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Default Apr 29, 2015 at 11:38 AM
I haven't heard back yet from my boss we all just text so I sent her one about an hour ago in a frantic attempt to abandon someone before they leave me, which oddly had nothing to do with my job ugh but I want to go back home and feel safe. I felt rejected by my boyfriend this morning and the end results...I hurt his feelings and quit my job. Fml. Maybe the saddest part is I just don't care anymore.


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I have BPD or Autism or both, we may never know, the focus is always the symptoms, not the diagnosis
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Default Apr 29, 2015 at 07:19 PM
Thunder Goddess. Sorry you had such a hurtful day.

Hope you spend some time here on PC until you feel a little better.

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Default Apr 30, 2015 at 04:08 AM
Quitting jobs... I know that one only too well! Sometimes it's hard when you have BPD to deal with the outside world, or at least to deal with it on terms that aren't your own. I get so stressed by anything work-related - always feel criticised or not good enough.
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