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lizardlady's Avatar
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Default Oct 30, 2020 at 01:39 PM
Oh pfrog!

I know you are frightened about the surgery, but think you are wise to have it. I like your attitude about having things you still want to do in life. I get peeved when I hear talk about us old folk like we are disposable.
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Default Oct 31, 2020 at 01:55 AM
Still trying to heal from Covid19. It turns out my niece and nephew contacted Covid19 at their in person school. Which is how we all (mom, stepdad and grandma) ended up with Covid19. Me and my teenager were helping them with homework and running errands for my grandma. We’re all on antibiotics plus me and my teenager are on additional medications for our rare diseases. My teenager tested positive for Covid19 Friday, October 30th, 2020.

My beginning symptoms were terrible. My fever continuously spikes 100.7 and 100.8, diarrhea, chills, dizziness, loss of appetite, lots of sleeping, very fatigue and my two rare diseases continued to flare up. My treatment at a Mayo Clinic location has been pushed back.

Having Covid19 is not only Horrible. If There is an Emergency with Your MINOR CHILD. Local Hospitals Will Make You Wait Outside in the Parking Lot. Happened to Us Thursday . #coronavirus

Spoons are a visual representation used as a unit of measure to quantify how much energy individuals with disabilities and chronic illnesses have throughout a given day.

1). Depression
2). PTSD
3). Anxiety
4). Hashimoto
5). Fibromyalgia
6). Asthma
7). Atopic dermatitis
8). Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria
9). Hereditary Angioedema (HAE-normal C-1)
10). Gluten sensitivity
11). EpiPen carrier
12). Food allergies, medication allergies and food intolerances. .
13). Alopecia Areata
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Red face Nov 02, 2020 at 05:25 AM
Elections ... Ugh!

Meanwhile, Just Around The Corner ...

Fibromyalgia Check-In Thread #5 ...

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Cocosurviving's Avatar
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Default Nov 04, 2020 at 02:00 AM
I’m happy to report that I have been 5 days without a fever, chills, diarrhea, vomiting and fatigue. My appetite is not quite returned and my taste buds are still a bit off. However I’m able to hold down more foods than prior. My teenager’s Covid19 symptoms have subsided a lot as well. I’ve just completed all my antibiotics and my teenager is not done yet.

I’ve been a little nervous because I’ve been experiencing a lot of pain, cramping in both my hands and fingers. Several of my family members have different forms of arthritis. I’m not sure if this is part of my fibromyalgia or if it’s possibly arthritis or something else. Take care everyone.

Spoons are a visual representation used as a unit of measure to quantify how much energy individuals with disabilities and chronic illnesses have throughout a given day.

1). Depression
2). PTSD
3). Anxiety
4). Hashimoto
5). Fibromyalgia
6). Asthma
7). Atopic dermatitis
8). Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria
9). Hereditary Angioedema (HAE-normal C-1)
10). Gluten sensitivity
11). EpiPen carrier
12). Food allergies, medication allergies and food intolerances. .
13). Alopecia Areata
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Exclamation Nov 04, 2020 at 04:57 AM
Hoping you continue to heal well pfrom the Covid @Cocosurviving ...

Sorry to hear about the extra pain you're experiencing in hands and pfingers.

As if you don't already have enough to deal with!

Maybe that's just a side effect of the covid meds and will pfade away as they leave your system ...

Keeping Pfroggy Pfingers Crossed Pfor You!

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Exclamation Nov 04, 2020 at 05:20 AM
It appears that MetLife is going to deny the mental health portion of my LTD Claim ...

I reckon I'm okay with that since it is not the primary issue anyway.

However, If they decline the physical health portion, that's gonna be a whole other matter!

Hoping the one doesn't impact the other as pfar as that decision goes.

Keeping Pfroggy Pfingers Crossed Pfor Me Too!

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Exclamation Nov 06, 2020 at 06:02 AM
Insurance companies can be so pfrustrating at best and downright evil at worst!

I also have arthritis in other joints & my disability attorney needs x-rays of these joints to help bolster my LTD & SSDI Claims.

Well, good old Anthem-BCBS informed me that I would have to get a referral pfor each doctor I would need to see at the Orthopedic Clinic.

That would be 4 referrals (different doctors specialize in different joints), 4 different appointments, 4 different co-pays, etc. ...


I don't have the mental capacity to deal with all that right now!

Getting me to and through this hip replacement surgery this month is my #1 priority & pfocus right now!

So, during my appointment with my Primary Care Physician yesterday, I explained the situation to him.

He totally agreed with me and sent me pfor imaging at the same place that did the x-rays of my hip back in August.

So, now, in addition to the hip, we also have images of:

- Left Foot (ankle)
- Both Knees
- Lower Back
- Both Hands
- Right Shoulder

Thankfully this imaging center is "in-network" so no worries there either.

Needless to say, my PCP, the imaging center and the x-ray technician are on my gratitude list today!

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Default Nov 06, 2020 at 06:02 PM
Pfrog, looking at your list we have arthritis in the same areas. Glad your doc is a wise one!
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Exclamation Nov 07, 2020 at 11:57 AM
Sorry we got the sames @lizardlady ...

I am thankful pfor my PCP & Disability Lawyer ... They're making sure all my bases are covered!

Lots of good peeps on my gratitude list today ... YOU Included!

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Unhappy Nov 12, 2020 at 08:00 AM
Pfrog is going to cancel the surgery.

I hope to eventually be able to do it, but I'm just not there yet.

It's quite pfrightening in and of itself (so invasive & there are risks).

Then there's the edge of the cliff looming out there.

Barreling towards it and no answers on LTD.

Not knowing if I'll have income after the end of the year.

It's so overwhelming, and I guess it boils down to the devil you know vs the devil you don't know.

It's not just the surgery, it's life & logistics too.

Hopefully I can eventually get myself there, but I'm still of the opinion that there's no point in breaking my mind while trying to pfix my hip!

All will come together in due time I reckon.

Thanks for listening ...

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Default Nov 12, 2020 at 12:40 PM
Pfrog, do what's right for you hon. I wish we could offer you some real world support.
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Red face Nov 21, 2020 at 05:34 AM
Fibromyalgia Check-In Thread #5 ...

Thanks for this!
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Unhappy Nov 24, 2020 at 05:44 AM
Fibromyalgia Check-In Thread #5 ...
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Red face Nov 25, 2020 at 02:19 PM
Great News, @lizardlady & @~Christina ... MetLife contacted me around lunchtime and my LTD Claim with them has been approved!

I broke down and cried, but this time they were tears of relief & joy!


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Default Nov 25, 2020 at 03:25 PM

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Red face Nov 25, 2020 at 05:37 PM
Hot Damn Indeed @lizardlady ...

Appreciate all your kind words of encouragement and support along the way!

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Red face Nov 26, 2020 at 04:27 AM
All Hail The Mighty Turkey ...

Fibromyalgia Check-In Thread #5 ...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanks for this!
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Default Nov 28, 2020 at 09:56 AM
I fall down go BOOM!

In the greater scheme of things this is not a big deal, but I need to whine.

Wednesday I went and bought a load of hay. After I finished unloading I did something I've done a million times before. I hopped backwards off the tailgate. Never been a problem before. This time when I landed my knees gave out I fell backwards onto my butt and back. Got a good smack on the back of my head when it hit the floor. I laid there for a minute to check that everything still worked and crawled to my feet. My left shoulder still is stiff.

I told a friend about it later in the day. She reminded me I'm not 20 anymore. Ok, lesson learned. From now on I will carefully climb down from the truck like a little old lady.

Do the rest of you do this? My body has no problem reminding me I'm an old fart, but in my head I'm still young.
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Red face Nov 28, 2020 at 03:36 PM
Goodness, @lizardlady ... ... !!!

Yes, it sucks to have the body give out before the head and heart do!

Humor helps, but it sure would be nice to age backwards instead of pforwards!

It would also be nice to have the springiness we had in our step back in our 20's & 30's ...

Here's to the spirit us old pfarts have ... Even if the pflesh is getting weak!

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Default Nov 28, 2020 at 04:01 PM
Here's to us!
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