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Default Jan 11, 2022 at 04:24 PM
Today it was good day at work. But it was exhausted. I didn’t even had time to take a cup of coffee, not to tell go to toilet or even drink water (at all). Imagine that? I I got the entire day through, from 7:40am to 16:40am. My legs… I was standing all day and it felt as if I did squats on my gym, the day after feeling kind of. Still having pain with every muscle in my both legs.

So I relaxed, tuned on Netflix and watch that new movie Don’t Look Up. It was great and it’s sorely reminder of how we are so damn spoiled in our planet. Poisoning it. No comet will need to hit us. In fact, the very nature from the planet itself is already killing us every year. It just need one other virus - and we have millions different viruses that can kill us all millions times all over again. Just by three counties that include Russia and China.

Then these ongoing war-threats, the fascist-uprise in Italy, also in Bosnia and Herzegovina who actually had a war in the 1990s. Milorad Dodik and his special units, same units Adolf Hitler had - a police force named “Schutzstaffel”. Some had brown uniforms some black. Hungary and their fascist leader who gave literally 100m euro to Milorad Dodik to forge paramilitary force, all in a parade last week on Saturday along with war criminals. Then this Ukraine-situation, that is heating up (Ukrainians literally have now in eastern border trenches). Then situation in Kazakhstan. It is so damn heated than even the steam can’t find its way out of this idiotic Europe. It is just like that reactor from Chernobyl - going first down, then some morons in command wants to test the reactor anyway and it’s get heated up and can’t stop. And even if there is an emergency-button, if you hit it it will ALL explode with a meltdown everywhere. That’s the Europe right now. A big Chernobyl power plant, at the moment in its first phase. This damn Europa will never learn from ANY war. It’s cursed to have them every now and then.

I don’t want now to give you bad or restless sleep, dear reader. Or giving any unnecessary worries. I’m glad that one admiral from United States along with his other colleagues and staff knew what was about to happen in Bosnia this year. So USS Harry S Truman is stationed somewhere outside of Croatian coast, ready to operate. So the 1992s won’t repeat itself, if You know what I mean. Same goes with Ukraine. Russia is on the same path just as it was under rule by Josef Stalin. If not worse. No human rights-organisations exists, the entire justice-system is under total control by Putin - who himself have unlimited power and will rule his country for his entire lifetime.

How I’m doing? Kind of tired. Sometimes lonely, lonely as hell. On the bright side I don’t have any nightmares. And I have learned my body and brain that I can take half dose of Zopiclone (3,25mg) that will have same effect as full dose.

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Default Jan 12, 2022 at 02:26 PM
A relaxing day today, dear reader. Relaxing indeed. I’m finding all the time new ways to move forward. Also, to stay focused and sharpen up my mind. When it all comes to it, it’s all about the motivation. If you’re not motivated enough to stay focus in moments that demands it, then it will always backfire on yourself. It is though a progress. And it can be different and difficult from day to day.

But that’s when that other thing pops up on my mind: the structure. It’s like building a house. You don’t build it the footing with straws, and walls out of sticks. You call for an concrete-truck that pours out the concrete to become the footing. Then you have patience till it all dries, but before that you treating it so it’s all adjusted to every little corner and space that’s left. And when it hardens, you start the build with bricks.

Same goes with our psyche and our mind. There are moments that we can be as fragile as cardboards, but then we need to do some analysis on ourselves. Think and rethink. Understand what we did, how and why. Then, after we figured it out, we start with the construction. It will be a long path, but who said you can’t take some breath? Or that you must run on that path? So don’t limit yourself, dear reader. There are no limits, just many doors that go and open possibilities.

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Last edited by Hexagon; Jan 12, 2022 at 04:38 PM..
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Default Jan 12, 2022 at 02:52 PM
Thank you for your wisdom, for the updates on the situation in Europe (very interesting - very scary), and for your words about self-growth. Supposedly "whenever a window closes, a door opens."


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Default Jan 13, 2022 at 02:54 PM
Here I am again, dear reader. Slept few hours unfortunately last night. And early for work, that started 7:30 am. The day was, fun. Not entire day though, but half of it. Until I was about to get plan for tomorrow and such. And was forced to stay till 18:30 pm. I had - as I write now - only 2h 25 min rest, where I watched Cobra Kai via Netflix (fourth season). I loved Karate Kid-movies back in the days I’m the 1990s and I love Ralph Macchio and William Zabka. Brilliant actors. Even today. They’ve got old though, but so did I. I love though how they try to help those youngsters, have a association of (in this case) karate. One club that’s rich and the other just started from nothing at all.

Here in Sweden, associations are free for everyone and if there is a payment it’s usually a very small (yearly) fee. That means sports such as soccer (football), ping pong, tennis, floorball, basketball, even hockey. Although the latter one is expensive because of all gears you need to buy for yourself except for the helmet and the hockey pant. Also for gaiters. That’s on the club. I’m not sure how You Americans have, but, I’ve read via Zlatan Ibrahimovic (when he played for LA Galaxy) that it was expensive as hell to play soccer. Shame, cause Your nation would had such talents. I’m thinking with all those kids living in segregated areas in the US. I know how it is cause I worked in such area since 2008 (parallel with my education on university) and permanent employed since 2015. Soccer is that thing that unite us all, no matter who you are or where you’re from. Shame that Your politicians can’t do anything about that.

Anyway, I got home but late as hell, 18:30 pm. That’s 11h with only 30 min break, which was 13:30 pm. No one will ever thank me except two of my colleagues. Maybe three. How I feel now? Right now? Exhausted, with no energy at all. Unbelievable that I even could write anything here at all. I will go to bed early this evening, I need to get up early. So in about 40 min or so I need to be inside my bed, with an Zopiclone and get some sleep. Stay safe out there!

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Default Jan 13, 2022 at 06:33 PM
Sports for children are expensive here, just like everything else - at least, that's the case here in California. I'm sure there are programs for low-income children, but if there are I don't know of them.

I hope you are sleeping a restful sleep at this time.


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Default Jan 14, 2022 at 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by BethRags View Post
Sports for children are expensive here, just like everything else - at least, that's the case here in California. I'm sure there are programs for low-income children, but if there are I don't know of them.

I hope you are sleeping a restful sleep at this time.

The sleep was really good. Woke up 6:25 am and even if I didn’t slept fully 8h I feel rested. Now I’m going to the work. Wish me luck hehe!My diary: To support and help othersMy diary: To support and help others

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Default Jan 14, 2022 at 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by Hexagon View Post
The sleep was really good. Woke up 6:25 am and even if I didn’t slept fully 8h I feel rested. Now I’m going to the work. Wish me luck hehe!My diary: To support and help othersMy diary: To support and help others

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Good luck Hexagon! Have a great day! Have we ever complimented your English skills? My niece was trying to learn Swedish a few months ago and found it difficult so I'm sure the reverse is true.

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Default Jan 14, 2022 at 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by Hexagon View Post
The sleep was really good. Woke up 6:25 am and even if I didn’t slept fully 8h I feel rested. Now I’m going to the work. Wish me luck hehe!My diary: To support and help othersMy diary: To support and help others

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Good luck, Hexagon


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Default Jan 14, 2022 at 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by BeyondtheRainbow View Post
Good luck Hexagon! Have a great day! Have we ever complimented your English skills? My niece was trying to learn Swedish a few months ago and found it difficult so I'm sure the reverse is true.

For us swedes it’s easy to learn English. Especially since none of the English speaking movies are dubbed into Swedish (as some European countries do, like Germany, France etc.). Only children movies such as Frozen and such. But even those have option as English if you like to use. That is why we in Scandinavia speaks this good English generally, many thanks to this.

I can several more languages despite Swedish and English.My diary: To support and help others All in all I speak four languages.

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Default Jan 14, 2022 at 11:12 AM
Also @BeyondtheRainbow, Swedish can be sometimes tricky to learn. Not hard, but tricky. Because it have similarities with German language, although Germanic languages have (commonly) verbs as last. As for example “gemacht” (done) or “gebraucht” (brought) and so on. We don’t. We say “Jag gjorde” (I did). That is why Scandinavian languages have similar structure as English (British) and English (American). BUT, it can be difficult to pronounce the words.
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Default Jan 14, 2022 at 02:25 PM
I also credit you for learning English so well. I believe it must be a confusing language sometimes, because it is so irregular.

Which languages do you know (besides Swedish and English)?


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Default Jan 14, 2022 at 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by BethRags View Post
I also credit you for learning English so well. I believe it must be a confusing language sometimes, because it is so irregular.

Which languages do you know (besides Swedish and English)?

That is German and one more language. But I pass the details about it. I’m thinking that I’m also on social media and if I say that last language - some outsider that is diagnosed as “normal” would perhaps find who I am. Perhaps. Or perhaps not, but I don’t take any risks. No matter where.

I had always easy for languages, and I’m very fast learner. I can also adapt no matter where I am. Even assimilate if I need to, which I do anyway.

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Default Jan 14, 2022 at 03:22 PM
Today, it was relaxing day at work. Well, not literally, but still. Before I went to work I had a good sleep. I needed that. Took my coffee with bit of milk, ate my sandwich and went to work. Always on time and 30 min before. While I was preparing, I had some luck to get some more coffee on work too. With milk. The morning at work was splendid. It really was. I have also a bottle of cold (tapped) water where I always put an effervescent tablet that is fluid replacement. I bought it on a online drugstore here in Sweden. It do it’s job and beyond. I can tell you that.

Overall the day at work was fine. It’s Covid-19 everywhere and I need to be cautious. But, I can’t isolate me in a bubble. If I be infected when that day comes, so be it. I have two doses of BioNTech and they will still do their job. Which is that I won’t end up connected to an respirator. On top of that my asthma. And this disease. I take only moment by moment, and I suggest you do that too, dear reader. Live in the present. Don’t do what you think you would do, do what you need to do. And try not to isolate yourself too much. Try to get some contact, even so if it’s via online video games or whatever game you like. Or some social media-group, chat whatever. Just talk with someone!

What I will do now? Watch some Netflix, chill. I have already taken my evening-pills and I can watch some
tv even now. Although I won’t be late. I will focus to adapt my sleep and that is same as regular days. A method I needed to use long ago but, I didn’t. So 22:30 it’s bed-time no matter how many movies or series there are waiting. Or any gamers. I have my boundaries and I follow those - not what others say. Or that I park myself on a bar/pub and take that pint of beer or whatever-drink. However, I’m thinking to starting to gym again tomorrow. Thinking. Because a part of me says it’s unwise to do even that due to the omicron and that is now 28k infected per day here in Sweden. And they predict that the numbers will increase to 70k. Not so soon, but soon. Hence my hesitation.

Have a great weekend, dear reader, and state safe! Always!

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Default Jan 14, 2022 at 03:32 PM
I also find languages quite fascinating.

Perhaps your decision to avoid the gym at this time is a wise one.

Have a fine week-end!


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Default Jan 15, 2022 at 03:00 PM
What a nice start of the weekend. Woke up 9 am (not too late, not too early). Ate my oat porridge. I took my morning-pill (Ergenyl) along with some milk. Spoke with my dad and he wanted to go outdoor with me, this time on a 8 miles long walk. It was bit grey weather today, but all dry. No ice no snow. No nothing. In Sweden! So bizarre this weather is. But hey, we all contribute with this to make our planet become bipolar. That means all the global warming and such. I pity all of those who laugh at Greta Thunberg and other activists who want to save our planet.

We spoke about lots of things, me and my dad. My job, the situation there, my mom. We saw also this woodpecker again, standing on a branch from a pinewood and just drilling it loudly. The sound echoed all over the place in that forest. When we headed home we made a short visit at my brother’s home to say short hello.

Then I arrived home I ate some food. All in all it was a nice day. Later, I watch some Netflix. Greedy as Netflix are, they will spice up the prices again. Seems as if it’s their utter yearly tradition, hence why I don’t have them all the time - two months tops. I will also get my third Covid-vaccine next week. At last! Have a nice evening, dear reader!

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Default Jan 16, 2022 at 03:28 PM
Hello dear reader! I hope you had an wonderful weekend! I was mostly resting myself, and now later on working today on Sunday. So not much of that “Lazy after Sunday afternoon”-thing. Sorry, Freddie. I worked and worked.

Now, at 21-ish pm, I can hear how the storm have hit us. A storm. In January. In Sweden. With no snow here where I live whatsoever. Swedish bipolar weather. But it think that entire planet’s weather have bipolar to be honest. And it’s caused by human error, since the dawn of the industrialism. We all knew that one day the side effects would come. And yet, we kept going on with our things, doing our best to not only eliminate species who have been millions of years. But to poisoning the planet with all kind of things. Such as oil, nuclear power, erasing forests such in Amazon (our very lungs). We are responsible for everything of this. And we refuse to act, refuse to help our planet. Just thinking on ourselves and our own priorities. Spoil ourselves with all kind of material things. I have done that myself, so I’m not that innocent - no matter how many times I’ve preached about all this.

Anyway, I won’t blab about this and make some here (maybe) even more depressed. Especially since in matter of fact I want to make everyone here the opposite. Although, reality is sometimes hard to swallow. More harder than any pills. What I’m doing right now? I took some spicy tea, I have a little cold. Might go to work tomorrow anyway. Yes, it’s a symptom, but so far all my testes were negative. And since I have lots of things to do plus other demands by my administrator, I need to be at work. Especially on Tuesday. I have lots of pressure on me as it is and I don’t need this cold now too. I’m drinking all kind of vitamins and teas. I’ll see. If I really feel even worse when I wake up tomorrow, then, F it. I’ll throw my towel and email an application for sickness. On top of that, I’ve got an appointment on Wednesday to take the third dose. Wish me luck, cause I really will need any luck there is right now.

Oh, yes, one more thing: don’t go like me and pouring in coffee at work. Or even worse - any energy drinks. Avoid that, especially the latter one. Because this will give you an negative impact on your sleep and other things. And I’m thinking now specifically for the energy drinks, that make your blood system run even faster and faster. Mix always milk in the coffee and no energy drinks. That’s my advice.

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Default Jan 16, 2022 at 04:14 PM
I wish you good luck for Wednesday!

To me, energy drinks are like poison. I have drank 2 in my life; both times I felt very unwell, with my heart pounding and such.

I agree entirely about the climate changes and the causes of them. Here in California we have been in a drought for 6 years. It's bad. We are desperate for real rain that lasts for more than an afternoon.

I wish for you a successful Monday!


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Default Jan 17, 2022 at 01:38 PM
Good European evening, dear reader. It didn’t went well last night. I got fever, nausea, I felt how my entire head spins and all of my body might lose stability. I cough, on top of that, along with overindulgence. All signs that fill the criteria for omicron. I haven’t lost the taste, but it doesn’t matter. This virus don’t care. Also, my throat is a mess. I feel so dizzy that I can’t explain myself how it all spins. I also have great tensions on entire of my head and some muscles even locked a bit.

I rested entire day, drank tea, took paracetamol. I can’t move anywhere, just take few steps. It’s that bad. I called my health centre and asked my mom if she could get a test for me. I called also a nurse there, but she hoped that I would get omicron. Because - according to her - I will be even more immune when I take my third dose.

It’s so creepy even to rest or sleep. When I lay myself on my bed, I feel as I was on a crabfishingboat - like those in Bering Sea - and the waves are like 30 feet. It’s so creepy and I’m not that person who will complain about the slightest bit. I don’t know how I will sleep tonight. I had some microsleeps today, but my brain is exhausted. I just can’t focus at all. If I have omicron, I’ll know that in less than 48h. Mom said when she collected the test for me, there were tons and tons people on queue to get second or third dose. I have also my cough medicine (which is liquid ethanol and morphine), so I will need to take it tonight as well. I kind of worry myself of how I’ll get any sleep at all due to all this dizziness and instability.

Tomorrow is a new day though, and I hope I’ll get any better. I have never ever been in a situation like this before and I hope it will sort out soon.

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Default Jan 17, 2022 at 04:14 PM
I'm so sorry you're sick! It sounds terrible. Perhaps the cough medicine will help you sleep? Please keep us posted on your state of health.


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Default Jan 17, 2022 at 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by BethRags View Post
I'm so sorry you're sick! It sounds terrible. Perhaps the cough medicine will help you sleep? Please keep us posted on your state of health.

I will Beth. I’m not sure how bipolar goes with omicron (IF I have it), but so far I can breathe normal. I have however fever of 102 Fahrenheit (39 C), but I took paracetamol. I’m using to take it every third hours or so. Yes, it’s worrying for me. So many tests I did since 2020 and I guess this might be “the one” unfortunately. I’m also worrying about my sleep, it’s even more difficult when you’re dizzy. But I’m hoping for the best.

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