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Default Aug 30, 2020 at 06:38 PM
I’ve been manic for the past year. I kid you not. I’ve been on lithium this whole time and my pdoc recently added Geodon which hasn’t been good. I’m doing impulsive things all the time. I’ve run up thousands of dollars worth of debt. I’m also having some OCD issues too. I have a lot of stressors in my life and thoughts of suicide cross my mind 2-3 times every single day. I really don’t think I would act on them because of my family, but it scares me that they’re even there.

I’m seeing a therapist a couple of times a month. My pdoc is booked way out in advance so it’s hard to get an appointment.

I’m terrified at the thought of going inpatient and losing complete control but honestly I haven’t done that great when I’ve had control. I’m afraid they’re going to pump me full of drugs. I just don’t know what to expect!

Do I need to go? What do I do? Call my pdoc and tell her how I’m feeling, or just go to the ER? My life is spiraling down and I don’t know what to do.
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Living in LaLa Land
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Default Aug 30, 2020 at 06:52 PM
If you feel out of control, go to the ER. Seriously. Do you have access to a crisis hotline? Someone to talk to while waiting on your doctor? The crisis hotline I call is connected to my doctor and group and they've talked me off a ledge.

I hope you find support fast.

Bipolar 2

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Trileptal (300 x 2)

Feeling: A bit hopeless
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Default Aug 30, 2020 at 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Living in LaLa Land View Post
If you feel out of control, go to the ER. Seriously. Do you have access to a crisis hotline? Someone to talk to while waiting on your doctor? The crisis hotline I call is connected to my doctor and group and they've talked me off a ledge.

I hope you find support fast.
Possibly now? If you have been manic this long and the pdoc still has not blasted you w Zyprexa or Depakote or something, I am aconcerned for you and
for the doc. I would call them and be straight. You are manic, doing risky stutt, and thinking about S every day mult times. Do it now. Or, go to the ED.

Mania is a psychuatric emergency. Treat it as such.

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Default Aug 30, 2020 at 07:20 PM
That is a tough call. IP can be very helpful, but there are also cases in which it is a mess.

Is there any chance your therapist could call your pdoc and request an earlier appointment? If you've given the Geodon time and it isn't working he should be informed. Maybe one more adjustment could work?

If you do go IP, call them first and ask about your options for checking yourself in. That is a better process usually than being committed and transfered from an ER. My IP had a special unit for women in trauma situations. You can request services like that sometimes if you go in on your own. Also, maybe your pdoc or therapist could call ahead on your behalf and provide background.

As for the drugs, that depends. They monitor you closely and make adjustments as needed. Some doctors are more heavy handed than others. The best thing you can do is be as honest as possible in your doctor visits and group sessions while there. It gives the treatment teams as much information as possible, and the more info they have to work with, the better.

Take comfy and warm clothes. Nothing with strings. I was freezing the entire time.

I hope you are able to get the help you need.
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Default Aug 30, 2020 at 07:26 PM
I wish you nothing but the best NolaMae. I was an inpatient twice (for a different disorder) and was hospitalized against my will because I would not go willingly. I think voluntary versus involuntary is a big difference. In any event my psychiatrist both times was my best friend while I was in there and was the kindest human being I ever met. The only thing was the one drug that was prescribed to me while I was there. It didn't help but all in all I'd say the admissions helped me immensely. I hope everything turns out well for you and I hope you get the care you are seeking. I'll be thinking of you. Take good care of yourself
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Default Aug 31, 2020 at 12:12 PM
When I start to wonder if I need it is usually when I need it. Or when I do not trust myself to stay safe.

But first I talk to my Pdoc and we usually throw heavy hitters to see if I can be snowed under, Saves me a big hospital bill sometimes

The main thing is to stay safe. Can you give your credit cards with family or a trusted friend so you wont have access to spending more money??

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Default Aug 31, 2020 at 12:28 PM
When I don't trust myself and I'm unwilling to take prn medication.

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Default Aug 31, 2020 at 01:54 PM
It'll be a cold day in hell before I go IP again. All 3 times I've been IP have been traumatizing experiences.

SO. What I'm wondering is about your medications? You've been manic for a year...it sounds like the first place to start is with meds. What do you think?


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Default Aug 31, 2020 at 09:30 PM
My pdoc would send you to psych emergency services. Just sayin. Your brain and YOU need a break! Every time you have an episode, the next one is worse. And you're going on a year. It's called the kindling effect.

Wellbutrin XL 300 mg
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