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Old Sep 22, 2024, 05:06 PM
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MuddyBoots MuddyBoots is offline
Monster on the Hill
Member Since: Sep 2020
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absolutely break as much as mentally breaking is possible simply because you cannot handle this world and all it's...worldliness.

You just get sick of breaking down over the tiniest little things. Calling your team's emergency line saying it is too much just because someone laughed too loud, and you know they're thinking "shyt, this chick is a dilapidated, previously en fuego building in a tornado."

And then you calm down.

Only to drop a fking water bottle and hide in the bathtub.

and calm down.

and repeat

and they keep saying "you always calm down" well, yeah, but is not freaking out worth freaking out every time a squirrel makes sound running through leaves every day?

wtf man. wtf.
[Insert thought-provoking and comedic quote here]
Hugs from:
BeyondtheRainbow, mote.of.soul, SquarePegGuy, unaluna, Yaowen

Old Sep 27, 2024, 02:57 PM
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Yaowen Yaowen is offline
Grand Magnate
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I am so sorry you are in that situation. I suffer from something similar but in my particular case it is tied to full-symptom or limited-symptom panic attacks. I am not knowledgeable enough to know what is causing the distress you describe. But it sounds awful especially since it keeps on repeating. How heartbreaking!

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