure.
Thanks for the interpretation info, fern. That was very helpful.
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