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Member Since Jan 2009
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Default Jan 28, 2009 at 11:58 PM
Hello, i am 32 years old and have two small children. I have episodes of anger and irritablility and I fly off the handle sometimes at my kids or husband. I have been diagnosed with depression and the doctor gave me pills but they did not help. i am at the point where it is affecting my children and my marriage. if anyone can help that would be great. i have an appointment with a psychologist in two weeks. i have had blood work done and they say everything is fine. help if you can!!!
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Default Jan 29, 2009 at 07:33 PM
Hey there, patience is a virtue and a complete nuisance!! You are doing all the right things.......starting the journey the healthiest way.

Waiting for a diagnosis is the hardest time.......you know what they say......"Acknowledging that you have a problem is the hardest step of all".

Take your husband with you to your second session if u both feel comfortable with that.......he will need to learn coping skills as well as you. It is a journey that would be good to take together.

Straying off the path is not uncommon.....we are all human. Its getting back on the path that is the true test and the most satisfying.

Your kids will be fine. I have been mentally ill all my sons life and he is 14 now and he is a lovely, caring, cheeky boy. It is not bliss all the time and we still have the normal family disagreements, but he is well adjusted, does well at school, has good friends, and has a good social conscience.

Good luck and keep us posted.........keep breathing deeply and peacefully......be still when you can and an answer will come.

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JourneyUpward's Avatar
Member Since May 2008
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Default Jan 29, 2009 at 08:14 PM
Hi My2kids, I too was first diagnosed with Major Depression and treated by my old family doctor with an antidepressant. I kept slowly getting worse and my new family doctor sent me to a neuropsychologist who, after testing sent me to a psychiatrist. I was so tired of doctors, tests and the antidepressant that didn't seem to help. My psychiatrist (Pdoc) took me off the Paxil and started me on a low dose of Cymbalta--another antidepressant while coming off the paxil. It was the worst 4 weeks of my life while we got the dose right and got the paxil out of my system. BUT it was worth it once we finally added lamictal and later seroquel, again fairly low doses. I am so much better, pretty stable with just occasional mild depressive or hypomanic swings. If your "depressed state" is full of energy along with the irritability, you might ask the psychologist if you might fit the description for cyclothymia or some form of bipolar. You sound alot like what I went through, but I'm no doctor. I have cyclothymia which is a milder type of Bipolar II disorder. It can still kick the living daylights out of someone even though its supposed to be "milder". Hope you find a proper diagnosis and treatment. Be totally honest with your new doc--don't hide anything if you can manage it. Also, my doc said that the journal I keep of my moods and thoughts has helped him tremendously in figuring out how to help me. I bring my notes every visit and he reads them and then we discuss what he thinks is significant. Its been an awesome tool because I tend to forget the details between visits. I hope this helps. I wish you wellness, Journey
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